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Everything posted by PythonFanPA

  1. I thought there was a way to make a sort of cross-forum thread link here (S4GRU) before such that if you clicked on a thread link in a given forum, it auto-directed you to the post in another forum (I may have used the wrong term with 'crossposting', so my apologies if so). I know I've seen this ability in other forums, and thought I'd seen it used here as well, but its entirely possibly I'm just remembering wrong about having seen it done here.
  2. https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2017/05/net-neutrality-goes-down-in-flames-as-fcc-votes-to-kill-title-ii-rules/
  3. Robert, is there a way you could make a cross-link post to this thread from the General forum since it gets most of the traffic?
  4. Wondering if this is somehow related to a memory/memory usage issue. I inadvertently discovered that if I punch the square/'Overview' button and do a Clear All, then go back into the Google app, suddenly it will work again when this happens.
  5. Pretty sure I've tried that as well as (though not in awhile at this point) even uninstalling/reinstalling but the intermittent issue still remains. I could never tell if its a bug that got introduced at some point or some Android update/version conflict, but given your post I'm starting to feel it may be the former of the two.
  6. Has anyone else been experiencing issues with Google Now feeds blanking out until you reboot? It's been happening to me periodically even before the latest update so I don't think it's related to that.
  7. I won't link to one of the more memorable threads that comes to mind to me as its not in the public area anyway, but I'll just reference it by saying this: I remember maximus and Rukin. On an unrelated side note, I'm waiting and watching for the virtual mike drop post before AJ curmudgeonly walks out the doors of S4GRU from all the nostalgia posts.
  8. Can these relay off each other as well (i.e., say you're outside a strong signal range, but there's another one or two hypothetically installed in buildings/homes between you and the closest macro site), or will they only relay data signal from macro or external SC's?
  9. And as for myself, a few months shy of 5 years now (I had to look it up and was surprised its been that long), and the experience for the most part here has been outstanding. There's a ton I still don't know particularly as I don't have the time these days as I used to to try and inhale all the info/insight shared here, but I started out as a AT&T -> Sprint transplant coming from extreme frustration to lesser frustration but learning/understanding what's to come. People can gripe about Sprint all they want, but I've see a night/day difference for my part almost (caveat) everywhere I've traveled in the last 5 years compared to when I was first making treks back/forth between TN and PA, and I'd like to think I'm the poster child for the typical/average (rather than power) user. And I've been fortunate because of S4GRU to know/understand the changes and why, and have been a happy supporter (though admittedly far moreso, both from a participation and donation perspective, in the earlier days before I got married :X ) of the site throughout my tenure.
  10. I thought about inviting Robert out for some face-to-face fried chicken feasting on our Oregon trip last August, but I don't know if he'd have made the trek from Seattle to Portland just for KFC. Next time we go I may have to rethink the idea after finding this article - it might just be enough to entice him: https://pdx.eater.com/maps/best-fried-chicken-portland
  11. Yes, appears to just be Android security update patch unless/until Sprint posts otherwise...software version is now LS9932ZVA. Sprint has nothing up yet on their website with details.
  12. Restaurant Locator https://www.kfc.com/store-locator
  13. Ironically, I checked the Choetech pack I'd previously referenced today and Amazon actually has them back in stock, and at a discount for Prime members, only $26.99 with 2-day shipping. I just ordered one.
  14. That's...kind of odd - they give QC charging capability for the pack but *only* via the older micro USB port? Does it work ok using QC charging via that connection?
  15. Has anyone found a power bank that meets all of the following criteria? - Supports QC outgoing as well as input charging, whether just QC2 or QC3 as well - Supports both USB-C out *and* in ports for charging the power bank as well The one I've found online is by Choetech, but it seems to be sold out: https://www.amazon.com/Bank-CHOE-15600mAh-Lightning-Charging-Portable/dp/B00ZCGLBT6/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_bdcrb_top?ie=UTF8
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