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EVO LTE shipments are confirmed delayed




by Robert Herron
Sprint 4G Rollout Updates
Tuesday, May 15, 2012 - 6:59 PM MDT


Earlier today, S4GRU.com reported that shipments of the new EVO LTE are being delayed. We took a lot of heat from folks that thought we were full of it. But I had so much faith in my source that I ran the story anyway taking the shots on the chin. Not 100% sure even myself, but knew this source was solid. So I pulled the trigger and hoped it panned out. And now The Verge is reporting the cause of the delay...customs.

Those sneaky bastards at Apple have apparently been able to get customs to hold the EVO LTE and the HTC One X from getting through customs. The grounds for holding the devices are due to them possibly infringing on Apple patents. Supposedly, the hold is indefinite. This may take weeks to resolve. Sprint is now taking down the Pre-Order ability on their site. However, it is possible that if the devices are not found to be in violation, that they make it back into the supply chain with just a few days delay. And it's not known if all are being held, or if some made it through.

According to our internal Sprint source that told us about the delay this morning, Sprint management is meeting first thing tomorrow morning to come up with a mitigation plan and what and how they will communicate this to the public. However, now, and until further notice, Sprint employees are no longer allowed to reference the May 18th launch date.

Sorry folks for being the bearer of bad news. But once again, S4GRU.com broke the story first. We just had it so early, that we didn't know all the details.


Source: Internal Sprint Source, The Verge


EDIT: Fixed a typo...evidently, deplayed is not a word. Thanks Odell!

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Here's a fun analogy.Let's say you want to go to a party on Saturday, but on Monday, your mom tells you that you have to clean your room and show her it's clean before you can go. You clean your room on Thursday and tell her it's ready to be checked. She doesn't come and check your room until Sunday.Reports are that HTC has been waiting over a month for approval, they did not "play chicken" as you called it and simply try to pass their product through customs without addressing the situation.The hate towards Apple comes from the nature of the patent to begin with, as it's such an obvious function and such a minor addition to the overall package. Part of this blame should also be on the system as well, which allows for such a situation to occur. Restricting things to this level can result in a stifling of advancements as competitors borrow minor ideas from one another and continue to improve upon them. This is bad for us, as consumers because it can slow the development of technologies and improvements into every day items we purchase.I'm all for protecting intellectual property when that property is a true advancement or a significant piece of the puzzle, but not when it's an incidental addition that is so obvious as far as functionality is concerned.


Wish I had two more hands so I can give this post 4 thumbs up.

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I said that it is a fun analogy (light hearted).

I'm sorry what i said but as echo4papa says there not trying to cheat the system its just the systems to slow and they have been waiting for clearance. and it's like apple is a shit stain on HTC's carpet that they just can't get out.

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Just received an update email from Best Buy stating that my pick up date has changed from 5/18 to 5/23. Hopefully this means that the wheels are turning again and the phones are moving through customs......

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Just got off the phone with the local sprint corporate store and the guy told me that they will have some for tomorrow, not sure if I should believe him though.

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Could it be that HTC's fix foiled the plans of "The Bad" Apple (imagine DC adding that villian to the Justice League).


Is this issue HTC fault, Apple's, or the system? I think it is a combination of all of them. Everyone has a right to protect their inventory or intellectual ideas. Everyone has a right to be protected by the law. Yet I believe this problem falls into the "grey" area. Our system was started with the right intentions and a great idea, but over time men and women have caused it to lose some of its way down the roads of "other intentions and ideas". Just sayin.

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