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Everything posted by Troyhe98

  1. Also, is there a difference between the LTE 800kHz and Spark. I get confused how Sprint is branding it. If they are different do we know when 800Mhz roll out will be completed and how far along with it they are now?
  2. Anyone have an idea what the completion percentage is for the Spark roll out in Tampa is?
  3. Interesting, I was there Saturday night at the Brass Tap and it was slow as molasses. Using Facebook was painfully slow for my wife.
  4. The true test will be a walking inside the mall on the weekend and being able to use data.
  5. Does that mean that it is up and running? Or just that the equipment is installed?
  6. Anyone know why the LTE Network Vision completion updates haven't been updated since August 23rd?
  7. Was at the Brandon Mall thus past weekend. Still no useable data, texts continue to fail, and voice unreliable. It has been years like this. Anyone know what the hold up is?
  8. No, I just got the HTC One a few months back.
  9. Will our current phones be able to take advantage of 800mhz?
  10. Well then things will only get better :-)
  11. Has anyone had any luck getting a solid 4G LTE signal indoors? I work near downtown (Ybor area) and the coverage is still very medicore at best in that area.
  12. @thtguyuknw's I too have had this issue. I have called Sprint (of course they tell you to bring in your phone) and they tell me they see upgrades for the area coming within 90 days...I get frustrated by not being able to have reliable data coverage, but keep trying to be optimistic.
  13. Way too many "fair coverage" areas in Tampa. From my experience, "fair" has meant 4g icon on my phone, but minimal data (3g is usually faster). Anyone else experiencing this?
  14. That is my exact same issue I have. I am trying to be optimistic and believing this will get better for in building coverage?
  15. Just read the announcement for the Tampa market being live. I work near the I4/I275 junction and 4G shows on my phone, but I get no data unless I switch to 3G. Seems odd to officially launch a market when you can't even use it in the city name for the market.
  16. Anyone seen any CDMA 800 out in Tampa Bay yet? Can't wait for some better voice coverage/strength with NV.
  17. To my knowledge they have not turned on 800mhz yet. I know I will be excited when the do, I haven't been able to use my phone inside my house for 2 years.
  18. I am yet to have a good signal indoors either.
  19. Things have really progressed. Now time to fill in the areas. Hi density areas still seem to be an issue. For example inside the Brandon mall.
  20. A bit disappointed it won't support 800 LTE, but from what I understand neither will the S4.
  21. Getting the new HTC One on Friday. I plan on driving around a lot mapping around east side of Tampa.
  22. Will our Sprint phones automatically pick up the 800 MHz signals?
  23. I really expected the map to have been filled in more. It still looks like it is expanding, but not getting solid coverage.
  24. Do you think it will change as more sites roll out or is the signal not strong enough with LTE
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