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Everything posted by Odell

  1. Maybe you need to do a left hand buddha palm
  2. If you go with the S3 then you can get that flip case like Robert has that looks like it is nowhere near as bulky as an otterbox but still may provide some protection.
  3. Odell

    Nexus 7

    Yeah...that's suddenly not as attractive.
  4. Odell

    Nexus 7

    Just look at it like Cindy Crawford's mole. One defect on an otherwise beautiful canvas. A flaw that reminds us of the fragility of beauty.
  5. Not sure but if you give me the card number and security code I'll check it out for you. Sent from my EVO LTE using Forum Runner
  6. Thanks for posting this. For some reason it didn't auto update on my phone and I didn't know about this.
  7. Odell

    Evo LTE vs S3

    I ran CM on my OG Evo several times and I would always end up going back to a sense based ROM. I missed my smart dialer and I never found a calendar widget that fit my needs better than the Sense one. The performance bump of CM was never enough to keep me from going back to good ole Sense. I guess it's like leaving the super hot girl who really doesn't offer much other than an occasional good romp to go back to the still attractive girl who is smart, cooks, treats you like a king and is fun to be around. Not that I've ever experienced the super hot girl romping part, but I imagine that's how it is.
  8. Indeed it is. My statement about the MyBook was not an indictment of WD products, although my experience with them has not been good. The statement was just to set the context that when a single drive storage solution goes, it just goes and you have no simple recovery options. In a situation like your own where the data is not critical then the MyBook is a great solution. That is not the case with my intended usage. Whether the single drive is made by WD or Seagate or Joe's Hard Drive and Bait Store it isn't appropriate for my needs.
  9. Odell

    Evo LTE vs S3

    I've never experienced that. What's it like?
  10. I have used a WD MyBook before and it worked pretty well, until it just...didn't. If I was just putting backups on it I might go with it because the odds of my local drive failing AND my backup drive failing at the same time are pretty long. But I will definitely be using it for file storage so I need some level of redundancy. I have been very lazy with my data and I've gotten away with it but I have had a couple friends who recently had complete drive failures with no backups and I don't want to deal with what they're dealing with. Right now, there are things on my laptop that don't exist anywhere else and that's just asking for trouble. Some of the solutions presented here are much more than I need but I think with a little investigation I can find a suitable bridge between the single network connected HDD and a full blown $500+ NAS solution. That's why I come to the members here because you guys have such diverse experiences and expertise that I am bound to get good ideas.
  11. I'm definitely not looking to build anything. My PC building days are over. Not looking to manage much either. I will likely be doing very little streaming. The major function will be file storage and backup. I just need it to be simple to administer, rock-solid in terms of reliability and performance and redundancy.
  12. In all fairness, the iPhone door was opened by others within this thread with not so favorable comments. So it's at least reasonable for the guy to mention that his experience with the iPhone has been good. At the end of the day all we are talking about is mobile devices. I will never understand why folks invest so much emotion into the choice of a mobile device. If it does what YOU want it to do, how YOU want it done then what does it matter whether someone else likes it or not? Likewise if it doesn't fit you what does it matter if it fits someone else? All these Apple/Android rants deserve a
  13. So it looks like Windows phone has moved to the top of the list. If I keep listening to you guys the next thing you know I'll be building my own custom Linux based phone using hacked CDMA chips bought over some Estonian Undernet channel.
  14. I had never considered a windows phone but that idea is intriguing. The HTC Arrive is $49 on upgrade. I'll have to research that one. My biggest concern with the iPhone is that she has an older laptop and I'm not sure how the latest version of iTunes will run on it. There is no way I'm talking her into a new phone AND a new laptop!
  15. This just goes to show how user experiences can vary so widely with these devices. I have never had any issues with how the EvoLTE multitasks. Forum Runner never reloads when I go back and forth. Only rarely do I get a web page reload if I leave and come back, and even then it's almost immediate and I'm right back where I was. I often leave a web login page, open up LastPass and copy a password then go back to the web page to paste in the password without issue. I also haven't had a single wifi issue since the OTA. I don't discount these other experiences. They are just as valid for you as mine is for me. It's just so hard to judge if it is an issue with specific units or a problem across the whole device line.
  16. That could have been a quote from my wife...just without the "f'n". That's not a good thing with Android. Unless I get something that is too old to get any upgrades I will have to deal with the "why did my phone change" issue. Or I could just go with the iPhone. But then she'll have to deal with iTunes and that's just another headache. Maybe I'm getting myself into something here...
  17. For a user like my wife I don't think battery life will be an issue. She could often get a couple days or more out of her blackberry. I am seeing reports of random reboots for the XPRT. The last thing I need is for this device to be problematic. I would never hear the end of it. She basically has no issues with her blackberry so if anything new starts screwing up then no happy wife, no happy life.
  18. Wow...I hadn't even considered that device. Coincidentally the first review on Sprint is titled "Great transition phone from blackberry". That one basically ticks all the boxes for her. Size is about right; physical keys; FREE!. I'll def put that one on the list. Thanks!
  19. That matches what I normally get.
  20. Battery life seems to be the main issue I've been seeing from folks. My wife would mostly be using facebook, texting and maybe the camera. And she actually makes calls (imagine that).
  21. I have finally convinced my wife to at least consider a replacement for her blackberry curve so now I need to try to guide her towards the right device. I was considering an iphone for her but I think the price is going to kill that idea. Besides, I want to get her on the Google bandwagon for ease of contact and calendar management and my understanding is that the google integration with the iphone can be a bit clunky. I may be wrong about that. They basic parameters are that she is not a techie at all and will strongly resist anything that is too "complicated". She doesn't know or care about Gingerbread, ICS or Jellybean. Anything as large as the EvoLTE is going to be too much for her. I was considering the LG Viper 4G LTE. It's 79.99 on upgrade which should be a palatable price point for her. Any downsides to that device and/or any other recommendations? Keeping in mind the above stated limitations. Thanks for any help!
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