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Status Updates posted by sbolen

  1. I think Smartisan OS is the best execution of an iOS knockoff I've seen. They're out-Samsunging Samsung. http://t.co/fDSrvbRBS4

  2. The idea of my dad throwing a pair of Beats around his neck and bumping some Mahler for dat rich bass tho was really funny. (4)

  3. RT @monteiro: Here’s that supercut of newsanchors saying “Deez Nuts” you asked for: https://t.co/by9hqZDcQY

  4. I think the Imo's guy fell in. Seriously. Tuesday pizza delivery shouldn't be 75+ minutes.

  5. Scarcity is why Yuengling is so good. So I've got to drink it while I can... @ Pittsburgh… https://t.co/9RvS5SA8h6

  6. This plane is actually on loan from the Smithsonian. Hope I get there a'aight, @AmericanAir! http://t.co/YvW2e4Scep

  7. YESSSSSSS “@vulture: That official #BobsBurgers cookbook is looking pretty tasty: http://t.co/5eU9EKWWTg http://t.co/W3uJmCbA65”

  8. I want to be a YouTube star.

  9. That's 2,280 calories, 132g of Fat, 252 carbohydrates… but, 24g of protein. So he's got that going for him, which is nice.

  10. I hate mosquitos, but I love drinking beer on my porch with my wife and listening to baseball on KMOX.

  11. Haven't been here for an awfully long time. @ Ted Drewes Inc. https://t.co/8eLrvbbFxW

  12. Black Flag and Busch beer kinda night.

  13. I'm kind of surprised that Dr. Dre didn't find a word to rhyme with "AARP discount on coffee" on the new Compton album.

  14. Dude, the USWNT is beating the shit out of everyone in the world. Don't tell me that America isn't exceptional.

  15. Deleting 15,000+ photos on Flickr is a fool's errand. But, we have way too many dupes and need to start over. ????

  16. "Here comes Randal, he's a berserker"

  17. RT @newsycombinator: How baseball’s tech team built HBO Now http://t.co/YQUxvChTvV

  18. RT @DanWetzel: As I plod thru 457 pages of Brady Appeal testimony, reminded "Billable Hours" and '72 Dolphins remain only undefeated entrie…

  19. True love is not watching Wet Hot American Summer away from your spouse while you can't sleep because you're away from your spouse.

  20. 1. Approach someone who's not already busy. 2. Tell them you need 10 seconds to eval a concept. 3. Observe. 4. Walk away, capture data.

  21. Too early to start the Yoenis Céspedes to St. Louis for Kozma and Sign Guy rumors? Or do I have to do that on Cards Talk?

  22. I'm flying to California on Thursday with a long layover. I may try this.

  23. I saw this dude walking around again. Are the end times neigh? http://t.co/j2iseRlXBO

  24. Damn. I'm losing @AaronWilson_NFL and @miklasz in the same weekend to new gigs. Best of luck to you both in the new endeavors!

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