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Everything posted by PythonFanPA

  1. I'm no moderator here officially, but I've served as one on many other sites, both private and commercial/for profit, and just want to underscore for you guys continuing this: both Robert and other mods have warned you, and yet you're continuing the political-based discussion. Just to interject a friendly alternative suggestion before one of them comes in here and acts on that timeout threat - you could just as easily continue these back-and-forth arguments directly via private messaging, which the site supports. It's your choice whether or not to do that, but you can continue as you are, or have that choice forced on you the hard way.
  2. Would wait for lilotimz to chime in here for anything definitivie - have read/heard no news that AirRave 4's have been cancelled unless I missed a post somewhere. Also, Magic Boxes won't work just anywhere like AirRaves would (those of us in Shentel territory for example, unless something has finally changed, can't use them). Edit: disregard, when I made this reply I didn't know there was an additional page of posts beyond this one Still, my point about areas where Magic Boxes simply wouldn't work would probably still be apropos.
  3. Curse you Robert for posting one of those 'stuck in your head for a week minimum once you hear it again' songs
  4. Follow-up on the above: apparently the bolded/underlined doesn't apply as 'BYOD' when its a Sprint-branded version that they did sell directly (at some point) and you buy from someone else other than Sprint directly - and even Sprint reps don't understand the context differential. I purchased a refurbished Sprint LG G7, made sure to underscore through chat support that it was a Sprint G7, just did not come with a SIM, and was sent the SIMOLW416Q SIM Part # as indicated in the listing in this thread as proper for a BYOD G7....which apparently turned out to be incompatible with the actual Sprint version G7 phone. All three of the sleeve label that the card comes in, the card with the SIM, and the SIM itself, shows the same ICCID # on it, but in actual activation attempt practice, it registered on Sprint's end as a completely different ICCID and showed an error on their end. Online sales support is supposed to be shipping me a correct replacement now after a 4-hour/3-4 rep ordeal yesterday, but just wanted to post/underscore this for anyone else that might ever review this thread and be looking to go the same route to get a phone as I have. The funny thing is, I never had this kind of issue using the same approach with multiple refurbished G5's and ordering SIM's for those.
  5. In one sense I can understand that, but my counter to that (especially if you're relying primarily/solely on a behemoth such as Google or Samsung or Apple or (fill in your own blank here)) would be that (a.) literally no one is infallible/invincible in the age we live in, and (b.) simple logic stands to reason that the larger/more popular/more visible an entity, the larger the target on their back. I don't even say that as anti-Google at all either mind you - I use Chrome exclusively as my browser both PC & mobile, I use Google Drive as mentioned, I have a Gmail account, I'm Android-only (never have/never will have an i-Anything in life). I do think though there's at least some merit to not necessarily putting all your proverbial eggs in one basket as well. Also, most 3rd party apps I use in such fashion are fairly long-in-the-tooth/well vetted by the mobile community at large I think.
  6. I'm not in on the GS10 love, but to answer your question from a more general perspective for my part: in most cases where it matters, the majority of the apps I use where it really matters for me tend to (nowadays at least) have their own backup/restore ability, that (in most cases) interface with cloud options like Google Drive (my preference) or Dropbox to save/restore from. I started setting up my LG G7 last night and using that method for Nova Launcher for example worked flawlessly to insta-restore my screen setup/icon layout/app drawer/etc exactly as it is on my G5. Texts are a big thing for me as I prefer history preservation (not everyone cares). I know there are slew of different approaches for that, but I prefer using the SMS Backup & Restore app for those - its an incredibly robust app for what it does. For carrying over a few apps I have that you can't find through Play/etc anymore, I use MyBackup Pro that I've had for many years.
  7. Team Viewer (disclaimer: the above image is from a CNet download page for the app, so doubting that info (especially with that ID) is actually legit, in case anyone might be concerned otherwise)
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