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  • Birthday September 9

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    Galaxy S23U
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    Sprint Fan Boy (or Girl)
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  1. Thanks. Now thats surprising since I lived in Elsinore since 2009 and saw no expansion.. hell the tower off railroad canyon by the walmart is still only b25. I know Menifee area was also bad for sprint especially between Ynez and right before you get to the 215.
  2. damn those pictures are nice!
  3. Yeah I agree, well maybe they'll user verify their 5G coverage eventually.
  4. Unless they are doing something with the network at the moment i totally agree. their 5G maps are very deceptive lol
  5. yep you got it. do you know if you're in a 5G area? i have NR as soon as i walk outside at -100. the towers around me havent been upgraded so im picking this up from a pretty distant tower actually.
  6. I wish mine would do that so I don't have to keep disabling and enabling sprint bands. At home my phone parks on unusable signal -122.
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