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Everything posted by legion125

  1. Always use a screen protector. I'm one of those types if I didn't have one then I would get a scratch. Never tried bodyguardz, but I've been satisfied with ZAGG.
  2. I wonder where the crowds will come from for the iPhone 5? The 4s was such a crowd pleaser and so many were sold on contract that unless this next version is a "nuke" (Stealing a term from Hesse), I don't know what the numbers will be and will Sprint makes its quota. They still hace to sell a heck of a lot of phones for the next 4 years.
  3. Here's some info about Leaps 4th quarter results. Although AT&T has gobs of money, and Leap will be cheaper than T-Mo, they still won't get a discount. Plus, I forgot that LEAP signed an MVNO agreement with Sprint several years ago so Cricket could have a nationwide presence. This could be somewhat troublesome down the road for Sprint if Leap is bought out. Knowing Sprints unquenchable thirst for revenue to pay Apple and NV, I wonder if there is any hand wringing in Overland Park? http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/leap-adds-179k-customers-q4-lte-rollout-remains-track/2012-02-16
  4. I'm somewhat neutral with Apple, although I will admit I'm sorta intrigued by the fanboy mystique of the iPhone. To me the iPhone is boring, but I do like how the computers function. At my job, everyone uses Android except for a few eclectic types who have iPhones. At my church where I volunteer, they're iPhone fanatics and they tease that I'm going to hell. I just reply, I'll have a lot of company.
  5. The life boats are beginning to launch and the finger pointing has begun. I wonder if Falcone feels like the Captain of the Costa Concordia. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052970204880404577229630056962766.html Harbinger Investors Sue Over LightSquared NEW YORK—Investors in Philip Falcone's Harbinger Capital Partners sued the fund and Mr. Falcone on Friday, saying the "all in" investment in wireless startup LightSquared Inc. squandered billions of dollars. The suit, filed in the Southern District of New York, said Mr. Falcone made "deceptive and misleading statements" by not disclosing that he intended to form the new wireless company, which was told this week by the Federal Communications Commission it couldn't operate its network because of Global Positioning System interference .
  6. It's starting to get out to the rest of the world. Most likely an uprated Epic Touch. http://www.theverge.com/2012/2/18/2807407/samsung-sgh-t999-sch-i535-sph-l710
  7. This could also be the GSll+ that was mentioned earlier in the month. We'll have to see the specs to be sure. If it has a 1.5-1.8GHz processor and a 8mp camera than thats it.
  8. I wonder if the the predictions of Sprint showing a profit from iPhone sales will actually materialize in 2015. I'm guessing it's when the contract with Apple is pretty much over. If that's the case, then the revenue will have to come from the plans sold. This would be a small margin if you include the subsidized cost of the phone itself. I'm I missing something?
  9. I think we'll start to see some new ones come out by April at the earliest or before LTE banner is unfurled at the latest. Creating an ad campaign from scratch is a labor intensive venture, especially when creative types start bumping heads.
  10. Sprint seemed to think this out fairly well about provisioning some phones for the 800 MHz switch, Or was it an accident? If not, I hope Sprint shows the same forethought when it brings out the 1st gen LTE phones. Having at least 800/1900MHz on it would be sweet. Having Clears 2.5 would even be better.
  11. At least the Photon will get ICS, although during the 2nd half of the year. It was/is a good phone for Sprint. I want Sprint and Moto to have a stronger relationship so we too can get phones like the Razr Maxx. Since Sprint is already on good terms with Google, I would hope the Googolrola merger would make things even better on the hardware side.
  12. I'm hoping that the next versions of Android get better with displays and formats so Sense, TW and Motoblur become obsolete and Android can be a stand alone OS.
  13. What's curious is I wonder if Mozilla actually though this through. If this is a web based OS and with the carriers imposing limits by throttling and caps, this venture may be short lived
  14. Just a PSA for the iPhone users among us. If you still have an iPhone 4, Apple has resolved the class action lawsuit and you may be entitled to 15 or a new bumper case. Hit the link below to see when you can sign up to take part. http://www.engadget.com/2012/02/17/apple-iphone-4-antennagate-lawsuit-settlement/
  15. If webOS, Meego, Tinzen Bada, BBX10 & WP(Maybe) and all the others wasn't enough to learn that keeping up with the Jones's isn't an easy thing to do. Mozilla is considering throwing its hat in the ring and giving it a stab. They will announce more at the MWC, but they do state some interesting possibilities if they can get the OEM's on board. http://news.cnet.com/8301-30685_3-57379157-264/mozilla-to-reveal-allies-for-its-challenge-to-android-and-ios/?tag=epicStories
  16. Your right of course, I was there last year for a conference and got to drive around with some LE types and saw the real Vegas, I was only alluding to the hype and fantasy of the strip.
  17. Here's one I'm puzzled over. The Feds are going to allow more spectrum auctions(finally) for the "white space" spectrum the the Broadcast companies gave up after going digital. All the carriers were in support of this auction including Sprint & T-Mobile. Sprint is already so over leveraged that I doubt that it would even show up to participate, T-Mobile could be a winner but I doubt it since DT is smarting about losing the merger deal and has to shift funds it doesn't have to support its European operations. The only beneficiaries I see are the Big Two, and a competition between them to see who gets the most. http://www.fiercewir...work/2012-02-17
  18. Sprint is reorganizing its marketing arm. Several months ago, you may have read about Sprint hiring a new VP who was going to combine consumer and business groups under one umbrella. It also let go its advertising agency for a new one, thus the dearth of new commercials lately. I suppose we will have to wait and see what becomes of this. The unlimited commercial with the girl and data counter has been the best one with the old guard. But it's practically the only one showing in my market besides the iPhone one with the rising apps. http://www.fiercewireless.com/story/sprint-announces-job-cuts-part-reorg/2012-02-17
  19. Your talking Vegas baby! Everything is glitter & gold!
  20. I've learn in most cases to call Retention's directly ( I scored some numbers a few years ago). You get someone from North America (Got a Canadian call center once) and they can cut through the BS and can fix the problem or give you a yes/no answer.
  21. I guess no stock love for the near future. I guess I'll have to see if ICS for the NS4G is out of Alpha. http://www.androidcentral.com/looking-bunch-anxious-nexus-s-4g-owners-weve-got-em
  22. Makes sense, Google creates a feature like the notification bar and Apple incorporates it on iOS. Google incorporates slide to unlock and Apple sues them because it's similar to its. It's a shame it has to come to this, but Google's smart to protect itself. Kinda follows along a post I created last night. http://s4gru.com/index.php?/topic/204-frands/
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