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Everything posted by PythonFanPA

  1. No clue, I haven't installed it yet. And again, Sprint hasn't updated the site to indicate anything regarding a new update. Edit: A search on XDA seems to indicate the new version would be ZV9: https://forum.xda-developers.com/sprint-lg-g5/how-to/zv9-soon-t3554348
  2. Anyone else gotten a System Update notification? I do as of the past 10-15 minutes, but the official Sprint page doesn't list anything new yet: https://support.sprint.com/support/article/Find-and-update-the-software-version-on-your-LG-G5/WServiceAdvisory_542_GKB95144-dvc10200007prd?INTNAV=SU:DP:OV:UG:LgG5:FindAndUpdateTheSoftwareVersionOnYourLgG5 Wondering if this might be the update to enable HPUE.
  3. Twinkie Defense https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Twinkie_defense
  4. Control of Sling TV impact within as well as 28Ghz band wireless spectrum in 4 markets (unspecified): http://dish.client.shareholder.com/releasedetail.cfm?ReleaseID=1009846
  5. They must be rolling the Android update out in stages - I've had several apps updating over the past several days but have yet to see GV pop up to do so.
  6. http://www.theverge.com/2017/1/23/14356262/google-voice-update-redesign-new-features-android-ios
  7. Awesome, thanks for the insight. I'm unfamiliar with their router offerings; we generally were setting up UniFi's in established network environments anyway, but when new equipment had to go in,the company I worked for pretty much swore by Cisco and/or Netgear products in addition to SonicWalls for the core setup. I'll have to look into that combo for home...I'm ironically running the predecessor to one of your AIO rec's currently, as I have the TP Archer C8. I've been pretty happy with it.
  8. In my previous desktop IT consultant job/'former life', we installed Ubiquiti UniFi's (think the original ones though, not the model you suggested) in many businesses, so I can vouch for the hardware and actual usage/service quality - the only real negative I remember hating about it was how quirky the software client was to install so you could configure it. I know in a couple locations we could never get it working on Server and had to run it on one of the workstations instead. Have they improved the software configuration client to any degree?
  9. Seriously - I don't care what he's running, complaining about a 14ms ping is about like going to Ethiopia and complaining that you only have half a jar of Grey Poupon to compliment your 7 course filet minon dinner.
  10. I was a bit apprehensive of updating after I read this, but I finally had the time and ran it today - thus far on mine, if anything the system seems even slightly snappier overall than before the update. The only negative to me is the new way notifications are rendered on the pulldown in 7/Nougat - I do like the 'grouped' notification aspect on something like Score or ESPN apps from a functional perspective, but the overall presentation look versus how they looked in Marshmallow I don't really care for.
  11. Just out of curiosity - is this still actually an active thing or not? Sometimes the Chrome extension I installed for this last year still kicks in, and the website still exists too (with a 2016 copyright at the bottom): https://sprintpoints.retailbenefits.com/
  12. While its been a few months, the above is not accurate - the app was updated back in April.
  13. I'm assuming you meant to quote Dkoeller, not me - I didn't mention anything about SMS, just was pointing out the update note I saw regarding VoWifi.
  14. Notes mentioned VOWiFi improvements/security patches and one other thing I forget at the moment. Thinking it was a nondescript 'bug fixes' reference but not sure. I ran it this morning after I got into work.
  15. Yeah, I had Nova Launcher on mine from day 1...but then, that would have been the case regardless of which phone I bought anyway. Even back on the old Epic 4G (my first Android phone) I didn't stick with the default launcher long...I think it was ADW that was one of the the best back then I used before I discovered Nova.
  16. I can second that - AT&T being still stuck on 2G along I-40 where I used to live in TN was why I switched to Sprint and even found my way here in the first place a few years back. They've since rectified that from what I'm told, but at the time Sprint (as bad as they were before back then in the eyes of many) was considerably better/faster than AT&T. Every carrier has areas where they have issues, and AT&T certainly has had as many warts as anyone else.
  17. Performance wise its still the best phone I've ever owned, no quirks/issues at all. The one negative I could say is that I've found the screen to be too easy to get minor scratches on - I say minor because they're either visible or not depending on what angle you view from. During straight on viewing while using the phone you can't really see anything, but if you start angling down to almost horizontal, it can be very noticeable.
  18. As the old adage goes, you can't squeeze blood from a turnip.
  19. Had a connection flight through O'Hare today with a ~3hr layover - is service normally as bad as I experienced today? There were 1-2 times I would get LTE connections, but mostly I kept changing between eHRPD (with !@#$ or something along those lines underneath), 1x, and no signal. This was in the terminal with L gates (didn't have to move between flights much). I was really surprised since in all other airports we hit on our trip (BWI, LAX & PDX) we had excellent/consistent coverage.
  20. Forgot to mention, Seaside has consistent native LTE as well. Cannon Beach might too, but we unfortunately didn't have time to spend there this trip.
  21. Are you talking about along the coast, or inland? Other side of the mountains is a stark contrast from my experience, it was still in the 90's when we were in Medford before heading down to Crescent City. The weather did crap out on us unfortunately yesterday with rain/fog. We could barely see a thing from the Cape Perpetua lookout, and based on that (plus timing to a smaller degree) I also nixed a planned hike on the upper trail to the lookout area at Cascade Head.
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