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Everything posted by Vince

  1. Yes. It's hit or miss lately, but when I connect with my wife, it seems more instant as opposed to that cut after like 3 seconds while it's switching over. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  2. You're only changing the first scan priorities. The network decides what band to put you on right after that initial scan. Band 26 was never meant to be used for anything other than a coverage expander, and offloading capacity in certain circumstances. It will always be 3rd in priority, with 41 being first. The only device that can override this is the HTC M8, because you can actually enable/disable all 3 sprint LTE bands. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  3. New York is wideband, and you're lucky. They need to figure something out in Chicago to get it better than 10x10. Having that be your only LTE offering is trouble in 2015. Every other provider has multiple bands for traffic, yet they still do decent on rootmetrics reports here. Like o said, I was impressed at the density of their network, volte, and wifi calling. They really seem to have that stuff figured out. With faster LTE, they'd be a viable second option here since I need unlimited data, and really only have two choices. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  4. I want to know if that test drive program gives you higher network traffic priority than any other customer--maybe to give a better impression of their offerings. Also, I would like to see a comparison between two identical devices; one prepaid, one postpaid. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  5. Here's a email screenshot from a Sprint engineer that I was in contact with last week. Even though they mixed up bc1/10, you get the point. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  6. Chicagoans will still need B12 on their device if they travel; Michigan and Indiana both have it. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  7. Yep. When I came back to Sprint a week or so ago, that's the first thing I noticed. I wonder if they changed the way traffic is routed? Www.iplocation.net shows me connected to "sprint Chicago pop in Chicago, Illinois." T-Mobile was always Minneapolis or KC. Cricket was anywhere but close, usually California or Texas (which is why their latency sucks in Chicago). Sent from my iPhone 6+
  8. Does downgrading your OS revert the carrier bundle and modem firmware, too? I haven't rolled back in a while, and can't remember. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  9. Thanks to the admin who broke my large post into paragraphs; I was late for work, and tried to get as much information out before I had to punch in, and didn't have time to edit. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  10. I can help give a little review of Chicago if needed. Over the last month, I have tested Cricket, and T-Mobile. I'll start with T-Mobile: their network is dense, and LTE is everywhere, even indoors in most places, more so than Sprint who has band 26, which I found odd. Volte and wifi calling worked so well, that I couldn't complain one bit. Their weak spot, as mentioned, is only being 10x10. It works fine in less crowded areas, but in crowded areas, it could be a mess. Maybe it was because I was prepaid, and there were priorities in place, but speeds in the city were not good at all. T-Mobile would be worth a second look here with 15x15 or better. Cricket: I was pleasantly surprised about how well AT&T's network worked. I've never been on their network before, and had to try it because everyone I know with them, never, ever loses LTE. Band 17 is an absolute monster. It's so strong, and I was thoroughly impressed. They're running 10x10 b17 and 5x5 b4 here in Chicago. I saw b2 when I was in Minooka, so I don't know where their pcs licenses really are. Speeds were consistent, even in Chicago. My problem with them was the throttle, the pings, and the 20gb limit. I use 25gb a month without even trying, so it was tight with them. I've been a Sprint customer since the Nextel days, and that's where I'll stay for the foreseeable future. Sprint still has 3G drop issues for me in some places, or anywhere indoors that's not near a tower. Leaving my phone on the table rectifies that problem after a re-scan. The speeds here are fantastic, and anywhere that has band 41 (almost everywhere I go) has very, very usable data. My 3G drop problem might be related to the iPhone, and not the network, as people with android around here don't complain as much as I do. Sprint gets my money. We're a priority market for them, we have more spectrum than most Sprint markets, with the addition of the pcs-b from uscc, and an additional spark carrier popping up. I see Sprint taking 1st place in Chicago by the second half of 2015 on rootmetrics. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  11. Yep. What's up with that? It seems like every time the screen is off, wifi disconnects. Not every time, but a lot of times. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  12. He needs an 8.3 jailbreak to do some digging around to see what got changed from 8.2. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  13. This is nice, and it's a start. "The biggest difference between the two offerings is that Sprint's service is limited to 15 countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Germany, Guatemala, Japan, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Russia, South Korea, Spain and the UK. T-Mobile's roaming plan offers free data service in more than 120 countries around the world." Source: http://www.cnet.com/news/sprint-to-offer-free-international-data-roaming/ Sent from my iPhone 6+
  14. I've seen that zero dots/3G a few times recently. Not sure what it's all about, though. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  15. Mine is not so good. Same old stuff. Still dropping to 3G constantly in the same spots. I guess I'll learn to live with it, as we probably won't get another carrier update until September with 9.0. Edit: I wonder if I have a bad SIM card? Couldn't that be a cause of weird connection issues? I've had the same Sim since my 5s. (About 17 months) Sent from my iPhone 6+
  16. You can't get it activated? Or you just don't see wifi calling (settings - phone)? iOS 8.3 shipped with Sprint carrier 19.0, but requires carrier 19.1 to enable it. Go to settings - about. It should immediately prompt you to download a new carrier bundle. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  17. Better call quality is typical of all wifi calling. Sprint HD calling is not compatible with the iPhone wifi calling, or maybe wifi calling in general. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  18. It's specific to the carrier bundle. Think of the carrier bundle as a file that enables/disables different toggles and options within the OS. That's why some of these bundles are able to enable tethering and such. You could ask the person who made it to enable wifi calling. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  19. Dial *3001#12345#* then click "Serving Cell Info." [emoji107]???? Sent from my iPhone 6+
  20. Anyone else glad they fixed this? I was tired of my URL bar looking like "why.didnt.apple.fix.this.sooner." Sent from my iPhone 6+
  21. What were/is the value? I think I've looked in there before with iFile, and recall the value being something other than a clear-cut "25, 26, 41." That value shouldn't matter, though, as it's probably similar to the LTE band preference on an android; it only relates to the initial scan. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  22. It's probably just Sprint being Sprint. Get it out there to silence the crowd; fix it later. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  23. Are you using Windows? If so, you have to follow those directions. You need to input that line of code in a command prompt to allow iTunes to see IPCC files. If you entered the code, and still can't see it, reboot. I had that problem, but it was easy to fix. Sent from my iPhone 6+
  24. I'll still use it. It does have benefits, like better audio quality to non-Sprint numbers. Sent from my iPhone 6+
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