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Everything posted by bigsnake49

  1. Well actually, why should people pay extra for the data they already bought. Why should it matter whether you use it on the phone proper or as tethering?
  2. What this does most of all is that it lets the carriers reuse their spectrum. If you only have 5MHz of LTE, while your theoretical max bandwidth will not change, it will allow you to just keep on adding more Artemis remote radio heads and front haul without being interfered with from adjacent sites. What it ultimately means is that spectrum loses a lot of its value since it is no longer scarce, 600MHz notwithstanding.
  3. If Sprint can densify their LTE network so that VOLTE becomes primary and CDMA secondary, they can slowly squeeze everybody into the 800MHz 1x slice. That assumes of course that they replace EVDO M2M modules with LTE M2M modules. The sooner they can do that, the sooner they can free up the spectrum for LTE.
  4. Thanks to Metro site locations maybe. Go on the lesser roads in Florida. Go inside a concrete block condo.
  5. That's really exciting! I also like the fact that Artemis is interested is using this so they can become capacity wholesaler. I wonder who the carrier is? If I had to bet it would be Verizon.
  6. I remember that the total roaming cost at one point was $!B/year, if they reduced it to $.5B that's a major improvement. Now let's see if they can reduce further to let's say $.25B.
  7. Some experiences from driving across the country on i-80, I-25, US-287, I-20, I-55, I-10. AT&T had no service outside the cities on I-80 for vast stretches of I-80, I-25, US-287 in CA, NV, UT, WY. Much better on US-287 in TX, I-20, I-55, I-10. Sprint through, I assume Verizon, had them covered much better. But overall, I am disappointed in both carriers' performance on the nations highways. It is shameful.
  8. Not to mention that they are prohibited by law to enter certain business areas, close uneconomic post offices or close on Saturday.
  9. That's why I have been advocating forever that Sprint and T-mobile merge or at least merge their networks. Capex is shared over 100 million, not 50 each.
  10. He is totally confusing backbone and back haul. If you have 1000 people on one site you are freaking screwed no matter what. His math is very suspect.
  11. I think that Sprint and T-Mobile need to at least merge network assets. Both of them went deeply into debt to deploy LTE and by the time they finish they have to start all over again for 5G. I had hoped they would have network shared for LTE but that was not to be. I hope they look at their debt load and put egos aside...
  12. There has been a lot of speculation in the trade press and analysts about Verizon leasing Dish's spectrum in exchange for Dish being paid in capacity. Now my question is Verizon is not wanting in spectrum, all they need to do is refarm their 850 and PCS holdings. They would have to spend around $10B to fully deploy a network. Even then, which of the bands that Dish holds would they be interested in? Is Dish getting desperate?
  13. I found their network superior to Sprint's in both Austin and Houston.
  14. Big difference on iPhone 4s vs iPhone 5 of about 7db.glass vs metal. That's without a case.
  15. You're right about WCDMA first on AWS-1. Heck they could have implemented WCDMA TDD on their 2.5GHZ spectrum.
  16. Oh they will feel the pressure!!! And with razor thin margins they cannot afford the caped when they will chose to upgrade.
  17. Both of Cricket and Metro would have helped. It would have brought more customers, would have shored up Sprint's PCS spectrum and would have given them AWS spectrum to trade for more PCS. Or if they did not get out of the JV with the cable cos they could have implemented LTE on 20x20 channels. The Sprint board has sucked for at least 15 years. No strategic thinking whatsoever.
  18. I have long advocated that Sprint and T-mobile be allowed to merge their network operations of not merge outright. If they have to upgrade to 5G it will kill them both. They are deep in debt as it is.i can just imagine. While I as a consumer like cheap prices, as a network enthusiast, I like the carriers to make enough of a profit to be able to upgrade their networks regularly without going deep into debt. They just can't afford to wholesale upgrade their networks every 10 years.
  19. It will put a lot of pressure on Sprint and T-Mobile to upgrade earlier than they want.
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