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Thoughts on bailing Sprint for Verizon San Diego?


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Excellent breakdown, pyroscott, thanks!


.....So simple even a snowtrooper can understand it.....:D



For me, the most worrying aspect of switching to VZN is this:


They also have no ability to throw more spectrum at LTE with the current crop of devices, the only options are to roll out LTE on cellular band or PCS for the iPhone 5, or roll out on AWS, but they have zero phones that support AWS LTE at this time



Thanks again to everyone who chimed in with helpfull replies.


I've got untill Friday to make my choice:


Move to VZN:

Faster data now w/ 4G LTE & new iPhone 5 but higher monthly bill. Likely dimminishing data speeds as subscriber levels reach critical mass.


Stay on Sprint:

Slow data (now), iPhone 4S (so no 4G LTE), unlimited data plan w/ "friends and family" discount, possible increased data speeds very soon.


If I do jump ship to VZN, I will definitely be keeping my eye on Sprint.

I have always been excited about the possibilities for network vision since first reading about it in October of last year......

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The fact is that every carrier has their problems/dilemmas even VZN. There is no one "perfect" carrier that suits everyone. For me I stay with Sprint because of the unlimited data and low price. Also I haven't had too many dropped calls on Sprint unlike those on AT&T who have a ton of dropped calls.


But I have to say that VZN is well managed in that they were able to convince the FCC to give them near nationwide licenses of AWS spectrum from the SpectrumCo deal and realized that having all low freq for LTE was not a feasible long term plan. A combo of low and high freq is the way to go for any carrier.

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I'm looking at buying the iPhone 5 for sprint, i'm just a bit worried that it will take a long time for 4G LTE to come to San Diego. 3G is so much slower and every time i think about it i would just like to move over to Verizon, would you wait for the LTE to come to San Diego even if it takes 6 months?

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Went to the darkside for now:


By no means am I encouraging anyone to leave Sprint' date=' just worked out for my needs now.

I will be keeping a close eye on Sprint........[/quote']


Boooo! Boooo!


"No, Sir. They are saying Boooo-urns! Booo-urns."


Robert via Samsung Galaxy S-III 32GB using Forum Runner

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Went to the darkside for now:


Turned to the dark side, have you? May you have to endure this ringing in your ears for eternity...





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Just wanted to thank everyone for all the input and patience.



Looking back over the past 11 months, our highest monthly data usage was 1.8 GB.



We obviously are not data hogs, and do most of any serious usage at home on WiFi, so I'm not even certain that unlimited data is a carrot worth chasing. I would like to have that available, should those usage needs increase due to technology or changing family habits.



What I'm currently struggling with is the frustration over the past year over slow data speeds on Sprint while out and about in town. I did believe in network vision, and that Apple would not have released flagship device on a crippled network if there was no resolution in site.


A little background:


My family is using 3 iPhone 4S's, purchased on launch day last October when we started Sprint service.

I noticed right away the slow 3G data speeds, and opened a trouble ticked within a few days. After the initial runaround from the low level CSR's of endless phantom tower outages, PRL update suggestions and shifting the blame to Apple, and with a bit of persistence, I was able to get credit for premium data charges on all three lines for the first 5 moths. I then ht a wall with them, and it was getting increasingly difficult to get any real time frame for expected upgrades. I decided to file a FCC complaint. It was effective in regard that I now had a top level trouble ticket that could not be closed and had a easier time with continued premium data fee credits to my account, but the communication was sporadic at best.

Through my conversations with sprint techs, I was able to glean that build-out here would start near the end of 2011, and may be online as soon as 1st quarter 2012.

As an early adopter, I was looking forward to the newest iPhone 5, and was hopeful that the inclusion of LTE and better reception via redesigned antenna would afford me a small modicum of improved data speeds now, and a HUGE improvement once network vision was initiated in my area and shortly after deployed.

I approached my contact in Executive and Regulatory Services department in an effort to secure permission for a subsidized early upgrade on my line with a new two year contract. After nearly a week, she returned my call. To my great surprise, she informed me they were prepared to let me out of my contract without any ETF's. They were adamant that was all they could (were willing) do and that was my only choice. It was unbelievable they would rather churn me as opposed to letting me get a device that would possibly alleviate my issues in the short term and likely completely eradicate them once network vision was deployed in my city.

Unless....they don't see any relief in the future for my speed issue and/or they are looking for an easy out to get rid of a customer that filed an FCC complaint.



At this time I started my research into LTE deployment on various carriers. From that admittedly limited effort from less than cohesive sources, I really started to doubt network vision's ability to provide me with the quality of LTE service I was looking for. By all appearances the big two were offering that in abundance.

It was my limited understanding the best (ease of transmission, superior building penetration) LTE frequencies were the lower 700 to 900 range, and that big blue and red had snatched most of that up while Sprint was fumbling about with WinMax.

Since Sprint was left scrambling for appropriate LTE frequency, they had very little spectrum of what they did have, forcing them to broadcast on a less than efficient single carrier configuration.

That was my thought joining this forum, and since joining in a effort to discern real time line for LTE deployment (which has corroborated my info of the first quarter 2013.



I have since come to the realization that my conclusions were way off base, but it has not been made clear why Sprint’s LTE may or may not be better than the other 2 big providers. While I appreciate the participation of members here in this thread, I think I'm more confused than ever.



I really hope to be able to make an informed choice based on at least a basic idea of best LTE deployment strategies, frequency use and spectrum availability for each carrier.



I also worry that Sprint may not survive for long, may be gobbled up by one of the big two, merge with T-Mobile or even bought by Apple.

With less than a week until my penalty free contract dissolution offer expires, I appreciate everyone’s efforts to help me make that decision.



Again, thanks and apologies for butchering any of the technical info above...


A lil story of mine one day me and my fam was chilling at the house all 6 of us got smart phones all androids and all using the Comcast WiFi because one we all are data hogs and 2 its no reception in our apt but right outside full 4g but the Comcast servers messed up one day and everybody had to stop coin what they was doin except me because I'm on sprint one and my girl because she's with us cellular and doesn't use much data besides Comcast's or her job. I love having unlimited to fall back on in case Comcast f up


Sent from my White Epic 4g Touch rockin Jellybean

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Went to the darkside for now: 695E6606-3F69-4293-A4B8-96E767FFBD93-682-0000006A31086138_zps1a65f476.jpg


By no means am I encouraging anyone to leave Sprint, just worked out for my needs now.

I will be keeping a close eye on Sprint........


I knew it!!! I told you in my posts to move to Verizon because I knew deep down from the tone of your posts that you were pretty disgusted with Sprint 3G speeds/lack of 4G and weren't willing to wait a second longer. Also you seemed to be really impressed with Verizon's LTE speeds and coverage so it was kind of a no brainer. I knew it was going to be much easier for you to just switch to Verizon and not deal with this Sprint Network Vision mumble jumble and trying to cram all this information which probably won't really help your current situation anyways.


I am glad you finally made your decision. Maybe in 2 years you can re-evaluate your decision and of course Sprint will have LTE full deployed nationwide in 800 and 1900 MHz with all of its cell towers/backhaul equipment upgraded.

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you were pretty disgusted with Sprint 3G speeds


More discouraged. I was surprised they were more willing to cut me loose than allow me an early upgrade.

I waited patiently for 11 months for them to get up to speed, what's a few months to them? I would have signed a new 2 year contract....

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More discouraged. I was surprised they were more willing to cut me loose than allow me an early upgrade.

I waited patiently for 11 months for them to get up to speed' date=' what's a few months to them? I would have signed a new 2 year contract....[/quote']


I'm not surprised one bit. Sprint, as with all wireless carriers, is trying to make money, and would rather be rid of people who are unhappy with their service and very vocal about it. They had been giving you service discounts for how long and then you wanted a $350 early upgrade on top of that. It made no sense for them to comply. They used to cancel service for people who called customer service too much. With you, they cut their losses.

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Went to the darkside for now: 695E6606-3F69-4293-A4B8-96E767FFBD93-682-0000006A31086138_zps1a65f476.jpg


By no means am I encouraging anyone to leave Sprint, just worked out for my needs now.

I will be keeping a close eye on Sprint........


I ended up getting Verizon iPhone 5, the LTE speeds are amazing! If and when my contract is done for, i will go to sprint if they have LTE and unlimited.

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I'm not surprised one bit. Sprint, as with all wireless carriers, is trying to make money, and would rather be rid of people who are unhappy with their service and very vocal about it. They had been giving you service discounts for how long and then you wanted a $350 early upgrade on top of that. It made no sense for them to comply. They used to cancel service for people who called customer service too much. With you, they cut their losses.


You make it sound like I had no reason to be calling customer service, and was expecting too much by at least hoping to get the minimum data speeds advertised.....

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You make it sound like I had no reason to be calling customer service, and was expecting too much by at least hoping to get the minimum data speeds advertised.....


When did I imply that?


What I said was that you were unhappy with their service, and very vocal about it. You were not only costing them potential revenue by them giving you service credits, but you were tying up their CSRs every month, costing them money, and depending on your location, the end was not near. Then, you ask for an early upgrade to the iPhone 5...


Was an early upgrade credit to the iPhone 5 going to solve your data speed problem? No, not a chance.


Their offer was reasonable IMHO, either they continue to give you service credits, or "here's the door, ETF free."


You have every right to expect the advertised service, and every right to call Sprint and complain. They have every right to end their business relationship with an upset customer.

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When did I imply that?


What I said was that you were unhappy with their service, and very vocal about it. You were not only costing them potential revenue by them giving you service credits, but you were tying up their CSRs every month, costing them money, and depending on your location, the end was not near. Then, you ask for an early upgrade to the iPhone 5...


Was an early upgrade credit to the iPhone 5 going to solve your data speed problem? No, not a chance.


Their offer was reasonable IMHO, either they continue to give you service credits, or "here's the door, ETF free."


You have every right to expect the advertised service, and every right to call Sprint and complain. They have every right to end their business relationship with an upset customer.


Well said. Sometimes you have to cut your losses with a customer. This doesn't make the customer in error. It just means sometimes you cannot be a good fit for that customers needs, and they realize they cannot provide the service for the customer as they expect. In this instance, both parties are better off.


Just like S4GRU is not a good fit for everyone who wants to discuss the Sprint network. With some people, we just need to part ways. :)



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  • 2 weeks later...
Just like S4GRU is not a good fit for everyone who wants to discuss the Sprint network. With some people, we just need to part ways. :)





Not so fast! :D

After all that, I wound up returning the deivces and cancelling my contract w/VZN.

Was not happy with the cellular phone service (many dropped calls ) and the limited 4G LTE near my home. VZN 4G "limited" service was no better than current Sprint 3G data speeds.

Not worth the extra dough....

Going to ride this out with Sprint. More hopeful about Sprint's future than VZN's current capabilities.

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Not so fast! :D

After all that, I wound up returning the deivces and cancelling my contract w/VZN.

Was not happy with the cellular phone service (many dropped calls ) and the limited 4G LTE near my home. VZN 4G "limited" service was no better than current Sprint 3G data speeds.

Not worth the extra dough....

Going to ride this out with Sprint. More hopeful about Sprint's future than VZN's current capabilities.


Holy moly! I almost choked on my cherry coke when I read this. Surprising. Thanks for the update. :w00t:



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Haha, welcome back to the fold snow...this just goes to show that the grass isn't always automatically nor universally greener on the other side.


Not greener for me, by a longshot....

To add insult to injury, I paid cash (1500) for 5's at VZN store.

On competing the return, employee said I could expect my mailed refund in a few weeks....

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Ouch! Here's hoping that's accurate and your refund check doesn't get lost in the mail, that's a large chunk of change. I'm too old fashioned and have too much of my parents/upbringing in me I guess....I recently moved to the Photon Q and waited until I could hit a Sams Club in Nashville convieniently that sold Sprint phones and was carrying it for roughly $75 even then before I got it. Its still just under $200 even now if you went directly through Sprint, Best Buy finally went down to $99 and several other retailers eventually followed suit.

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