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Defective LTE radio?


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So for the last 24 hours I haven't been able to connect to lte at all. Now I have my girls evo that is connected just fine to lte as well as my gnex that is also connected just fine but on my main evo absolutely will not connect. I have tried every single troubleshooting technique there is to try, is it safe to assume that the lte radio is defective? 3g is fine but no 4g at all.

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So for the last 24 hours I haven't been able to connect to lte at all. Now I have my girls evo that is connected just fine to lte as well as my gnex that is also connected just fine but on my main evo absolutely will not connect. I have tried every single troubleshooting technique there is to try, is it safe to assume that the lte radio is defective? 3g is fine but no 4g at all.


That is odd and would make suspect the radio.



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So for the last 24 hours I haven't been able to connect to lte at all. Now I have my girls evo that is connected just fine to lte as well as my gnex that is also connected just fine but on my main evo absolutely will not connect. I have tried every single troubleshooting technique there is to try, is it safe to assume that the lte radio is defective? 3g is fine but no 4g at all.


I had the 3G radio go bad on my first EVO LTE. That was about a month ago. No matter what I tried, could not get it to connect to 3G anywhere. Texts and calls worked, but no 3G. No idea if 4G would have worked, was in Colorado at the time. I took it into a nearby Sprint store, told them I thought the radio was defective, the guy played with it for about a minute, and then handed me a brand new one. I would just go into a Sprint store (one that's in an active LTE area!) and show them.

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I had the 3G radio go bad on my first EVO LTE. That was about a month ago. No matter what I tried, could not get it to connect to 3G anywhere. Texts and calls worked, but no 3G. No idea if 4G would have worked, was in Colorado at the time. I took it into a nearby Sprint store, told them I thought the radio was defective, the guy played with it for about a minute, and then handed me a brand new one. I would just go into a Sprint store (one that's in an active LTE area!) and show them.


I am heading there in a few, but I am afraid that I will end up losing the ability to s-off in the foreseeable future if they hand me a new one.

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I am heading there in a few, but I am afraid that I will end up losing the ability to s-off in the foreseeable future if they hand me a new one.


Never rooted my phone, never felt the need, so don't even know what that means! But I can see how that would be a problem. Can't help ya there!

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I am heading there in a few, but I am afraid that I will end up losing the ability to s-off in the foreseeable future if they hand me a new one.


No luck with them handing me a new one but they did order one for me, hopefully its new and not refurbished. The guy said it will be there friday which it better be since I have a flight to catch first thing saturday morning.

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That is odd and would make suspect the radio.




Ok, so I have a replacement evo coming in tomorrow but I got a question for you. My main evo has finally decided to connect to 4g once again but what I have been noticing more now is the fact that 3g and 4g has been bouncing all over the place and have been ridiculously inconsistent but in the mean time my girls evo and my gnex continues to work just perfectly. So my question is with all three phones currently being connected to the same tower, can a tower issue severely impact one phone while the other work just fine?

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Ok, so I have a replacement evo coming in tomorrow but I got a question for you. My main evo has finally decided to connect to 4g once again but what I have been noticing more now is the fact that 3g and 4g has been bouncing all over the place and have been ridiculously inconsistent but in the mean time my girls evo and my gnex continues to work just perfectly. So my question is with all three phones currently being connected to the same tower, can a tower issue severely impact one phone while the other work just fine?


Yes, it can. However, you traveled to the Sprint store and had a problem there too, right? On a completely different site?


I think you may be having an intermittent problem with your device. Just my opinion. I have been wrong a lot today, though. :)



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Yes, it can. However, you traveled to the Sprint store and had a problem there too, right? On a completely different site?


I think you may be having an intermittent problem with your device. Just my opinion. I have been wrong a lot today, though. :)




Yeah, that's what I was thinking so I decided to go to a few different areas and it was still doing the same thing while the other two phones where just fine. Various locations didn't make much of a difference plus it was doing the same thing at the Sprint store as well.

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