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Posts posted by JonnygATL

  1. I have done Gino's East and Giordano's.  But the next time that I am in Chicago and can make it out to Morton Grove, I want to try Burt's Place.  Or if I cannot venture that far from the Near North Side where I usually stay at The Drake, I will do Pequod's Pizzeria, which Burt used to own.  There is a Pequod's location in Lincoln Park.




    And the food zombie apocalypse continues to overrun S4GRU...




    That looks like one gigantic, messy pile of pure deliciousness.  I usually stay with friends near Wrigley Field when I'm in town.  I'll have to check out one of your recommendations next time I'm up that way - likely around Halloween. 

  2. The Snapdragon 808 is only capable of 2xCA, correct?  Like so many others, I am either buying this phone or the Nexus 5X. Since both phones are apparently starting at $399 and ship with essentially pure Android, the only other big selling point for me to differentiate between the two would be if one were to support 3XCA and the other were not.  I'm hoping the Nexus 5X does.  We shall see. 

  3. Any idea why they are retiring it? 

    What kind of business decision would prompt a company to go from something unique to something normal?

    It really made precious little sense and looked sort of, well, cheap.  At a time when all carriers are using multiple bands of LTE, branding Sprint's as something unique is no longer valid.  Hence, in my mind at least, the reason for the change.  It's no longer a selling point (as in, it is no longer unique, I mean).  

    Band 41, however, is (especially with CA).

  4. The only good restaurant I remember from the early 90's was Red Lobster!!!! I didnt even know olive garden existed at that point. Prolly cause we didnt have them in our state in the early 90's... haha. Oh and cant really forget Ruby Tuesday!!!! :)

    Red lobster?? Oh, wow. I can't even respond to that. It's barely even "food."


    But that Verizon logo...seriously..WTF? What, exactly, are they going for? This is a questionable move, to be sure. If not straight up bizarre.

    • Like 2
  5. Perhaps I'm overreacting in my thoughts about this, but the new Verizon logo reminds me of the changes to the Olive Garden logo. Just very bland and boring to look at, nothing exciting. The check mark now is just a small addition at the end of the logo, whereas before it was visually striking, including the length of the bottom part of the "z".

    The logo doesn't look good to me, and though despite reminding me of the Olive Garden logo change I mentioned earlier, I'll admit that it isn't as bad, just bland and boring, perhaps dull as a better word, since logos are not necessarily meant to be entertaining.

    Anyways, here is the AdvertisingAge article : http://adage.com/article/digital/verizon-revamps-logo/300190/

    Well if anything reminds one of a godforsaken Olive Garden then said thing is, by definition, horrendous.
    • Like 1
  6. Grrrrr, I still have exactly 0 band 41 towers in my market. I recently got back from Tampa and was able to get >100mbps on a CA enabled site there. I'm about to throw a virgin in a volcano so maybe I'll get some of that sweet aggregated love.

    Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk

    It's a good thing, then, that we've got widespread CA here in Atlanta because one thing we certainly lack are virgins. Like, at all. Come to think of it, I haven't seen any volcanoes in the region, either. Of course, unless, Stone Mountain is simply sleeping lol.
  7. I really wish I had a CA capable phone. I am holding off, however,for the only phone I will even consider - the 2015 Nexus 5. Though many have praised the HTC One M8 I can tell you that I absolutely do not like this phone nor any non Nexus (or GPE variant) phone. Oh, how sweet CA will be!

    • Like 1
  8. Oh wow where is these speeds at?

    Sent from my LG-H631 using Tapatalk

    The locations of those super fast speed tests (clearly with carrier aggregation live) are clearly shown in each case. You just have to look. Hebron, KY (CVG area), Florence, KY (mall area) and Fairfield, OH on the northern side of metro Cincinnati.
    • Like 2
  9. Well that's indeed my underlying point. It is dangerously stupid ignorance that pollutes social media for years on end until it clears up and perceptions finally start to change.


    Everyone thinks that T-Mobile (and Verizon) are the shit because they're good in their particular town/area. But once people venture outside of concrete jungle land or once people travel throughout the country or out of their market, the true colors of those two being just as inconsistent and non-perfect as AT&T and Sprint shine right in their faces.


    The difference is, outside of your points too, Sprint's work has been plain obvious and non-stop and they absolutely no longer suck on average or any of this crap that's been spewed on social media, and AT&T is not buckling nationwide, nor dissatisfying their many customers, like many idiots have incorrectly stated. In fact in their better markets they shine. People are free to leave any one of the 4 carriers if they have such a problem and it's common sense to choose based on your situation and needs. 


    So, it all goes back to there being no one solid nationwide carrier. We just know the technical amount of coverage in chronological order (VZW, AT&T, Sprint, T-Mobile), but it doesn't mean much to anyone individually. 


    It is and always will be area dependent.


    So I was entertaining myself the other day by debating on the comments section of a fiercewireless article with (wait for it......)...."Fabian," whatever that thing even is....and it was arguing that tmobile has a larger native footprint (nevermind LTE, we're talking total coverage of ANY kind) than Sprint. Is this true? To my limited knowledge, it is not. But I need to know...am I wrong?
    • Like 1
  10. Yep. It's my #1 and #2 complaint about the Midwest. There is no useful public transit in most of these cities, and no middle-class-affordable urban housing in most of these cities (unless you qualify for government subsidy). The design of life here economically coerces most people into owning a single family home in a suburb, driving everywhere, and working at that one job forever.

    If you like all of that, if you want to live in a suburb next to Sprint's campus and work at Sprint for the rest of your life, then life is perfect and you wouldn't even know this was an issue.

    But if you might want to change jobs in the next 40 years without uprooting yourself and/or family, or if you have a spouse who wants to find work in some other field, or you don't want to maintain a poorly-cheaply-constructed suburban house + lawn, it would really suck to be stuck there.

    It's the big "Midwest" problem. It's a problem in Kansas City. But the exact same problem exists in Milwaukee, and Grand Rapids, and Toledo, and Dayton, and many other cities.

    And Cincinnati. Omg I hated it. I spent 2 long years there and it felt like a jail sentence. Never again. The Midwest, aside from Chicago and the Twin Cities, is far too boring. As a gay man, that will not do. But I'm also a gay man who has mostly straight friends and dislikes most gay men, so maybe I'm not the best to speak from a gay perspective, whatever that is even supposed to be.

    Edit: Atlanta is awesome. A true, global city. I have friends from all across the earth's face and I celebrate every day of it. I couldn't be happier. And...it's affordable as hell. We just need an ocean!

    • Like 4
  11. I had some thoughts regarding the Clear equipment too. I know WiMax is suppose to be shutdown in November, which I'm wondering if that has something to do with it, as the sites still running WiMax Sprint may not be giving as much to Sprint LTE because of that, though I'm just speculating.

    I had Clear for a very brief time several years ago at home in the same place I still live at. I tried it in the living room, which was okay, better than the speeds I got at home with Sprint LTE. I decided though to cancel and get AT&T Uverse instead, which while not great either, is better than Clear was. I can't be sure, but I think the download speed I got on Clear was around 6mbps, whereas on AT&T Uverse the download speed is around 18mbps-21mbps during a single use of streaming.

    I definitely have hope that when Sprint gets this issue resolved, it'll be a lot better. My plan if I get back on Sprint later this year, is to contact Sprint's support department, if the issue isn't resolved by then. Although my main concern about the issue isn't so much the speed at home, as I'm hoping to switch from Uverse to Xfinity, in order not to be so limited with having almost all of the speed only being used for one thing, which is why I still use the cell service at home for internet browsing while watching streaming movies using Uverse. I'm concerned about the speeds around my home area of the community, which I've mentioned are bad around here, but good on the other side, which is the exact opposite of T-Mobile which is good around home but bad around my aunt's where Sprint is good. It is an issue I'd contact T-Mobile about, if I were planning to keep them.

    Can you PLEASE work on parsing down your posts? The on and on is excessively tiresome. It truly is. Please, by all means, make your point. But clearly and CONCISELY. And then move on about your day.
    • Like 14
  12. Pardon me?  What does that have to do with the price of tea in China?  I addressed a misconception that JonnygATL made in interpreting the RootMetrics results.  He incorrectly interpreted that Sprint had no service at 19 of the 50 top airports.  Now, you are moving the goalposts to data speeds.


    However, if you want to know why the other three have faster data throughput at airports, it is because their primary LTE is low band and/or mid band.  For Sprint, its "big pipe" is high band, band 41, and that is going to take some time to get into airports.


    No, the data throughput is not "terrible."  That is hyperbole.  Sprint may be in fourth place, but 6.8 Mbps downlink, 3 Mbps uplink is very usable service -- especially for being in such high traffic settings as airports.  Sure, the data speeds can be improved, and they will be improved.


    Finally, your last several posts are unduly negative, bordering on trolling.  I suggest that you chill out.



    Can you clarify one thing about DAS systems for me, AJ?   DAS systems are put into placed by third parties, who then lease space on them to the carriers or do the carriers install the systems themselves?  Reading over several pages of comments on them on this and other forums I find myself confused as to how these systems work.  


    It would be fantastic if Sprint were able to get band 41 deployed on some of these systems.  Or any band, for that matter, just so long as they get themselves set up on these systems.  

  13. No, you are misreading that stat, somewhat understandably, as the writing is vague.  Because of FAA regulations, underground areas, RF unfriendly construction, and mass passengers, airports are difficult to serve.


    But some level of Sprint service definitely is available at all 50 top airports.  It is ludicrous to think otherwise.  At 31 of those airports, the Sprint connection rate is greater than 97 percent.  At the other 19 airports, the Sprint connection rate is less than 97 percent.  That is what the quote actually stated/implied.


    Look at the included graph.  What does 26 + 16 + 8 equal?  What does 41 + 9 + 0 equal?  50.



    I actually did realize that after the fact, while taking with others on another forum about this.  And I haven't seen any graph.  I viewed and responded in the comments section on that article from my personal mobile device, so that math lesson at the end of your post was complete nonsense to me as I had no idea what you were even referring to.  In fact, I still don't because I still haven't seen it.  I will go revisit the page from my laptop so I will know what you mean.


    The language was a bit vague but now I do see how I misinterpreted that.  I get it now, you can cancel the APB.


    Nevertheless, it is embarrassing to have such a greatly improved network elsewhere but be so lacking when it comes to airports.  And, yes, I know they're difficult to serve and I know the reasons.  It still stands that they trail the other big 4 and I only want to see them improve in that regard.  Clearly, improving the service at airports will go a long way toward improving the greater Sprint public image. 

  14. I can not wait for the circle jerk that results from this.     http://www.rootmetrics.com/us/blog/special-reports/2015-1h-airport-us





    " The good news for Sprint customers, however, is that the network showed across-the-board improvement in reliability. We were able to connect to Sprint’s network in more than 97% of tests at 31 airports, compared to only 21 airports in our last round of testing. And we were then able to complete our web/app task more than 97% of the time at 34 airports, compared to 28 last time."


    ​Definitely still room for improvement in the speed area, but they are getting there.

    This is shocking to me. I wonder why this is the case? Sprint service isn't even AVAILABLE at 19 of the nation's top 50 airports? That's a problem. I hope they address this expeditiously. I'm sure Marcelo and upper management are already aware of and have read this article.
    • Like 5
  15. So this image was floating around my feed on Instagram by a few of my followers. I think it's crazy yet kinda funny that there is a "label" based on what carrier you have. To me I don't think there's a "look" or whatever you want to call it because you have carrier x, y or z.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Personally, I think this is absolutely hilarious! ..totally stealing and posting on my fb wall!

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