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Posts posted by newboyx


    I used the EVO LTE in Waco, which has the densest LTE deployment yet in the country and it still struggled to keep a connection in fully deployed areas. And that is after the latest OTA. Maybe a future one will fix it. But I'm starting to get pessimistic.



    That's not good news.


    Sent from my LTE loving (if I road trip) Evo 4G LTE...



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  2. EVO owners always live in denial that it's the infant Sprint LTE network or their specific site. Until they get side by side with other Sprint LTE devices. My wife loves her EVO. However, after several days in the Waco FIT (which has the densest Sprint LTE service in the country), she was royally pissed. After watching the cheapo LG Viper keep and hold a signal far better than her EVO, she would get very frustrated. As we drove around, she would hear my children quip from the back seat on the GNex and Viper, "I've got 4G!" and she would just growl.


    Fortunately, we went back to New Mexico and she fell back in love with her EVO again. But that's only because we live in a non LTE market. If we were to stay in a LTE market, she would have made me buy her a new device. It is that frustrating once you see other LTE devices in the field side by side.



    I can relate to her frustration. I have seen some Vipers on craigslist for $150. It has been tempting...

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    Hmmm...that's tough...


    If I was buying cash, and my goal was LTE usage and scouting, I would probably get the Nexus. Especially if you stay in urban/suburban locations for most of your use. The GNex has a weak 1x/EVDO radio, which is really noticeable in weak signal areas at the edge of service. But its LTE connectivity is solid.


    If you are looking for the better of the two devices in performance and characteristics, the EVO LTE is a wonderful device. Its just that LTE will drive you batty, especially while scouting. Keeping a LTE connection can be a huge pain sometimes. People often think that LTE coverage is really spotty in their area, but it turns out its just that they have an EVO.


    You can always sell the GNex in six months or so and upgrade to another LTE device when cash prices for them fall.


    Robert via CM9 Kindle Fire using Forum Runner

    Until last week I loved my EVO 4G LTE. Since LTE started popping up around town it has been one of the most frustrating things. I am left wondering sometimes if it is the phone, the cell site, or a combination of both when I can't find a signal I think should be where I am at. If I could find a local person to trade for a GS3 I would do it in a heartbeat. The only reason I won't trade for the Nexus is because by the time the Note 2 comes out the Nexus will have very little resell value.

    Sent from my LTE loving (if I road trip) Evo 4G LTE...



  4. I wouldn't recommend anyone who is buying a LTE phone for the purposes of using or scouting LTE service to get the EVO LTE. The LTE connectivity issues are well documented around here. And while the GNex does well on LTE, it has radio problems on 1x/EVDO on PCS that rule it out for most users. If you want to scout LTE service, I would go with the GS3 or Photon Q. The Viper isn't so bad, but the 1x signal can be dodgy on it.



    One of the reasons my EVO 4G LTE is probably getting sold for the Note 2.


    Sent from my LTE loving (if I road trip) Evo 4G LTE...



  5. ehh GS3's are still going for to much on craigslist. You can get a Evo LTE right.

    Yes. I really like the phone, but as you probably have seen it is a PIA to get to connect to LTE. Once LTE rolls out in force I would guess that this will not be noticed as much, but right now it is kind of a drag.



    Sent from my LTE loving (if I road trip) Evo 4G LTE...



  6. by the way, that Carmel server you are on always give me trouble. The downloads are always way below what they are on others and the Indianapolis server isnt any better. I always have to search around for a decent one, the Chicago Comcast one does alright for me sometimes.

    I will try a few others tonight if I get a chance.


    Sent from my LTE loving (if I road trip) Evo 4G LTE...

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  7. Founder of OpenSignalMaps here,


    Not sure if you have seen our app at all, but we are big fans of your site. We'd be very interested to hear if you find our app useful for tracking the 4G roll out or if not - what could we do to make it better? We're open to any constructive criticism at all & are constantly working to refine both the app and the information on the website.


    We're currently working on an overhaul of our android application which we are pretty excited about - should be out by the end of October.



    I would think this would make a great discussion in a separate thread. ;)


    Sent from my still LTEless Evo 4G LTE...

  8. this is SUPER exciting! I'm out here in Lafayette. I go to Indy pretty often.

    You and me both! I am going to check out at least one of the new sites from Sensorly tomorrow. I am thinking that I am not going to have much luck, but maybe I will get lucky. I am pretty sure at least one that I checked out today is BS. Not sure on the other.


    This signature will default back to the stock signature after the next flash.

    Why do I bother changing it in Tapatalk?

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