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Everything posted by maximus1987/lou99

  1. The only reason why they'd increase at all from 78% is to buy all of it.
  2. Will LTE 450 catch on in America? https://www.google.com/search?q=lte+band+450&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en&client=safari
  3. Hmmm. Does softy plan to have 100% of sprint? http://mobile.reuters.com/article/idUSL1N0G70D720130806?irpc=43 Maybe it'll use any plunges in sprint stock as buying opportunities.
  4. Tmibile would be willing. Its towers are only supporting two LTE bands. But since TMO knows its the only option, don't expect them to be a cheap option for dish.
  5. Triband in the house. I'd love to see a future thread where people post their 2.5 ghz speed tests and whether its indoor/outdoor.
  6. Iphone 4 contains 2,4,5,17 Other bands are 29 (supplemental down 700 MHz) and 30 (WCS). Phones with those will be coming ???next year??? Verizon/sprint iphone 5 is 1,3,5,13,25 Band 3 is actually a superset of band 4 so it's useful for Verizon (I think).
  7. What do you mean? Sprint won't bid at all because 3 bands is enough? I disagree. ATT: 2, 4, 5, 17, 29, 30 Verizon: 2, 4, 5, 13 TMO: 2, 4 Sprint: 26, 25, TDD 41 Do you remember what Verizon was able to do with nationwide 10x10 700 MHz? Make billions. And that was with tower density being extremely low even for 700 MHz, as current VZW subs can attest. With 10x10 600 MHz and 1xA voice on ESMR, sprint can economically serve rural areas.
  8. Current sprint is not a beggar. Sprint wouldn't even take Charlie's money in 2011 when it WAS a beggar. Charlie is screwed.
  9. No one except son himself could know if that's really true. Son is not gonna treat Sprint like DT treats TMO: Son is gonna nurture sprint and be understanding. If Sprint is spending $8bil again next year, it's gonna have to be more debt... I don't see Sprint profitable until 2015 when NV is finished AND gmo sites are upgraded AND TDD is widespread and dense enough for word of mouth to advertise sprint. But then they're gonna get into acquiring us cellular and building out where Verizon is sole roaming partner so it'd be amazing if it breaks even 1h2015.
  10. Yeah but you have to look at WHY they lost do much money. Also, US is still an incredibly high arpu country. I read a quote from a European telco exec saying that METROPCS' arpu of $40 was "wonderful". Think of all the profits ATT and Verizon have been able to gobble up. ATT's annual DIVIDEND alone is $10 bil with leftovers for capex, share buybacks, opex. When son is done annihilating duo, people won't call Son a genius but they'll call Deutsche Telekom stupid for trying to escape the us market and for not investing when all it needed was a few billion more.
  11. At the end of the day, you're right: money is money even from an enemy. But unless Charlie ponies up BIG time - and his track record indicates he won't - it's a distraction for sprint to prop up Dish by adding another set of panels for band 24. Remember, sprint still has to add panels for 600 MHz and possibly the upcoming AWS band 3 auction. Unless ATT or Verizon picks it up, apple's not gonna include band 24 in an iphone. The problem with Charlie is that he HAS cultivated a reputation of being an unpredictable poker player and no one wants to do business with someone like that ... unless Charlie's shows sprint the money ... but he won't.
  12. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Son had no care for Dish's uses for TDD 41 spectrum. Dish cost him $1 bil and $3 bil in network upgrade funds. That's A LOT of money. Have you looked at Softy's q2 investor slides? Its current debt to equity ratio is still WAY below why it was when it bought Vodafone Japan. What does Son plan on doing with that spectrum? Umm. Maybe getting more customers?
  13. What does sprint's spectrum have anything to do with hosting Dish's spectrum? Dish's is FDD band 24 and sprint's is FDD 25, 26 and TDD 41.
  14. Sprint is NOT desperate for revenue with daddy soft bucks. Excess 2.5? Who said there will be any excess? As Robert said, if dish truly wanted a deal to host its spectrum, it would've made a deal with sprint following the exit of Lightsquared. But dish wants crazy generous terms that not even flailing sprint agreed to, let alone current sprint. Would you like to work with someone that cost you $1 bil and $3bil in network investments if you didn't have to? Also, your statement "what are they gonna do with excess 2.5" is relevant to Dish's spectrum how? If you mean "what is dish gonna do with its AWS-4 spectrum" then I hope the answer is "rot" and lose the billions Charlie paid for those licenses when the FCC confiscates them for his failure to meet buildout deadlines. He's probably banking on ATT buying AWS-4 but ATT already had the 10x10 WCS that its bringing next year which should be enough.
  15. As a partner to sprint? Sure. If he pays to sprint the $3 bil it cost it and to softy the $1 bil it incurred cause of Charlie's games. That'd be on top of fees for Network hosting. Charlie is desperate because he is losing to directv AND Feds won't let them merge. Let him buy Tmobile. He can't make it worse than it currently is.
  16. They've already admitted it when they said, months ago, they'd have 200 mil instead of 250 mil LTE pops.
  17. Sprint's name is actually Starburst II lol http://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/101830/000010183013000038/sprintq2201310-q.htm
  18. You scared away (from this thread) everyone less knowledgable than you. Lol
  19. Have you looked at all 117 slides of softbank's q2 PDF investor presentation? Link is in the "new sprint" thread. I have. Every single slide. Their subscriber count has been continuously increasing, profit and revenue increasing, debt continuously decreasing (except for sprint purchase) ... I've never been to Japan but if that's what a "sucky" service is able to do, bring it on. Yes, unlimited data will eventually go away for new customers but that'll prolly be in 1.5+ years when the network is rocking and if TMO hasn't kicked it into high gear. But I don't think we'll see anywhere near the pricing as duopoly. My most favoritist slide is the one that shows arpu vs time in Japan. Softy's stayed constant near 4,360 yen while kddi's and ntt's converged to Softy's all while constantly increasing softy's profits. You can't look at today's situation and equate it with Nextel acquisition. The only similarity is "sprint entered into an acquisition agreement". 1) Sprint will be operating LTE+CDMA and soon only LTE with a multi-modal network architecture. This means - I think - LTE and CDMA baseband processing will be running on same network equipment. When CDMA is done, the processing power is shifted to handle more LTE. ???is this technically correct AJ??? No equipment to throw away once CDMA is done ???except some antennas??? 2) CDMA+LTE phones are market proven. 3) Mr. Son knows what he's doing. I really recommend looking at Softy's slides. All 117 pages. 4) sprint has the moola to buy us cellular, Cspire and anyone else it wants to.
  20. I don't think you're far off but it would be Walmart who'd pull the trigger before McDonalds. They're already selling "family mobile" on TMO network and with shared plans (I think). Besides dish, this is the only real acquirer i can think of now. Would Walmart buy 20 MHz of 600 MHz and upgrade all 15k rural towers? Eh. Probably only upgrade where they have a Walmart store. But at least we'd keep a 4th semi national competitor.
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