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Everything posted by CAREND

  1. The video link shows the TV app, so should we assume there is an IR blaster?
  2. looks like we might not have the IR blaster?
  3. The comments hurt my head.
  4. An oligopoly is what cable is. It is a large consortium of operators who are the only source in their respective areas. Before Fios and ATT, there was only charter, comcast, time warner and a few other companies. they all have a monopoly on services in their regions.
  5. What shold happen si the cities should start funding their own builds and selling those to the competition. That would require voter approval and financing, but that will get done with less red tape, maybe.


    It sounds like Android 4.3. It will take some getting used to, but come on, it's android. It will get to a point where it is almost not intrusive at all.
  7. For the longest time, cable companies were oligopolies. Territories were bought out by competitors as they got larger, or there would be trades of territories. Then DSL came. Not much, but an option for internet. Now we have a few options in places, but not enough to get the price of TV and internet competitive with other parts of the world. Where is that dang Al Gore and his promise for internet for all?!
  8. I say, if you don't have to pay for school, do the cheapest route possible. If i were offered free schooling at a young age, i would have taken that no matter the degree. Also remember, it will come down to not what you know but who you know. What you know will help as much as who you know, but knowing people will get you further ahead. Ask politicians.
  9. They put a spell on him. If you want to go to school, you need to decide what works best for you. If you work 50+ plus hours, it might be time for a change. I work 40+ hours a week and do school 3 nights a week. That's what weekends are for.
  10. I will tell you that a site matching your description has had 3g acceptance. But for the cost of a kids meal at McDonalds, you could know that and more. I can understand not wanting to give up money, but if you really want to know the changes, you really should donate. This would answer more of your questions as well.
  11. Over 95% of ALL sprint sites will get LTE, it is just a matter of when. If the equipment looks different, it probably has been updated. You could always give up a few bucks to find out more and keep up to date by becoming a sponsor.
  12. I know that is what they were doing, however, i had the flash app on my phone but it appears to no longer be there. I'll have to load it from the old Evo LTE.
  13. Noticed that there is not more flash player in 4.4.2. I had it before, but it is not on this version of Android. Any ideas?
  14. just keep posting them in this thread. this will keep them id'd and in one place.
  15. We had that issue with early cases on the One where the power button was covered until they figured out it was an ir blaster. If what you say is the case, then it makes a little more sense since attempting to use the phone as a remote can ge a little difficult. (holding in the xy plane as opposed to the yz/xz plane)
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