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Everything posted by ericdabbs

  1. Not liking the pics because it kinda shows that the HTC One Max won't have a S-pen like feature. I am hoping that HTC would revive the Scribe pen but way condensed to the size of a S-pen to fit in a smartphone. You can tell from the pics that the bottom portion of the phone gets skinnier than on the back side.
  2. Well if Sprint does want the Note 3 to be recertified it better do it soon before its released. I would be mad if it did get recertified at some later point say December or Jan 2014 after I have used my upgrade.
  3. Oh how convenient to launch the new One Up program on the same day when the iPhone 5S and 5C are up for sale.
  4. I wouldn't worry about the LG G2 not being future proof. Since it has triband LTE, you are set for at least the next 2-3 years until your next phone upgrade in terms of data. Also about VoLTE for voice, forget about it. It ain't coming for many years to come and even if Sprint did start rolling out small amounts of VoLTE as a trial run, CDMA is still going to be live on the Sprint network for at least another 5-6 years. Sprint wouldn't spend all this capital on upgrading CDMA to 1x Advanced if its intention was to dump it in 2 years.
  5. Sounds like its a better deal financially to join your family in the AT&T family plan and get LTE coverage now. In 2 years the sprint LTE network will be in great shape. Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2
  6. And u dont mind that the note 3 is single band LTE? Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2
  7. The LG G2 size being too large? Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2
  8. According to some tipsters, Android 4.4 and Nexus 5 announcement could be on October 14th. Hopefully this is true. I would love to have my choice of Nexus 5, LG G2 and HTC One Max to choose from to use my upgrade. http://androidcommunity.com/lg-nexus-5-and-android-4-4-kitkat-tipped-for-october-14th-release-date-20130913/
  9. Interesting program especially with the $15 monthly service discount. I wonder when this program is going into effect? I haven't done the math yet to see if this is any better than the other programs in terms of total cost.
  10. That $225 doesn't include the costs for delivery, kickback for carriers/3rd party resellers to sell it, need some profit margin, pay employees in all facets during production of phone, normal G&A costs. The $225 seems to be just the cost of the phone parts.
  11. Makes sense. I mean that is why I didn't see why people were making so many assumptions with press releases saying that it doesn't mention triband. I figured why does Sprint need to mention triband for. Even for marketing purposes it may sound great but Sprint would still need to back it up as people would then be expecting some LTE 800. That is why all triband LTE marketing needs to wait until 2014 when NV 1.0 is wrapping up.
  12. You are wrong about TD-LTE. Every Sprint site will be getting TD-LTE at some point in the future. Sprint has said this in their Q2 conference call. All 39000 Sprint sites and all Clearwire sites plus more sites will be getting TD-LTE. I don't know when it will come to Ann Arbor, MI but the fact is that it will come at some point.
  13. Well since the LG G2 is releasing so late in the game (rumored to be Oct 25th), if by some reason there is a miracle that they do rework the Note 3 to be a triband version I would be up for it and all is forgiven. But considering how much work needs to get done and Sprint wanting to not enter the market too late with the Note 3, the chance of that happening is pretty slim.
  14. I think u have to be a bit crazy to not consider Samsung ever again especially given their great reputation on making great smartphones. Sprint has said that all LTE phones from 2014+ will be triband LTE so the GS5 and Note 4 should be triband LTE. Right now as in 2H2013 we are in the transition period from Sprint's POV that can begin selling triband LTE devices. I mean it sucks that the Note 3 will be single band LTE and a huge mistake to include it in only the midrange LTE devices in the GS4 mini and Galaxy Mega 6.3 but for whatever reason it is, it happened. I would suggest looking at alternative phones if you want triband LTE like the LG G2, Nexus 5 or maybe the HTC One Max if you want a phablet type of device. Another option if you are not desperate to upgrade right now is wait until next year when LTE phones should all be triband.
  15. One of the guys over there seems convinced that he knows an inside source that had Samsung reps told his source that the Note 3 will be triband LTE and even convinced himself that the FCC docs filed under SM-N900P are what is known as an ES (engineering sample). He believes that the final FCC docs for the Sprint variant have not been filed yet because the FCC ID does not start with a "SPH" like what Samsung phones have traditionally started with and that those final FCC docs for the Sprint variant will contain triband LTE support under some SPH number. I see what he is trying to say since the Sprint Galaxy Note 2 model number was SPH-L900. I don't really believe what he is saying but does that make any sense though? Do OEMs like Samsung ever file FCC documents for an engineering sample? It sounds too fishy to me especially if no other carriers are doing the same thing.
  16. That is weird. I went to both my Verizon and AT&T store yesterday and they had the LG G2 models to play with. Its a very nice phone and the 5.2 inch screen is so awesome with the IPS HD display.
  17. Exactly...I call BS on that one. Watch them come back at some point to retract their S4 Pro statement. They have been wrong before about the LG D820 not being the Nexus 5 recently. I wouldn't be surprised if they screwed up again on this one.
  18. Well I figured that pic would help those that currently have a Note 2 or curious about how much bigger the size of the phone would be than the Note 2 for size comparison. Who knows I might have saved some folks from a trip to the AT&T store. I still advise for you guys interested to see the thing in person for yourself at a AT&T store so you can play with the real thing.
  19. To be honest even if the Galaxy Mega 6.3 had the Note 3 specs, I still wouldn't buy it because the size to me is just too large for me. Just take a look at the picture a few posts up when comparing a Galaxy Note like device (in this case LG optimus g pro) to the Galaxy Mega 6.3 and its not just a tiny bit bigger but a lot bigger. Also the Galaxy Mega doesn't have the S-pen and I am not sure if you can just buy a S-pen and use it either. Even if you could you would have no placeholder for the S-pen when you are not using it.
  20. The thing is the Galaxy Mega series from the start wasn't meant to be more top of the line than the Galaxy Note series. It was created to have the specs of a mid range phone but the screen size like a Galaxy Note. You seem so surprised at the specs of the Galaxy Mega phone. To be honest I think Samsung was just throwing darts on a wall with creating yet another screen size for a smartphone to see if there will be high demand for a 6+ inch device without devoting full resources in the premium device in the Galaxy Note series.
  21. Just don't get the phone. Its as simple as that. Why agonize over it if it doesn't even fit at all close to your criteria.
  22. Anyone who wants a size comparison between the LG Optimus G Pro (5.5 inch screen) and the Galaxy Mega 6.3...take a look at this pic. Tell me if this phone is not enormous. Good luck trying to put this phone in your pocket.
  23. Perhaps a single band LTE phone with SVLTE will fit your needs since u seem to rely on waze a lot. Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2
  24. Whatever specs u see online, sprint will have those specs for their model Sent from my Motorola Photon 4G using Tapatalk 2
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