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Everything posted by nobius

  1. Sprint's website says the iPhone 5 32GB ships in a week, but I ordered it online yesterday from Sprint's website and got it today!
  2. Thanks. My family goes to Destin every year for vacation, and I was curious if I could be getting LTE there next August.
  3. RootMetrics tracks the up/down speeds as well as signal strength. At the end of the day, I care more about my connection speed than what specific technology my connection runs at.
  4. If it's like the other iPad carriers, there are no overages. It just rebills you again the amount purchased. If you buy 1 GB on 11/14, it automatically rebills when you hit 1 GB of usage or 12/14, whichever comes first. If you only want to buy one month of data and not automatically renew, just cancel immediately and it just runs for that month/GB.
  5. Yeah the data pricing isn't great. When I do use data, it's only $20 for 1 GB on Verizon and $30 for 3 GB.
  6. I do this now. I have a Galaxy S that I tether when needed, but I also occasionally turn on the 3G on my iPad 2 and use Verizon's network when I get poor reception on my phone. Personally I think that if you are going to get a tablet with 3G/LTE you should get one on a different network than your cell phone for this exact reason.
  7. The cellular models are the only ones with GPS support. You can turn on/off cellular service as needed, so it's a nice addition to have.
  8. http://reviews.cnet.com/8301-19512_7-57536314-233/iphone-5-call-quality-testing-compared-across-carriers/ CNET did subjective tests with the iPhone 5 and found that Sprint had the best call quality among the three carriers.
  9. And like Sensorly you can see the updates online http://www.rootmetrics.com/ A couple of tips for those using it based on my observations of the app: To get data speed numbers, first Switch the Coverage Report to Data Speed. Tap and hold on a hexagonal color to drop a pin. You can then look to see how many samples were taken. Tap on the icon that comes up that looks like a graph to get average up/down speeds. You can also compare that location with other carriers. When looking at Coverage Reports, the RootScore is a combo of the Signal Strength and Data Speed reports. I like to look at all three reports on a location. The app cannot be run in the background unlike other GPS apps. If you exit the screen while collecting data, it pauses collection until you return and then tap the Play button. The hexagons aren't very big, so if you are driving and collecting, you may see gaps between hexagons if you're a speedy Texas driver like myself. You just have to collect data a few more times to get it all. Also since the hexagons are small, you may have to zoom in a bit to see them.
  10. Am I reading it wrong? Because it doesn't look like there's LTE for Sprint or Verizon in Houston when it should.
  11. Wow I didn't know Sprint had something like that. Too bad they don't have broadband.
  12. My parents' home is a death trap for cell phone signals. Outside for all carriers works great. Sprint and Verizon are very poor, alternating between 3G and nothing. T-Mobile works fine. Is there anything that can improve CDMA signals in a building?
  13. Not directly, but you can look at a specific hexagon (tap & hold then drop a pin) and see what the download speed was at that site.
  14. The RootMetrics app works on both iOS and Android and let's you test signal only or signal+data, so it IS possible.
  15. I'm about to be leaving tmobile for Sprint myself, but LTE is running in Houston.
  16. Not directly, but you can use a site like http://appshopper.com/ to search for apps from your desktop browser and then use the app for the website to get them later. I use it all the time for my iPad and love the wishlist feature. I can add an app to my wishlist and then get notified when the app goes on sale or is updated.
  17. Even though the Sprint and Verizon iPhone 5 is the same on the inside, they are locked to the particular carrier. I imagine there's branding/marketing materials in the box for each company as well. Maybe those carriers requested the lock so that it's difficult to switch to the other CDMA carrier? The article is saying that enough people are buying the ATT and Verizon iPhones to be sold out completely, while the Sprint version may be available as fewer are buying that model.
  18. nobius

    Sprint iPad

    I have the iPad 2 on Verizon, and if you can spend the extra money the 3G version is worth it. There's no contract or fees so you can turn it on when needed (perfect for road trips), and the 3G version is the only one that includes a GPS chip.
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