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Status Updates posted by thedoctor1971

  1. Donna Lange, Washington Woman, Accused Of Using Her Breasts To Smother And Kill Boyfriend http://t.co/pfKvSpx1 via @HuffPostCrime

  2. Well, shit. Ebay deleted my saved listing. Now I have to type it up again.

  3. I love getting stuff in the mail. Not bills mind you, stuff. It's like Christmas almost.

  4. Not entirely sure I know what it is but I want one now. RT @scalzi: ZOMG YOU GUYS CHURRO WAFFLES http://t.co/1n9teAAu

  5. Have to pick up a coworker on the way to work. This requires leaving early. *slurps coffee*

  6. There's a layer of snow on my truck. Heh. *curls back up with kitties*

  7. Both cats eat the same food and yet only one of them has shit that could be used as a lethal weapon.

  8. Yes, spammers, I do report you. I verify via your profile that you spam multiple people first too. I'm nice that way.

  9. Had strange conversations at work today about breasts and dildos. I should mention I was the only male involved.

  10. Apparently a road east of Rainsville is closed do to a landslide. O_o

  11. A road not too far from here is closed due to flooding. Lots of rain.

  12. I just wanted to find my camera so I could take pictures of the action. Guess I should have been a news photographer.

  13. I really just got up to empty my bladder then got sidetracked by Jason Statham. Now its sammich time. #hungry

  14. Warm cat curled up in my lap making me sleepy. Didn't sleep well thanks to lower back pain. Got celebrex tonight. All is well.

  15. Ok, just ordered an Android mini-pc so I can free up my main pc from its media center duties. #nerd

  16. wonder how this looks in mobile... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

  17. Also, found some celebrex. This is a good thing.

  18. Mom sent this from Dallas this morning. http://t.co/jZ9EQUbB

  19. Tempted to get up and cook some eggs. If we have any. #craving

  20. Witness my cats excellent camouflage in her native environment. http://t.co/iY1vcnaD

  21. That moment when you're all buttoned and tucked when you remember you've forgotten to put deodorant on. -_-

  22. Gah, @OneLouderApps still hasn't updated 1weather to work with the Nexus 7.

  23. I now have 2 karaoke players on my android tablet. Be afraid.

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