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Status Updates posted by sbolen

  1. You guys! Christmas is coming early to St. Louis! https://t.co/COnGmDmtrV

  2. RT @kumailn: Imagine being the kind of person who gets upset about the race of a fictional character.

  3. Wild Lights! @ Saint Louis Zoo https://t.co/r9PgEytcFc

  4. RT @benedictfritz: Glad we live in a world where people celebrating Honda Days and those observing Toyotathon can live hand in hand

  5. RT @mattyglesias: O’Malley brought McNulty & Bunk together across racial lines to cut crime in Baltimore.

  6. My favorite part about the optometrist is when the pupils get dialed and I rely on autocorrect to not duck up typing on my iPhone.

  7. Somehow, I slept on the new Tame Impala album. I should make a year-end list of albums I've been meaning to listen to in 2015.

  8. "Now this is podracing!" UGH.

  9. RT @RotoPat: Cubs easily the most unbeatable team since the 2015 Nats. Easily.

  10. RT @Rschooley: NOW is it fair to ask how he was radicalized? https://t.co/siAJVGVj2V

  11. Really hope @Ken_Rosenthal watches that whole gif tbh

  12. RT @politicalwire: No one in Congress has any right to criticize Obama on terrorism. Congress has done absolutely nothing.

  13. When is it Pickle time in Baltimore?

  14. RT @igorvolsky: Following 355th mass shooting this year, senate has rejected expanding background checks for guns despite OVERWHELMING publ…

  15. RT @michaelianblack: Outlawing machine guns for most private citizens did not result in the federal government parachuting into our towns …

  16. Fuck traffic today. Wow.

  17. RT @asymco: Wow. Cyber Monday sales were almost the same as half a week of Apple revenues.

  18. I was so close to this being true.

  19. I'm going to miss my thanksgiving break beard most of all.

  20. RT @dabeard: Did these candidates tweet condemnation of Colo. #PlannedParenthood attack?Trump: NCarson: NBush: NRubio: NClinton: YSa…

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