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Everything posted by PythonFanPA

  1. Exposed: Legitimate-looking LG G5 poses for pics http://www.androidauthority.com/exposed-legitimate-looking-lg-g5-poses-for-pics-673504/
  2. Believe its the same in Handcent. I always force-split them myself, it makes more sense to me anyway. Handcent at least (have never even heard of Textra so not familiar enough to comment there) also has a number labeling option (1/3, 2/3, 3/3) such that the reader will know the order in which they're to be read - or if one is missing.
  3. Btw, Nova at least allows you to backup and import your setup too I believe - obviously you'd have to reinstall all your previous apps first, but you'd be doing that anyway even if you stick with the built-in/native launcher.
  4. That's one way to look at it I guess, but another is, there's something worthwhile about being able to upgrade your hardware while maintaining the same usage experience and customization across multiple devices (assuming Android based). Most of us pretty much do the same thing with PC's when we upgrade them - why not our phones too?
  5. Aritcle on leaked Geekbench benchmark scores for the G5: http://phandroid.com/2016/02/10/lg-g5-benchmark-shows-snapdragon-820-4gb-of-ram-and-promising-scores/
  6. I've used Nova for long enough that at this point I never bother with whatever comes native on a phone anyway regardless of the situation - I love the depth of customization it offers.
  7. LG's modular, dual-everything G5 could be one big play for differentiation: http://www.androidcentral.com/lgs-modular-g5-could-be-one-big-play-differentiation
  8. No solution, but I can independently confirm its still happening sometimes...I've had it happen a few times the past ~1.5 months when calling my wife's cell.
  9. Did some searching and found a couple of articles with rumored specs/design and a supposed leaked image via TechRadar and GottaBeMobile Droid Life respectively: http://www.techradar.com/us/news/phone-and-communications/mobile-phones/lg-g5-what-we-want-to-see-1299722 **Update - to be fair, the original sourcing article appears to have come from Droid Life for the image leaks, so here's the link: http://www.droid-life.com/2016/01/23/this-could-be-the-lg-g5-in-a-dummy-box/ The removable 'battery tray' design seems kind of interesting, although I'm not sure how I like how that may affect the ability to use extended battery cases.
  10. Rocket, do you have much of a feel for how it stacks up or you'd compare against the S4 Mini? My wife got the Mini to replace her Photon Q when it finally tanked a little over a year ago, and I'm looking at viable options that would be better for finally getting her daughter a smartphone than simply moving the Mini down to her. Also, how would you factor in the possibility of a Moto E (obtained via Prepaid, assuming it can be activated/used on a regular Sprint line?) vs both of those?
  11. I got up at 7:30 am and went to let the dog out on the back deck just long enough to do her thing and run back in, but couldn't initially because there was a foot of snow on the main part and almost a 2 foot drift against the sliding door. I've now over the course of the day cleared off a section 3 times, and there's another 6-8 inches where I cleared again even then. Have done some shoveling in the front to and a little between our cars, but all that has several inches that have replaced it too. And a 3+ foot mound of snow up against our townhouse where the other snow was deposited. The kid that's still in me is loving experiencing something like this for the first time, speaking as someone who grew up in southern middle TN and the most I'd ever seen prior to starting to make to PA in 2010 was a little over a foot *once* when I was in junior high. The adult in me wants to punch Jack Frost square in the mouth right now.
  12. As a fan from the other side, allow me to tip my hat, because if both teams played 10 times, I honestly wouldn't feel confident Bama would win more than 3-4 of them after what I sat through last night. Watson is unreal, and I'll tell you straight up that until last night, I'd thought the 99 SECCG against Florida in the Swamp in the Dubose years (where, if not for Shaun Alexander, we wouldn't have even been there in the first place much less had a prayer in that game) was the most nerve wracking game I'd watched start to finish - no more. This one takes the cake. I knew Clemson's offense was something to worry about, but the defense showed out as well - one of my buddies made the comment that Dominic Jackson needs to file assault and battery charges on 98 (Kevin Dodd I believe), because he was abused by him most of the game.
  13. In the one most appropriate place I could think of to say it: ROLL TIDE!!
  14. Installed this morning after I got to work. Wish they gave detail on the 'bug fixes', but thus far I don't notice anything different really after a day's use.
  15. In that case, my recommendation is Lost. Still the best show I ever experienced watching and enjoying the next-day water cooler talk between coworkers, many of whom were people I'd never have thought going in would get into a show like that.
  16. Congratulations to this year's S4GRU College Football Pick'em winner, by a margin of 26 points overall: The_Q! Donation to the site has been made
  17. Week 12 again has no Friday night games.....and for note, this is the first of the last 3 weeks left at that....so everyone study up, get their picks in, and make it count!
  18. A Magnetbox might prove to be entertaining in a number of ways, if truth in advertising was involved.
  19. Has anyone ever suggested or inquired with them the possibility of moving to a sort of 'moving window of time', say maybe over a year, that the mapping results reflected? That might have the dual benefit of (a) encouraging people to use the app and map more often and ( thereby drastically increasing the accuracy as well, particularly as time moves forward and situations change positively or negatively either one.
  20. I totally voiced that in my head when reading it with the Superfriends announcer voice.
  21. My parents still had, and hung onto for dear life, a 25 inch wood grain console color Zenith until about 6-7 years ago when it finally bit the dust. Now (and I kneejerk started to, but can't say 'they' - dad unfortunately passed May of this year) there's a 42 inch plasma flatscreen in its place, and before dad passed he marveled at how incredible the picture was - which was ironic given how resistant he always was to any sort of change from a known entity, but once something happened that he was forced to try something new he almost always loved it.
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