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Posts posted by HTCandroid

  1. That's one way to describe it....



    Haha yes, I don't fully know what I'm talking about. Haha bold. My Nexus 10 corrected that and I was watching Tosh.0 so I didn't catch it haha.

  2. I'm having issues with my Nexus 5 with typing and especially the swype feature. I use the stock swype and for the last couple weeks it freezes up a little during typing and does crappy auto corrects? Anyone having this issues?


    Have you tried clearing the cache for the keyboard app? You'll have to customize your settings again.

  3. Wish I had the money to upgrade again. Have you ever experienced a nexus 5 or s4? Does the one max rf performance equate with those?


    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

    Haven't tried the S4 but the N5 is a beast, especially if you put the .15 radio in. Check out the N5 thread. Google changed then radio in an update and some people are putting the bold radio back in.

  4. P.S. it also addes the "Downloads" app on the stock HTC One. Not sure why Sprint doesn't like the downloads app on their htc devices. Normally I would either download a device manager or go through the HTC browser's setting to get to downloads.

  5. So has anyone else had trouble making a three way call on this phone? Both times the phone dropped the call each time that I tried to do this...


    Just download zello. Walkie-talkie with unlimited users haha. I personally haven't tried 3 way calling in years.

  6. Anyone played around with the GoogleHome launcher on the HTC One? It is pretty cool. Basically makes the HTC launcher the same as the Nexus 5 "experience". Currently not on the android market and needs to be side loaded. So far I am liking it. You get the HTC One build quality and front speakers with pure android feel. Yes I know there are ROMs to do this and other launchers but I personally feel the launchers from the market never work properly and while I know how to root I personally prefer stock.

  7. I went into a local corporate store before my N5 arrived in November; they knew what I needed, but weren't too certain about how they were supposed to give it to me.. a tech eventually came out from the back room with one he folded up in a little piece of paper and just sent me on my way. I believe that now the procedure is they are supposed to "sell" it to you for free through their system, so they probably need the phone activated so the SIM sale can be properly recorded on your account.


    I don't think it has anything to do with where you bought it, they just need to keep track of their inventory if a SIM is going out the door. Plus, it prevents those who are less savvy from generating a support call to Customer Care later blaming the store for not helping them get their phone working.



    I think they can just sell it like an accessory without attaching it to an account, most stores just don't realize it. When I got mine they didn't even log into my account, granted I knew the whole staff well. I didn't even have the n5 yet.

  8. I will probably switch back to my One later tonight or tomorrow. Has anyone noticed if the audio changed since the beats separation took place a few months back? Obviously hardware won't change but if the software has.

  9. Aw geez!  My Nexus 5 should be arriving today via UPS.  I just called Sprint and they said they were 2 months backordered on the SIM cards!  That's nuts!


    Anyone have a Sprint SIM card lying around???



    That better not be the case, I'm ordering mine in two weeks..... I'll try online chat and my local coperate store.


    Sent from my EVO using Tapatalk



    I called and ordered a SIM January 9th and the order status still hasn't changed.  I was told 2-8 weeks backorder.  Went to a local corporate store a few days ago and they had them in stock.


    I wouldn't be too concerned with ordering from customer service. Your best bet is going into Sprint owned stores, especially service and repair locations. Several of us here ordered from Sprint customer service and the orders were cancelled without any notification or warning. Many of us have luck through corporate stores.

  10. Isn't there a notification when you have to log in to a wifi like that that lets you ignore it and go back to data?

    My HTC has a white battery indicator after the 4.4.2 update. I'm running completely stock.

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  11. Found wifi finally here, so I applied the update. Sense 5.5 is interesting. Also this connection optimizer thing. Any idea if that's worthwhile?

    It has been around for a while and personally its a kind of annoying. After the update I turned it back off. It likes to turn WiFi on even when you have it off. Example would be if you are in a Starbucks and you have LTE and you turned off WiFi to save battery. Well the optimizer is still on and senses Starbucks WiFi and fully turns it on and prompts you to to connect. We all know Starbucks WiFi isn't the best. I turned it off since I like full control when the WiFi is on or off.

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