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Posts posted by JonnygATL

  1. Somewhere has to be last. And I think most Americans would be OK with Alabama and Eastern KY to be last. Right, wrong or indifferent. I also have a feeling it will largely be folks from Alabama and Kentucky who would disagree.

    Using Moto X² on Tapatalk

    Understood. But metro Birmingham is over 1 million people. The Lexington, KY metro? Just under half a million. So these aren't one horse towns. Granted, most of Lexington has bands 25 and 26 enabled, with just the far flung significantly smaller towns awaiting fiber backhaul to enable LTE. And I think Alabama had some sort of issue with LTE on 800 that caused a huge delay. Right, Robert? What were the details on that?
  2. Yeah, I read that as well.  He/she/it is usually batsh@t crazy but, I do have to admit (with great disdain) that he/she/it has had some pretty valid points lately, both for and against Sprint.  


    My stance?  Both companies have done absolutely remarkable things network-wise in the past few years.  I certainly am man enough to give credit where credit is due.  T-mobile, however, is riding atop a phenomenal marketing campaign.  Their brand has gone from tarnished and tired to consumer centric and quite desired.  An awesome business case study, to be sure.


    Sprint can do the same if their marketing team can correctly and memorably relay the message of how far the Sprint network has truly come and where it's going. 


    When I stumbled across this site in early 2012 I was fuming mad at Sprint.  I was living near Emory University here in Atlanta and was shocked to not be able to even get a usable 3G signal on the campus of one of the South's leading educational institutions nestled in the geographic middle of the nation's 9th largest metropolitan area.  It was truly shocking.  This site allowed me to see the light at the end of the tunnel, however and the distance Sprint has come is truly mind-boggling.  The biggest take away, at least for me, isn't the ubiquitous 4G LTE I find essentially everywhere I go, it's not the quantum leap in download speeds from sub-dial up to now consistently over 15 mbps...it's not even the rapidly growing of band 41 coverage with its speeds of over 40 mbps.  No, what really stands out to me is that I HAVEN'T ROAMED IN OVER 18 MONTHS, EVEN UNDERGROUND IN PARKING GARAGES AND DEEP IN THE BOWELS OF LARGE BUILDINGS.  800 SMR has completely changed the nature of the core sprint network.  Being able to make and receive calls and texts in virtually any situation I've come across and not having to roam has been the biggest positive change to Sprint's network since upgrading from 2G to 3G. 


    Most readers of fiercewireless, Fabian included, would never express that, largely because T mobile has only recently acquired any low band spectrum at all...and it certianly isn't nationwide.


    That's my dos centavos for the day.  ...as you were.  

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