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Everything posted by RAvirani

  1. I was under the impression the target date for interband CA was at the end of June. They must be running ahead of schedule!
  2. It isn't a four-sector site, it's a three-sector site with four antennas per sector. https://s4gru.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=15589
  3. Sprint doesn't throttle USCC roaming on their end. That being said, USCC does deprioritize roaming traffic on their network. If there were USCC customers using the same sector as you, you would have been prioritized behind them. I have pulled north of 30mbps on USCC before.
  4. AT&T roaming always comes out of your roaming allotment.
  5. I didn't say there would be no improvement. NR could be 30-50% faster then LTE with the same spectrum resources depending on how they choose to deploy it. And don't forget NR can be aggregated with LTE Additionally, this of deployment will allow Sprint to win the 5G marketing/coverage race. This means a better and stronger brand, more customers additions, more revenue and accordingly, more capex. Sprint has some big opportunities coming up. They are the in the single best position to deploy 5G on a wide and high quality scale (T-Mobile only can deploy on a wide but low-quality scale and Big Red/Deathstar can deploy on a high-quality scale but not necessarily widely). If Sprint really capitalizes on their advantages and strengths, they could definitely be the #1 urban operator in the next few years.
  6. AT&T LTE is not Extended LTE. It comes out of your data roaming allotment. All other LTE roaming is Extended and counts towards your regular usage limits.
  7. Sprint would be much better, I think. Regular users just care whether their usage comes out of their regular allotment or not. "Sprint" for Sprint/Extended and "Roaming" for Roaming would be easiest to understand for customers.
  8. It depends what you mean by enough. Enough to run 5G? Yes. Enough to run 5G at appreciably better speeds or coverage than L2500? Probably not. Here's more on Ericsson Spectrum Sharing if you're curious: https://venturebeat.com/2018/09/05/ericsson-debuts-spectrum-sharing-so-5g-networks-can-run-on-4g-towers/ https://www.ericsson.com/en/portfolio/networks/ericsson-radio-system/radio-system-software/ericsson-spectrum-sharing
  9. T-Mobile's map looks reasonable with the pace at which they're rolling out L600. All L600 equipment is NR-Capable. Sprint's map is heavily understated, though, I think. Sprint's 5G rollout will most definitely be more widespread than that. Additionally, all Ericsson radio equipment that shipped after 2015 is software upgradable to LTE+NR with their proprietary spectrum sharing technology. I'm sure Sprint will take advantage of this.
  10. From looking at the device, you don't. This is something people have complained about for a long time. I think devices should simply display Sprint when roaming on Extended networks. This would case a lot less confusion for the average user from a usage standpoint.
  11. It isn't specific. Extended Network was initially exclusively used for LTE roaming and now it appears to be somewhat random. I've seen both the Extended and Extended Network carrier tags on both Extended and Roaming networks.
  12. If you have a few extra minutes to stop and grab photos sometime, I'm sure I or else here could identify them. If they're on Google Street View, we could also take a look if you provide the address or coordinates...
  13. Do you have photos of them you could upload?
  14. Amphenol makes a 14 port antenna that would be well suited to the combined company post-merger. It has three 6 lowband ports and 8 midband ports, with surprisingly good antenna gain figures. Out of this single antenna, the combined company could run: 2x2 L600 2x2 L700 2x2 L800 4x4 L1900 4x4 L2100 A second antenna could be used for extra capacity and greater Tx/Rx diversity. This type of antenna with a M-MIMO could be the standard setup nationwide.
  15. My most used site, which is ~125 miles out of Chicago, received M-MIMO about a month ago.
  16. Wow, four antennas per sector including a M-MIMO antenna? I don't I've ever seen a setup like that. I wonder if it's some sort of super high capacity site.
  17. Project Cedar never really came to fruition. Most of the CellularOne sites were never touched and I believe leases have started to expire. Project Ocean was more of a rural densification than a coverage expansion. We've seen a fair number of affiliate agreements involving spectrum leasing and roam-like-home coverage. I'd say these are more likely moving forward than native expansion. We haven't seen significant native coverage expansion in a while. That being said, if the merger falls through, there's no saying what will happen. Sprint will need to do something big if they want to stay a major provider/competitor.
  18. Unlikely in the near future. The iPhone 8 was the first iPhone provisioned with an ISIM.
  19. Capex did not legitimately increase until just a few months ago. The necessary network investment for that came years late. Almost nothing was invested in the network for the two years following that statement.
  20. Oh, I wasn't aware. In that case, 15x15 L1900 should just be the flip of a switch as it was already tested, optimized, etc.
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