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Everything posted by PythonFanPA

  1. .....I'm not sure honestly what reaction to have to this photo, but it is so wrong, on so many levels.....
  2. (Side post) - Interjected apology here (whether needed/warranted or not): I genuinely/seriously just picked the first 'wife beater' image I could legitimately use, I usually post these things in this thread quickly/on the fly in terms of finding an applicable image for the object/item referenced and throwing it in there. I was not intending nor did I think about (though I probably should) any potential ramifications of the potential image I used there, but I've since edited the post to remove the image/person wearing one, just to try and make up for any inadvertent offense I may have caused. No one PM'ed me to say anything along those lines either (though seeing Jeff's 'sad' reaction did mentally nudge me as well a bit), but seeing what I posted with my own fresh eyes today instantly made me rethink what I did.
  3. PythonFanPA

    LG G7 ThinQ

    Lest anyone using a G7 still and gets a system update prompt might otherwise get excited thinking it's the Pie update finally, it's not - April security patch update. (G710P15a)
  4. Big Mouth (love the adult innuendo in the midst of this you'd never have caught as a kid)
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