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Posts posted by HTCandroid

  1. You don't need your MSL.  You can use this app to bypass the MSL for the Nexus 5:



    You do not need root to do this and all you need to do is just open up the app from above and just enable B41 LTE band.  You might want to also set the Band Priority for B41 to 1 and B25 to 0 and then reboot your phone.


    Also about the OC market.  There definitely is B41 LTE live in the OC although not as much as I would have liked but there is.  In fact I tested another B41 LTE site on my G2 early this morning this time in the OC market vs. LA market.  I almost hit speeds of 60 Mbps.  I'll post screenshots later.


    Awesome! I know you can't mention area specifics since I am not a premier sponsor...YET! But I am in Northern OC so hopefully there is some. I had good Wimax coverage if that is any indication. I get to go site hunting again just like when NV started int eh OC/LA areas!

  2. Are you sure it was a confirmed B41 LTE site?  I am very surprised that not more premier sponsors at S4GRU with the Nexus 5 have been testing out B41 LTE especially after it was confirmed by me and Ascertion on the G2 that you can connect to B41 LTE right now.


    I'll contribute the best I can once I get the N5 I ordered. I am curious if OC market has live B41 since we aren't getting B26 during the initial roll out. Does doing all these tests require root or just MSL and some engineering changes?

  3. Sprint won't give me my MSL >.< They say they can't give it out while I'm under contract. He understands that the phone is already unlocked, but due to their "process and procedures" they can't give it out. Guess I'll have to do it the hard way...

    Call a corporate store, I used to give it all the time when I worked there. Just say are trying to manually activate the phone but you need your msl and msid.

  4. 1900 being good enough would really depend on where you live.  Also the fact that the moto x is single bad makes it a non purchase most that consider themselves wireless enthusiasts but for your average consumer it probably won't make a difference until they get more educated on the matter.


    I never considered myself a wireless enthusiast because I don't know as much as a lot of members here, but I suppose I am since going forward all my phones will be triband.

  5. I'm in the same boat as you. 32 GB, Black, and ships on 11/26. I've also been stocking that status page every day to see if it's changed.  :wacko:


    I also just checked the Google Play Store page for the 32 GB Black. They updated the shipping time to 3-4 weeks like the 16 GB one. 32 GB White still shows 2-3 weeks. Good thing we ordered ours before that happened.

    Yea, Spencesouth reported google changed the 16 black to out of stock.

  6. I spend a lot of time around 18-23 year old college students.  This may not be a particularly representative sample of anything, but when I see handsets laid out in view on a desk or table, they are mostly iPhone variants or cheap T-Mobile Android smartphones.




    I am still in college also that is what I see often as well. The ratio is probably 4 out of 5 phones are iphones, I should conduct a study haha.


    Are you saying "that they should have a priority line for people who've waited five times"?  Hmm, where have I heard that before?






    Hahaha I'm only joking, gotta wait like everyone else =/

  7. My Nexus 5 was supposed to ship by November 22nd, posted it November 1st. It shipped today and will be here tomorrow. :D


    Sent from my SPH-L720 using Tapatalk


    Also, did you get a notification or have you been checking it on play none stop like me?  :blink:

    • Like 1
  8. Hopefully if enough people voice not liking the hangouts integration Google will release their messaging app on the play store like they did with they keyboard. I personally used 3rd party ICS/JB keyboards until Google finally released theirs.


    Side note-Sprint hasn't even given my ordered SIMs any tracking info!  :angry:

  9. My GS4 was a preorder item, paid in full. After receiving the phone, I had to call Sprint to activate the phone as chat didn't work. I didn't have to step inside a store.


    When I got the next month's bill, I noticed that the full price of the GS4 was included in the bill, as well as the $36 fee. My contract was not renewed.

    Dang, it is probably too late but I would call to try to get it credited. In the corporate store we only charged the 36 when renewed.

  10. No, I bought the GS4 full price. Yet I still got charged $36. :(

    Where did you go? If it was at a corporate store they processed like an upgrade and possibly renewed your contract without giving you a discount. I used to work at a corporate store and when we sold a phone at full pop we would sell it similar to an accessory and then go back in to activate it on the line, never touched the part of the system to generate a fee. They might have processed it as an early upgrade which often appears to be about full pop, did you have to give them your epic? Essentially the system takes it as your are buying out of your contract and then paying the upgrade price which would generate the 36 buck fee. The receipt will show the break down.

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  11. I'm curious as well. If I know for certain that I won't get hit with an activation fee when I switch from my GS4 to the N5 (like Sprint did when I went from the E4GT to the GS4), I would activate the N5 on Sprint and let you know. :P

    The only time you will get hit is if you do a contract renewal, weather it be 2 year contract, one up upgrade, or early upgrade if they still exist. If you buy the nexus from Google like me you will be fine. When you went from your e4gt to the gs4 I am assuming you got it at a subsidized price which signed a contract.

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