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Status Updates posted by thedoctor1971

  1. Something about a dog sniffing pot amuses me. Wonder if they enjoy it.

  2. I'm going to have to install child proof locks on my dresser drawers so the cat will stop opening them and dragging the clothes out. -_-

  3. So, in France, they say 'shit' instead of good luck?

  4. Thanks to @richardmarx for turning me on to the TV show Suits. It's awesome!

  5. Lol, Tuvok is on Suits as a lawyer.

  6. Must be 100 other places to sit but on my bladder is the cats favorite.

  7. Just saw "pleasure for her massage gel" on a Walmart end cap.

  8. .@ilona_andrews beware the wrath of a writer scorned?

  9. Wish more people had both! RT @LynsaySands: Good sense will get you through most days. A good sense of humor will get you through the rest.

  10. No idea how that 'A' got in there.

  11. Oh, shit. Was supposed to leave for work a minute ago. Not even dressed yet. *rushes around like a madman*

  12. I was about to Google something but @RobertPicardo completely derailed my train of thought.

  13. Crazy bright ass moon out.

  14. Suddenly sleepy. About to fall asleep at work. Did someone turn the earth's gravity up while I wasn't looking?

  15. mail arrived. Trying like mad to setup this android mini pc on my tv before work. #crunch

  16. He drowned a whole county huh? RT @whnt: Florence Police confirm a man drowned Colbert County. http://t.co/MaDNDrU9

  17. Cancelling my ebay transaction for the 2nd time. This is getting repetitious.

  18. Forgot how many damned commercials in regular radio.

  19. Note that this does not mean you get a refund any earlier. -_-

  20. As part of controlled IRS testing, a small number of federal returns will be transmitted to the IRS between January 23 and January 29, 2013.

  21. Why did I not know @deankoontz has a twitter account? *does a fan dance until the cat trips him*

  22. Ick, the sun is coming up. Weather says "frozen mix". Apparently mother nature is making cocktails.

  23. I dreamed about snoring last night. I think perhaps I actually snored because the cat kept waking me up by licking my nose.

  24. I have to say, I love @HeroinesAddict's Twitter background. #randomthought

  25. Well, @scalzi has made me laugh out loud at work now. I had to explain his entire airplane adventure and they just looked at me blankly.

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