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Everything posted by bigsnake49

  1. Most carriers have enough spectrum for now. I am sure that Sprint will not trade BRS but EBS leases. EBS spectrum will be insurance for the future for whoever acquired it.
  2. Not necessarily instantly. There will be a transition period but it will be measured in months.
  3. I have only heard them trading this past year or so. You are right about Sprint time, though .
  4. They want C block spectrum contiguous to their G block. I think they are aiming for C Block + G Block for a contiguous 20x20 block. My question is why did they wait so long? I am addressing that to all the carriers. Did they have legacy 3G traffic that is now easing?
  5. You might not, but if Verizon throws in some LTE roaming for reasonable rates, Sprint should jump!
  6. Shhhhhh...people here don't want to hear that! On the other hand, I am a big advocate . Just remember that a 20MHz TDD block in a 6:3:1 config is equivalent to a 12x12 FDD block at the same frequency. So if Verizon wants to trade a 10x10 PCS block for a 20MHz b41 block, I would say that's a fair trade. Something tells me that Verizon might go for trades like that in truly urban environments like NYC and San Fran, maybe Chicago.
  7. I want them to buy/lease the c4 block from Verizon in my area so that they can get a contiguous 20x20 channel going after EVDO is shut down. Then I want them to buy the H block from Dish for cheap for later.
  8. Something tells me that Sprint and Verizon might be trading soon.
  9. Although they traded C3 block for D block. Not C4 which is a lease from Verizon to T-Mobile. Unless Sprint wants to do a separate transaction where they assume the lease from Verizon. Otherwise this swap does not make sense. C3 and C5 which Sprint owns already are not adjacent. However if they can get both the C3 and C4 blocks, combined with the C5 and G blocks, they can get a 20x20 channel. That would be sweet!
  10. I was hoping they'd would something in my area but no such luck. Never mind , they did!
  11. Carriers would have to have a cross-carrier directory service so that you know that Jack was on AT&T and Jill was on Verizon, etc.
  12. Yep, you have to have two people that are willing to horse trade otherwise it's called horse stealing ! In this case is it better for T-Mobile to have a 15x15 MHz block and a 10x10 block or a 20x20 block and a 5x5 block? One of the C blocks they are leasing from Verizon, so Verizon might have a say. T-Mobile has been very active in the spectrum trading/purchase area. You have to actually talk to them, though .
  13. PCS-H to Sprint is mostly wishful thinking on my part . But it's better than just adding it as part of the AWS-4 downlink and leaving the PCS-H uplink orphaned.
  14. Verizon has to replace their LTE release 8.0 infrastructure with newer releases to take advantage of CA, etc. So maybe they are under time pressure.
  15. Does anybody know what this is about: Follow MarceloClaureVerified account‏@marceloclaure I know someone in Telecom (runs a competing carrier) who is freaking out as @realDonaldTrump continues to win. What goes around comes around Is he referring to a potential Republican administration under Donald Trump that will allow Sprint to merge with T-Mobile? Which competing carrier CEO is he referring to?
  16. Most of the PCS swaps will be with carriers that hold C5 Block spectrum which is adjacent to Block G for a 10MHzx10Mhz channel. In my area. Sprint owns the C5 block so that's a no brainer. But T-Mobile holds both the C4 and C3 blocks. Sprint holds the D block which is adjacent to T-Mobile's A block. So theoretically T-Mobile and Sprint could swap C4 and D blocks and that will give T-Mobile a contiguous 20x20 channel For LTE and then the C3 block (for HSPA) and Sprint a 15x15 channel. Now if Sprint can convince Dish to sell them the H Block and, then they could have a 20x20 block. Since Dish's 2000-2020MHz AWS-4 spectrum is now a downlink, the H block does not have to be power limited as it was before. But that would be a lot of horse trading/spectrum purchases. Yes so Sprint can do a lot of spectrum swaps for mutual benefit with other willing carriers.
  17. You still need to have 3 physical cards for 3x aggregation on band 41. or a second carrier card on band25. Unless of course you already had them installed.
  18. Sprint cannot afford to deploy 5G anytime soon. Now let them finish building out 4G, make some money, then we can talk. They don't need to be on the bleeding edge. They have learned to let somebody else be the guinea pigs. Yeah they can have couple of people assigned so they can issue press releases but they should keep their power dry.
  19. In my area, Sprint and T-Mobile (or Verizon depending who is the lessor/lessee) need to swap 5MHz allocations in order to give Sprint a 15MHz contiguous channel (adjacent to the G Block) and T-Mobile a 20MHz channel at 1850-1870, 1930-1950. But then T-Mobile would be left with a orphaned 5mHz channel at 1895-1900, 1975-1980. Maybe they're willing to swap it for another chunk somewhere else, giving sprint a 20MHz allocation. He, he...that's without Block H from Dish.
  20. I really like the removable battery and removable bottom part.
  21. Sorry, I was under the impression that roaming was limited to EVDO.
  22. US Cellular announce that they now cover 99% of their postpaid customers with LTE and they are rolling out roaming agreements with multiple unnamed roaming partners. Has anybody seen signs of LTE roaming on USCC? http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/us-cellular-completes-lte-buildout-and-begins-lte-roaming-q4-performance-be/2016-02-19
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