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Posts posted by JonnygATL

  1. I have heard that the S6 Edge had carrier aggregation disabled after an update in November or sometime thereabout. I am not sure if my S6 Edge has carrier aggregation enabled or not but it has not really been a huge pain point either way as Sprint's network here is really quite good.


    That said, does anyone know how to check on this device if CA is, in fact, enabled?

  2. Your entire exchange with Sprint CS was basically this...





    The fiercewireless article that i previously read failed to mention the ability to search for Sprint in the actual fb messenger app. The above article did. I assumed it likely was not yet live. But it clearly is.


    Did I waste "Ashley's" time? Perhaps. But I am glad I found out.


    P.s..i bet ten thousand rupees her name is not "Ashley."

    • Like 5
  3. Long story short all test done inside a vzw store.. They jumped on me for having sprint started talking about data and speeds.

    They couldn't get over 35 with their phones...... I explained they don't give enough data to use because most vzw people beg for wifi.... Nuff said after the speed tests they started talking about coverage in Montana..

    If we are in Massachusetts why are we comparing coverage in Montana???!!!

    • Like 3
  4. Where's the new tower?


    While the speeds are awesome to see, it'd be nice to have things optimized better around town. B26 doesn't stretch much further than B25 and when I do connect to it tends to be overloaded. Overall I can't complain since I'm on LTE more than 95% of the time.

    I was wondering if other metros were also having the band 26 being useless issue. Here in Atlanta, whenever I connect to band 26, I immediately begin having data issues.


    An example: Because my car is in the shop, I took the bus to work yesterday (not as horrifying as I'd imagined, actually). While on the bus, I was streaming this horrible Netflix movie (A Lonely Place to Die). Because I have SC Pro installed, I was able to watch my GS6 Edge handoff band to band as we went along our route. Most of the route is blanketed in delicious band 41 but certain parts (mostly lower elevation segments of the trip) are out of range of band 41 and so the phone is kicked to 26. However, immediately upon connecting to 26, the stream terminates and attempts to buffer. Only when reconnected to 41 did the stream return to normal.


    This is just one example but I wonder if the band priorities on the Sprint network need to be reconfigured. It would seem the answer is a resounding "yes."

  5. I was playing around last night with RootMetrics, Sensorly, Open signal I came across something very weird/ interesting?

    First of all, Boost mobile uses 100% of Sprint's towers correct? Not shared with another company? (Other than roaming obviously).

    My observation is, I was looking at the mapping for Sprint and is very weak and many parts blank... Just for fun I switched to Boost thinking it was going going to be identical. Nope! Other than customer mapping, can anyone care to explain why Boost shows amazing coverage over Sprint "parent" company? See attached pics.

    The difference is ridiculous.

    Sent from my XT1575 using Tapatalk

    That's super messed up.

    • Like 2
  6. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/sprint-move-4-regional-hubs-model-streamline-sales-organization-part-restru/2015-11-16#comment-2362712227


    It's sad how uneducated some of the Magenta are. Really. They seem to not get the perspective that T-Mobile has mostly benefitted from the failure of the other providers in this country. 


    If they were well educated about spectrum matters they would want 2600 MHz spectrum.


    ...talking to walls.
  7. I think so too. But I have seen too many times on my note 5 sites with CA but speeds are the same as a non CA device. Makes me wonder if Sprint is launching CA without sufficient backhaul.

    Yeah, I thought Sprint would be doing better, too.  I don't know what else to say. Seems like Sprint just can't get ahead.  They've improved greatly, absolutely to be sure, but I just thought they'd still be doing better.  Maybe I shouldn't have my hopes so high?  I don't know.  I just want them to show these "analysts" and "pundits" up.  That would be love.  And, damn it, they deserve it.

    • Like 6
  8. what makes it so horrifying?



    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Are you being serious?


    No one and no single thing nor entity should ever have that much control.  I guess you've never seen the Terminator series?  Nor read of the horrors of Hitler, Franco, Mussolini, Stalin and so on?  


    Have you never heard of the phrase "power corrupts.  Absolute power corrupts absolutely"?


    It doesn't take a lot to imagine how such a scenario is bad for the common people.  

  9. all of the 600Mhz would not be enough to build a nation wide network, or even a regional one... imagine if sprint didn't have band 41... think of the capacity nightmare, or the density required for capacity.  Mark my words apple will not build out a traditional land based cellular network, its not something they would be interested in.  The margins are to low, and the scale is to large. think about this. apple launches a low earth orbit satellite network with cellular fall back, imagine an apple net (or whatever they call it)  that covers every single inch of land and water on earth will a clear view of the sky (maybe even small buildings). Think of the possibilities, with apples size, scale, volume of phones and cash pile they could develop and deploy an exclusive and proprietary world wide network just for Iphones, imagine how that could change the world as we know it...



    That is absolutely horrifying.  Were you locked in a padded cell, foaming at the mouth, hands waving wildly about in the air when you wrote this?

    • Like 1
  10. I just wish I could finance this thing through Sprint!  The only way I know of is to go to Project Fi. 


    My M8 is a total POS and I hate it.  It won't even charge any longer.  Apparently the charging port issue I'm experiencing is very common with this phone.  As of this writing, the phone will no longer charge beyond 3 percent.   The worst part?  It was an Asurion insurance replacement for my OG N5 as the N5 was no longer being carried by Asurion (this was over a year ago).  I really miss my N5 and so I was definitely looking forward to the 5X.  


    If I can find a way to finance it, I will.  If not, I will have to give in and get the Galaxy S6 Edge, Edge Plus or iphone 6S (all of which can obviously be financed or leased through Sprint).

  11. I fail to see why everyone is so up in arms over this decision. Courts routinely issue injunctions to buy time to get affected parties to settle their differences out of court. And while this injunction decision went against Sprint, it is hardly a disaster.


    The WiMAX shutdown is not going to make Sprint suddenly the best thing since sliced bread. Sprint already is doing well with existing band 41 bandwidth. A second, third, fourth, etc., band 41 carrier is just icing on the cake.


    In Kansas City, Sprint has two band 41 carriers and is humming along just fine. Is it the fastest among the big four? Not sure. But who cares? It works well. However, if your wireless ego requires you to chase the fastest, then you may have to wait at least 90 days or go elsewhere to seek that elusive goal.



    Because, AJ, it encourages laziness and irresponsibility. And if there are two things I personally find disdainful and socially nauseating, it's laziness and irresponsibility. These people had every opportunity, a year+ of advanced warning, yet they still want their free lunch served on a rather tarnished and aging silver plate.


    Absolutely not. Goodbye to that tired sense of entitlement.


    Again, I'm not pissed because it's affecting Sprint so profoundly (it may or may not be, depending on market). No, I'm pissed because I have a hard time with s#@tty, lazy people.

    • Like 9
  12. How even!!!??? B41 doesn't even go a mile here in Seattle!

    Cells are much, much smaller and tighter in dense urban environments.  If a Band 41-equipped tower attempted to cover a cell with a radius of 13 miles, centered on downtown Seattle, it would have a potential poulation to cover of several million people.  That is clearly absurd and, not to mention, absolutely impossible.  So the cells are tuned to cover manageable potential populations, translating into a very small geographic footprint in a highly populated area.

    • Like 4
  13. A "McDonald's hamburger" is enough information to ruin someone's appetite.


    There is good reason why McDonald's has started serving its breakfast all day.



    No one over the age of 8 should find anything at all desirable about their "food."


    But I think we've had this discussion before


    Fried chicken? That's always in season.

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