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Status Updates posted by sbolen

  1. “We need you to go out to dinner and drinks tonight with a candidate we’re considering.”“Oh, ok. Where?”“Brasserie.”It’s hard work, guys

  2. I think my wife and I just uncovered original hardwood flooring in our home from 1898. Idiot rehabbers covered it with BS laminate. Wow.

  3. $3.50 Ballast Point Sculpins at Mike Duffy’s on Fridays. In other news, I like Mike Duffy’s.

  4. Hard to get over how bad @CharterCom internet service is at times. We need competition badly.

  5. Maybe taking the kids to Purina Farms on a day when every school in #STL is off wasn’t such a great idea.

  6. RT @howells: Imagine if you had just woke up after having been in a coma for 25 years, and this was the first headline you saw https://t.co…

  7. This is unbelievably awful. https://t.co/wVDoSKCHLx

  8. Xcode 7.3 will never finish downloading.

  9. I used a photo of Borat in a presentation today, so I have they going for me, which is nice.

  10. RT @darth: ew ted cruz just pulled off his mask and it is just another ted cruz underneath https://t.co/pxLozrMqpk

  11. I love our Magnolia tree in full bloom. https://t.co/rKtvhaeAog

  12. This SEC Championship game is legit.

  13. I really hope @4HandsBrewery makes Absence of Light available year-round.

  14. Toddler hot dog breath is the worst.

  15. Shorter Rubio: “I want to ram things down your throat.” #GOPDebate

  16. Had a genuinely good time at the Blues game tonight. I sat next to an Aussie Blackhawks fan - that bandwagon has shrimps on the barbie.

  17. Weird call, tbh. It's a hit. It's hockey.

  18. My cat is an all star ball smasher when jumping on my lap. Goddamnit.

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