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Everything posted by PythonFanPA

  1. Baby Shark (....don't blame me...Wiley opened the door, I just walked through it....)
  2. https://www.gsmarena.com/mysterious_snapdragon_chipset_appears_on_geekbench_promptly_blows_away_the_competition-news-38594.php
  3. PythonFanPA

    LG G7 ThinQ

    Don't know when it will finally be pushed out (if it is - suppose its possible that's on hold if the merger is that close to done), but the post I made above yours shows the testing was finalized on the update at least.
  4. Red Hair (....and not where you'd expect)
  5. Official Time https://www.time.gov/
  6. Trip would be far better equipped to possibly answer Shentel vs. T-Mo coverage in comparable Shentel coverage areas than I ever could. I've been exclusively Sprint for at least a decade now, dating back to before I left TN to move to PA.
  7. I Googled a bit and found this FierceWireless article from last year on the prospects of what might happen for Shentel: https://www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/shentel-carrier-at-crossroads-sprint-and-t-mobile-merger Pertinent part: First, Shentel’s Earle MacKenzie said, Shentel cannot file an injunction to try to block the merger. If the merger is approved, the combined Sprint and T-Mobile—generally called New T-Mobile—will have 60 days to decide whether it wants to purchase Shentel’s wireless business. “If they do decide to buy our wireless business, there is a formula that you provide to our shareholders, a very handsome return. If they choose not to buy our wireless business, Shentel will remain an affiliate of the New T-Mobile and for the next 180 days, we have the option to acquire the T- mobile customers and that work in our 7 million POPs service area at 75% of the value of the customers and asset as determined by the merger value,” MacKenzie said during the call, according to a Seeking Alpha transcription of the event. “If we can’t finance the purchase, then the New T-Mobile will finance the purchase at their cost of capital for up to five years. If Shentel decides not to buy T-Mobile network and customers, then the new T-Mobile must turn off the T-Mobile network that overlaps Shentel within two years.”
  8. May be wrong, but I doubt this would be comforting news to anyone in affected areas if it happened.
  9. Yeah, I'm especially curious what the Shentel fallout/impact of the merger would be living in central PA, now that Shentel took over what used to be Sprint territory still past ~Etown to Lancaster. Didn't someone say however that the merged company would continue to honor any agreements either separate company had in place though (for however many years)?
  10. No, but lets be clear too - this news doesn't mean the deal is closing as of today, just that DoJ approval came today.
  11. Here's Dish's press release (just got this email as I'm a Dish customer too): https://ir.dish.com/news-releases/news-release-details/dish-become-national-facilities-based-wireless-carrier
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