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Everything posted by twospirits

  1. AHA, so here it went. I thought it went poof. Scott can you move my post to the USB Dongle Jig thread. Thanks TS
  2. Strange, I wrote a post on my laptop and thought I sent it earlier today with those links, but alas the ghost of post past stepped in and made the post go poof. lol Oh well, So yeah, for a while now, I figured that Motorola might have something like that, but getting someone to spill the beans confirming that they do is like pulling teeth. No one want to do it. lol TS
  3. I agree with pyro, every model has a few duds, and for those (like me) that just have to have the first generation of a new model, comes the uncertainty of early bugs, or things just not working as they should. Its the nature of the game. But one that I don't mind playing since warranty is my best friend. TS
  4. At present time I think its only Robert as Admin/Mod and is the only one that can probably put it in the right spot. TS
  5. Close but no cigar. Availability = out of stock. If all else fails, you can make one yourself.
  6. As usual, the media just gets it wrong. a 1 ends up being a 13 etc etc, and oh... wait... whats this... BREAKING NEWS NOW..... Investigating Reports has just uncovered that s4gru is not a blog run by a 13 year old hacker whose dad works in dealmaking with the Sprint corporation but rather a 13 month super human baby. They have uncovered behind the scenes images of the workplace. The 13 month old at work and his writing staff TS
  7. twospirits


    and the Sprint name mystery continues... link 1 link 2 and although I do rely on wikipedia alot for stuff, in this case I think Denny was more correct. link 3 The History of Sprint incidently, speaking of trivia, this link outlines a brief history of the rise and fall of Telephone competition in the US from 1982 thru 2011. TS
  8. Is the factory cord by Motorola sold anywhere?
  9. Yeah I read that and I can't help to think that maybe it would be good for Sprint to buy out Clear so that Clear does not end up selling spectrum to AT&T and or Verizon. I rather have those two paying Sprint for it and filling Sprints pockets instead. TS
  10. Speaking of the Note, see post. TS
  11. Interesting article as to why a Galaxy Note is the perfect template for a Google Nexus tablet. Compelling points to consider... a 7" tablet (not far from the current 5" Galaxy Note size) Costing less than $200 to compete with the small size kings from Amazon and B&N many Apple iPad users buy a stylus to paint draw and write, the Note has numerous apps for this and ICS has code for it as well. what do you think? TS
  12. hmmm Its going well for Google so it can't be that bad becoming self aware. lol TS
  13. All the above are true. The place kicks butt and that was on beta, imagine now off of it. Congrats and keep up the good work, members and staff alike. TS
  14. aha so this is where it was posted. lol
  15. As much as I try the question has me stumped.
  16. According to this article, Google is considering sharing revenue with carriers such as Verizon and AT&T to get them to embrace Google Wallet among other things. TS
  17. lol I should have checked first. I've been away taking care of a family member in the hospital and when I get in to catch up on the forums I just start posting. TS
  18. Excellent article of Why a Sprint Bankruptcy is Unlikely. TS
  19. Sorry for the back to back post (I hate doing those), but it seems that some how, some way, I got invited by Sprint to go to the event. But what is strange is that I do not recall signing up for anything and its coming from sprintevents@stantoncomm.com which has been used by Sprint in the past. I asked over in the Sprint forums and it seems that it wasn't them. It wasn't S4gru and Phandroid where I'm a mod didn't do it either. So for now its a mystery as how I got invited, but it seems the geek gods have smiled at me, so no need to crash that party. lol I am sure to take images and write up what I see. hmmm maybe I'll win one. That would be sweet. Yea Sprint, Yea HTC. TS
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