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Posts posted by JonnygATL

  1. I'm not to sure about 2nd half 2015 results. They used just a okay band 41 performer and started testing in the beginning stages of the CA rollout so alot of these cities didn't get the full benefit, also all of the cities with no band 41 at all is really bringing Sprint's speed scores down to the point where CA isn't enough to make up for it. Also sites with CA are not prevalent enough. Sprint only won 2-3 data scores. Sprint is opening up a can of John Cena with text and call but that's not going to be enough. Maybe in 2017.

    "opening up a can of John Cena"?!!?!  Now, that made me literally laugh out loud.  I needed that. 

    • Like 1
  2. That's your practices but yours doesn't speak for the rest of the nation. There are plenty of business people with sensitive information that could be comprised over a open WiFi network.


    Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

    You seem horribly argumentative and, I might add, quite unnecessarily.  We don't have to agree.  My goal isn't to make you agree.  In fact, I don't care if you agree.  So let's move along, shall we?

    • Like 2
  3. Received my 6P this afternoon! It's a great phone, haven't had too much time to play around with it until now, but it's a beautiful phone. However, this also means I've ended my 14 years with Sprint directly (ever since senior year of high school!) as I am now on Project Fi.


    Since I've been on Project Fi this afternoon, my phone hasn't connected to Sprint at all. It's all been T-Mobile LTE with great signal, and I've even confirmed Band 12 works on the 6P. Even at work, where I have line of sight to a Sprint site, my 6P connects to T-Mobile (I think it's Band 4). At any rate, my LTE experience has definitely improved at the gym where I would get unusable 3G.


    I know there's a Fi Spy app that allows you to force a certain network, so I might download that to see the difference of where I know Sprint is good but my phone remains connected to T-Mobile. Btw, I'm in the Irvine area of Orange County.

    That's what I've been hearing..that Project Fi devices seem to overwhelmingly prefer the Tmobile network over Sprint's.  I wonder why this is?

  4. Lets not forget that public WiFi is not always secure. A few years ago there was a app on rooted devices that allowed me to kick anyone off of WiFi on a open network or one that I had the password to and hog the bandwidth to myself while hidding my phones presence. Brought down a denny's just to test it. I use it but I don't trust public WiFi. The other carriers don't have to make this choice only Sprint. Most don't care but it doesn't take much to hack a open network.

    It's a known risk, sure.  But if I'm on public wifi, I'm generally not doing anything that I would need to be terribly secure.  Looking up cat videos or checking the weather or a flight arrival time are hardly things I need a great deal of privacy for.  


    Personal things..finance and otherwise..I tend to leave for my home wifi connection.

    • Like 1
  5. I can deal with it, but no I don't enjoy not being able to do both.  I am one of those who aren't voting with my pocketbook because I have faith and have seen improvement.  So much that I've made 650 on referrals on the hope of a better network.   So needless to say I'm a bit of a cheerleader and route for the underdog--45 unlimited everything doesn't hurt either.  That being said, I don't think new customers would like to be told that the time they want to use data and talk are small and insignificant.   

    They don't have to like it for it to be true.  Of course, they're always free to go elsewhere.  

  6. Not to be rude here, but WiFi is not always the best option.

    First of all, in the office where I work, my phone won't connect to the Office WiFi because of the company network security settings, and the Guest WiFi isn't a good option either because everything is blocked except for Web Browsers.

    Also at a lot of restaurants, you have to ask a member of the staff for a special password.

    Lastly, I have found a lot of public WiFi Hotspot completely useless because the data speed (even for accessing Tapatalk) is significantly slower than 1x data.

    Don't get me wrong...I do use WiFi at home and I try to use WiFi as much as possible in restaurants, hospitals, schools, etc, but it is not as available or as useful as some people think.

    If you're at work, just use the computer (while talking on the phone). That would be my actual initial reaction anyway.


    That said, yeah, WiFi can be horribly slow at times but for a simple query while on a phone call, it usually is more than sufficient. If it's more than a simple query you seek, then you should wait until the call is over anyway.


    I do understand your point though.

  7. Any attempt to excuse this inadequacy is an attempt to excuse away something people currently want on their current devices. If their was not a desire for it they would not have to have prepared responses such as.... you can do voice and data while on wifi. As always... vote with your pocketbook.


    People don't need to be told to vote with their pocketbooks; they do it by default.

    However, in 2015, how often are you out of WiFi range? Seriously. Even in a McDonald's in the middle of nowhere, you've got reasonably useful WiFi. And at your home, I'm sure you do. If you don't, you certainly should. That said, when would you not be able to use WiFi data while on a call? School..work...home....coffee shop? Nope! They all have WiFi. So I'm struggling to see a usage case where WiFi isn't available, aside from a small, insignificant portion of your day.

    • Like 1
  8. I like this idea, too. The two phones - from my limited understanding - seem to share the same image sensor as well as fingerprint scanner so there is at least some degree of continuity between the two devices, aside from simple Nexus branding.

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  9. The issues of falling back to 3G in otherwise LTE rich areas could also heavily affect these scores (if it is indeed occurring on a wide enough scale). But should this still be happening this far into the game? Are there still areas on the Sprint network with eCSFB issues?

  10. I think direct 2 u is a waste of money and unnecessary.

    Sent from my SM-N920P using Tapatalk

    Well that's a very odd response. Why would you even say that unless you are deliberately trying to incite an inflammatory response? If you wanna leave Sprint and hate them so much, f$cking do it. If you already have, stop worrying about it. End of story. #overit
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