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Posts posted by JonnygATL

  1. Got an update on the GS7E yesterday. Anyone know what it was for? Security, I imagine. But I had also been experiencing severe screen mirroring issues with my 2016 55 inch Samsung TV. After yesterday's update, my screen mirroring function appears to be working just fine. For reference, my boyfriend's gs8+ NEVER had issues with the screen mirror feature and he did not receive the same update.

  2. Exciting news (at least for me lol) picked up Band 41 for the first time in central Lexington area. Was able to pull a 47 Mbps download which is light years ahead of anything I've seen in this area.

    Unfortunately downtown Columbia remains a B25 wasteland with terrible speeds.

    Per SCP, it looks like Sprint finally lit up both Lexingtons - yours and mine (SC and KY) - with Nokia mini macs capable of 2xCA on band 41. Very nice!
    • Like 3
  3. First time I see Google mentioned in any Comcast/Charter/Sprint article. 

    Jeff Kagan: Sprint is the Bell of the Comcast, Charter Google Ball.



    On a side note, since the above article reminded me of SpectrumCo LLC with so many hands in the pot, I noticed something odd when I looked up the company.

    According to Crunchbase, SpectrumCo is still a sub set of Comcast, that much I knew. But the website listed on Crunchbase points to fiercewireless.com. But the FW website states it's a division of Questex. Confusing to say the least.







    That was a good read. Thanks for sharing. Finally, someone sees the fruits of Sprint's efforts.
    • Like 1
  4. It is funny you still knew what it meant. English isn't my first language and I think that was a simple spelling mistake, not a grammatical error. But thanks.

    Sent from my LG-LS993 using Tapatalk

    You are correct. Spelling errors and grammatical errors are two different (though closely related) things. My mistake.


    That said, there are WAY too many written errors - both spelling and grammatical in nature - that we would all do best to avoid. At best, they are highly distracting. At worst, they completely alter the meaning of the sentence (or make it entirely unintelligible all around).


    And, you're welcome.

    • Like 2
  5. I realize with my writing, I may be overusing commas when I'm unsure and unaware of whether or not there ought to be one. I apologize to anyone who may be annoyed by my usage of commas as often I use them for that reason. I'd likely be able to use them more appropriately if I was able to work, and I did so in a capacity where typing was an important part of the job.

    Yes, you do overuse commas. Like, a lot. But at least you're aware.

    • Like 1
  6. I'm sure Marcello disagrees with you. Every customer counts at this point. Back then, Sprint was willing to let you walk from a contact free of charge if you roamed excessively. Today, they just cut you off from roaming instead of losing you.

    Eh, I really don't care what you think about it. I already explained that i never implied they didn't need more customers. For the last time they just don't need them in low performing areas. Those places are not where their (new customer acquisition) efforts should lie.


    And it's "Marcelo." One "l."


    New topic.

    • Like 2
  7. Actually, none of this has anything to do with what I pointed out as false in your statement. Let me remind you of what you said and bold out the part that is just absolutely, 100% wrong.

    Sprint is trying very hard to attract and retain customers. Your last sentence is just flat out wrong.

    I never said they were not trying to acquire new customers. I did say they wouldn't miss you, specifically. There is no need to read into something that isn't there.


    Reaching out to new customers within their existing footprint and even increasing subscriber count in areas within that existing footprint where the network is particularly strong is a very attainable goal. But in their weaker areas they are bound to lose customers here and there. So long as they make up for that in their better served areas they will be just fine.


    But there are areas that simply are not served well by them and that isn't likely to change anytime soon. So for those people complaining sometimes simply isn't the answer. Switching might just make more sense. Simple as that.


    As I've said many times before, Sprint service here where I live and work is particularly strong. No issue for me.

    • Like 1
  8. It seems like it will happen at least some point down the road: https://seekingalpha.com/news/3273003-sprint-chief-claure-enormous-synergies-t-mobile-merger?ifp=0


    When your CEO starts publicly discussing it, they are working on something.

    They're definitely not at all trying to hide that they are wide open for discussion. I guess my biggest concern is that they not scale back the rollout of band 41 to non b41 towers as they wait for a potential suitor.


    Given recent capex guidance, however, it would seem they plan on plowing ahead either way.

  9. Considering Sprint fell from the solid #3 national carrier to distant #4, I beg to differ. Sprint wants as many subscribers as it can have.

    As a matter of fact, based on the recent free service promo that Sprint is offering, you're statement is not only inaccurate, but 100% false.

    That new promotion is interesting but has zero to do with what I said. My point is Sprint isn't necessarily trying to cover every single human in the lower 48. Nor should they necessarily be trying to. My point is clear and solid in that if it doesn't work for you (or whomever) then stop whining and find a carrier that does. Sprint doesn't owe you coverage. In fact, they don't owe you or me or anyone else (aside from shareholders) anything at all. Entitlement, that's a major problem these days.
    • Like 5
  10. This conversation isn't about T-mobile. So don't bring them in. If you don't like Sprint then walk () away. No one will miss you in Overland Park. But they work for the VAST MAJORITY of Americans. That cannot be denied. There is always room for improvement in any situations in one's life (take, I dunno...grammar, for example) but their service is greatly improved and largely sufficient for most Americans. Sprint doesn't owe you - or anyone, for that matter - anything. Get used to that fact.

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