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Any upcoming Sprint LTE tablets?


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Anybody heard of any Sprint LTE tablets here in the near future? I was thinking about picking up the Nexus 7 as my first tablet, but thought if Sprint were to release a LTE tablet I would pick it up if it wasn't too much on the monthly bill.


I would hope HTC would try to make a new LTE tablet for Sprint but unsure of HTC's tablet future.

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Interesting topic and it makes me think that it may just happen, since Sprint did say that about 15 devices (I think it was 15) would be introduce by the end of the year that would be LTE. Its only natural to assume that tablets or a laptop would be one of them.



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I'm hoping Sprint can release at least one decent LTE tablet soon. I have the HTC EVO View (which is getting old) and that's been discontinued with nothing comparable to replace it. They're falling way behind Verizon and AT&T at this time.

Edited by stevenflaugher
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They may still release an iPad with Sprint LTE this year.


Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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I pre-ordered a nexus 7, of course it is wifi only. So I added a 2gb of hotspot data to my sprint plan for $19.99. I expect to use my new tablet mostly on other wifi sources but when I am out and about, my evo 4g lte should take care of my needs pretty well. Of course now I have to wait on LTE service in my area.

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Is iPad on the Sprint network a real possibility, and if so, when?

One of the reasons why Sprint was not included in the last iPad is because Apple does not want to put out a Sprint LTE iPad when there was no LTE network up and running. Folks would have gotten it and notice that the speeds were not there and blame Apple. Apple does not want that and understandably so. But it is my opinion that they will introduce the Sprint version once the LTE network is up and running in a few places. Whether that is this year I can't say for sure, but come to the network, it will. Now it doesn't have to be at a annual iPad unveiling either since I do believe Verizon got their iPad after AT&T's contract was up.



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