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Posts posted by JonnygATL

  1. Looking specifically at Cincinnati, the average download speeds across all 4 carriers were within 1.7Mbps. That's much closer than one would expect when you look at the overall scores. I think that shows the network is performing better than the overall score would indicate. Unfortunately... it's still not good enough apparently. You would think speeds would be a little better, but oh well.Pittsburgh is odd. Salt Lake looks much more like I would expect for this round.

    Good point. And, yes, Salt Lake seems more in line with what I was hoping for (expecting?) this time around.

  2. So I kinda ignored the rootmetrics reports for a while but revisited them today. I'm surprised Sprint isn't scoring better, I really am. Las Vegas aside (we know that story), I would expect Sprint to score better in cities like Pittsburgh and Cincinnati, where we know carrier aggregation is alive and well. Does anyone think Sprint is having issues with CA or perhaps some other technical reason that is holding them back a bit?

  3. No complaints with the network in atlanta. I amazed at how far it has come. The last few days though i have been traveling through Tennessee and kentucky and while the network did good in some spots there were others where the speed wasnt to impressive. Im not mad at sprints network in these areas as i expect coverage to be less than average. Some areas had 1 site covering an entire town and I only made the joke because those are the speeds i have been dealing with the last couple days in those areas

    Sent from my SM-G925P using Tapatalk

    I'm from Lexington, Kentucky and am, in fact heading to town later this week for a quick, 2 day trip. I never lose signal whatsoever the whole way from Atlanta to my mom's place on the South side of Lexington. In fact, I am on LTE the entire trip except for a short 15 mile stretch in Southern Kentucky but even then I find myself on usable 3G. Lexington and surrounding towns are in desperate need of band 41, however, as speeds are often 2 to 5 mbps at best. Not terrible but living in Atlanta, we know that Sprint can certainly do better.
  4. That is exactly what Fabian says when he's lost for words and can't somehow figure out a way to say something bad about Sprint or praising T-Mobile/John Legere. Then again, maybe he's just exhausted trying to imagine the day when he meets his idol, John Legere. That is, if he hasn't already.


    Imagine having to deal with Fabian on a plane trip he's taking to go meet John Legere. He'd bug the hell out of the flight staff and the other passengers about meeting his almighty un-batman (in rl more like the joker) John Legere, how John Legere "rescued" consumers from the mean, evil "duopoly", and how Fabian sees himself in John Legere. fighting the so -called "S4GRU Sprint Trolls", on Fierce Wireless every day, and making sure that everyone who reads the comments sections on Fierce Wireless knows just how bad Sprint is, and just how great T-Mobile and of course John Legere, truly is.


    Then again, all that talk on the plane likely is just as exhausting to poor little Fabian, as is his thinking about T-Mobile and John Legere. However, other than repeating it to John Legere after they meet, considering its pretty much all Fabian talks about anyways, it is doubtful Fabian will say much else, other than this :


    "Yes Sir", "No Sir", and "Please don't fire me Sir, I never called my store manager a trollish slut for not going out with me. I would never do that, Sir. I don't date anyone in my free time, because all of my time off work is spent online promoting our company and making sure everyone knows how great the uncarrier is, Sir. I was fired from Sprint for being a douchebag, and that is why I hate Sprint. They suck and are full of Trolls. But, I love T-Mobile and if you don't fire me, give me a promotion and I'll do anything you want, Sir!"

    He knows that Fabian says that.  That is precisely why he said it/made the joke.  

    • Like 1
  5. The pro Tmobile posters:


    Stefan Naumowicks= probably a corporate Tmobile employee


    Tony= doesn't know how to spell, but he is our favorite tech troll Richard Yarell


    Willie D = Another Tmobile troll that is a bitter anti Sprint, probably used Sprint back in 2011-2012 when they were crap, but still think Sprint has the same network.


    DougLTE= probably the biggest liar, still think Sprint network is crap, and before his experience was in northern California, but now this troll lives in Las Vegas. According to him Sprint sucks in Las Vegas too when he doesn't even use Sprint.


    KenP= Another Magenta troll,but he goes alone with what his leader Fabian says


    Maximus1901= Was banned from here enough said..


    S. Ali= Used to troll a lot,but since he has to work he hardly comes by anymore. Unlike certain individual that lives at Fierce wireless


    Registered User=  Another magenta troll that post a lot of false statements about Sprint, and still think   Sprint has the same network they had in 2012.


    Xmiro= New to the scene,but its a Magenta troll that loves to shove everyone throat Tmobile quarter numbers.



    Fabian Cortez= The leader of the cult of magentas, He loves to spill crap about competition. He says we need four carriers yet he is bashing Sprint 24/7. I exposed his B.S because his true motives is three carriers,but none named Sprint. 

    He wants Tmobile to be the third and final carrier, but he wants Sprint spectrum in Tmobile hands. He is so sure they will acquire  a nationwide 10x10 600mhz.

    What a cast! Makes for quite a (shit)show!!
    • Like 3
  6. A complete moratorium on S4GRU members commenting at FierceWireless seems like an extreme measure.  And, I agree, that somewhat plays into the demagogues' and trolls' hands, letting them hold their little exclusive fiefdom over FierceWireless comments sections.


    That said, S4GRU members need to do better, be more professional.  Do not use multiple Disqus accounts.  Sign your name to your comments.  Polish your writing skills.  But, mostly, cut down on the volume -- comment only as necessary.


    Comment just to provide factual information.  Comment just to correct anti factual information.  I had to do so a few weeks ago on a T-Mobile article -- because Phil Goldstein got his facts wrong in the article.  Whenever S4GRU members comment, though, do not get into petty fights with Fabian Cortez or his ilk.





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  7. Ryan, I think that we all know the benefits of low band spectrum.  The problem is that T-Mobile practically throws itself at the charity of the court of public opinion on this matter.  "Oh, if only we had low band spectrum, we would be so great.  We could be the "uncarrier" VZW.  Please help us."


    Pay the freight, T-Mobile.  What did Sprint pay, $40 billion, for Nextel?  And Sprint then paid billions more for public safety rebanding.  That is how it got a national portfolio of low band SMR and high band BRS/EBS.  T-Mobile could have been the Nextel merger partner instead.  T-Mobile could have bid in Auction 73 in 2008 for Lower 700 MHz or Upper 700 MHz spectrum.  Today, T-Mobile can buy up the Lower 700 MHz spectrum speculators.  It will cost billions, but that is the going rate.


    No, T-Mobile trumps itself up as an underrepresented minority and basically wants low band "Affirmative Action" in the wireless industry.  It wants charity, not equality.



    That's at once hilarious AND true.
  8. It's fine.  You're entitled to your opinion.  It's OK.  I just believe that there are a large group of Southern Californians where Sprint meets their needs.  And your post nearly infers that it is not a legitimate option for any of them.  LTE 800 only fills in LTE gaps.  And the way Sprint uses B26 currently, it is way overloaded and often slow.  So I think sometimes way too much is ascribed to B26 as a saving grace.  


    Additionally, I was in the Airport/Manhattan Beach/Long Beach corridor for work a few weeks ago and thought Sprint B25/B41 worked extremely well with current site spacing.  I never lost LTE outdoors and would only lose it deep inside of buildings, where even my AT&T phone struggled with meaningful throughput.


    I think it is more of a problem in Orange County and Eastern LA County/Inland Empire areas.  But it gets better and better every month.

    I'm glad that you had a positive experience, especially in a heavy use area like an airport.  And I do know it is getting better.  I'm a huge Sprint supporter - trust me, I defend them every single day to at least one or two people (I'm sure we all do).


    I suppose maybe I've been wording this wrong.  Let me try again - I firmly believe that Sprint's largest opportunity lies in Southern California.  As soon as they can get rebanding complete with SBC and bring their SoCal network up to par with the efficiency and speed with which it functions in areas like Indianapolis, Atlanta, Denver and Chicago, a new door will open up for them.  The tens of millions of people who call Southern California home are not currently getting the full Sprint experience and that's a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths.  Stopping that potential customer hemorrhaging should be - and no doubt is - a priority for them.  I just look forward to my next trip to visit friends and family in Los Angeles and San Diego being a greatly improved experience. 

    • Like 3
  9. Sprint does not perform poor over all of Southern CA. It is a reasonable choice for millions of people. And not for many as well.


    Using Tapatalk on BlackBerry Z30

    I wasn't slamming Sprint.  If you read between the lines, you'll infer that I was slamming SBC for taking so damn long to get their flipping job done.  


    But, for that reason, I would never, ever consider Sprint in the areas like San Diego and Los Angeles that the IBEZ issues affect.  I have spent a lot of time there and the performance versus the other three is so lacking compared to how Sprint performs here in the East.


    As soon as they can get 800 up and running, that will no longer be an issue.  But, for the moment, I stand by my assertion that Sprint coverage, absent 800, is too far behind the competition in Southern California. 

    • Like 2
  10. Isn't it obvious that Sprint just doesn't really want to be in the home ISP business?


    Using Tapatalk on BlackBerry Z30

    And they definitely SHOULD NOT be in the home ISP business, nor should any wireless carrier.  


    However, should they try and offer incentives to keep those hundreds of thousands of users on the Sprint network?  Absolutely.  Just not in a "I'm gonna tether my phone to your network to drag it to its knees" kind of way.  


    They need all the subscribers they can get.

    • Like 5
  11. Port St. Lucie is on the list too. That could be a tough one because Magenta and Big Red were both over 30 Mbps there in the first half of 2015.http://www.rootmetrics.com/us/rsr/port-st-lucie-fl/2015/1H

    It's all good for competition. And Sprint is definitely, finally now able to compete as well. Even if Sprint doesn't win there in speeds, improvements of any sort are welcome and are sure to come to pass.

  12. Stupid San Bernardino County! They are the worst county for re-banding ever!

    Sent from Josh's iPad mini using Tapatalk

    It really is completely ridiculous. Sprint really isn't even an option for those folks in SoCal compared to the other big 3. Just too many holes without 800. And until that changes there is no way I'd use Sprint if I lived there. The times I've been in Los Angeles and San Diego, I was appalled at how inferior the Sprint network was out there compared to here in the Southeast.
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