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S4GRU Premier Sponsor
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Everything posted by jegillis

  1. I've seen 1x Advanced but never DO Advanced? Edit *never mind I have seen the light*
  2. I have never seen any network vision materials mentioning DO-Advanced. Just went back and looked again, nothing. It really does not make sense for Verizon or Sprint to spend any additional money on a dead technology with a planned nationwide LTE rollout. Instead I think the focus is going to be on clearing as much spectrum as possible for LTE.
  3. "and move EV-DO Rev. A traffic off its 1900 MHz spectrum into the 800 MHz band" Where do they get this stuff?
  4. I think impeachment proceedings are in order! What is Biden's position on this?
  5. Sprint already does this http://www.virginmob...plans/overview/
  6. Just talked to Masayoshi Son, donation confirmed will be in Monopoly Yen though
  7. This is how it started with my daughter, a rouge aunt.
  8. Insiders tell me the announcement of a 100 Billion Dollar donation will be made.
  9. Im placing bets on profits of one million dollars <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/cKKHSAE1gIs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
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