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Google looking to block Shipments of iPhone and iPad?


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F Apple....I am so tired of their non competition iProduct bans against Android. MS, and Apple deserve to be in the same boat they have put people.


Bull crap patent infringement rules are just attempts to block competition. Now all of a sudden the justice of harming competition and profit are on the table for MS, and Apple. Let the chips fall where they may.....ban their asses.

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I'm frustrated by the whole thing too. However, this is not an Android forum, it is a Sprint forum. Lets keep our posts focused on debate points. We are not going to be an anti-Apple board. It is acceptable to write well thought out and explained critical comments of Apple. Lets just keep it constructive.


Robert via Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

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Did you see the update that was posted? About Google not choosing to file an injunction, yet? I think thats something both, or all companies need to look at. "Hey, we have the means to stop your product from entering the US, but lets work something out, and end this madness"

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Just like I cannot support when apple does it, I cannot support googles actions.



Sidenote: Aren't these the Frand patents that motorola and apple have been fighting over? Googlorla needs to watch out, because they could end up making these patents void, since they have to license these at fair prices.




This article talks about the FTC investigating the patent abuse.

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