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Everything posted by Trip

  1. LTE works. CDMA does not. Got it specifically for CDMA. - Trip
  2. I have never had a GPS lock on my parents' Airave. I've not had a chance to call Sprint to try to diagnose it, but the antenna is actually sitting on the outside of the window glass (inside the screen) and it still doesn't work. - Trip
  3. Yeah, Massive MIMO's been lighting up all over the place around here. - Trip
  4. Wait, they're launching it with "5G for Good" branding to build support for the merger, but won't launch it if the merger isn't closed by then? What? Those things seem like they're at odds with each other. - Trip
  5. Yeah, I thought I could get away with that, but it expired after a year. - Trip
  6. The problem with this example is that the Google Maps API is also heavily limited now. I had to switch my website over to Leaflet. So even what you've written so far would probably have to be rewritten. I've written code that does what we're discussing here in other projects, but the editing ability spread across multiple users in a friendly manner is where I run into problems. I've only ever written code that has one editor--myself. - Trip
  7. I've never used MapBox, but I'm probably more of a developer than you are, even if I also wouldn't call myself one. What kind of problems is it giving you? (We can take this to a PM if you want.) - Trip
  8. https://ecfsapi.fcc.gov/file/1104335023634/800 MHz Monthly Report for NOV 2019.pdf Five licensees left to reband. - Trip
  9. Yeah, I've seen a huge expansion of Massive MIMO. The original DC 5G area shown earlier in the year was basically from SW DC to Tysons. But I went to Baltimore over the weekend, and there's now Massive MIMO around much of the beltway, and then I spotted two Massive MIMO sites in the Baltimore market. There was also two more sites south of Woodbridge on I-95 the weekend before, one of which was in the Richmond market. - Trip
  10. I wonder how this would play into the DOJ settlement. https://www.foxbusiness.com/media/apollo-pitching-att If this comes to pass, does all the Dish spectrum--and the associated new fourth wireless company--end up with AT&T? Oops? - Trip
  11. Every 311-490 entry I have in my SCP log is T-Mobile roaming. - Trip
  12. I don't usually see HSPA either, but when I do, it always bugs me that I see neighbor cell PSCs but they don't display notes. The PSC almost always appears in SCP when I'm HSPA, so clearly something is working from that perspective. But there's no field for it in the log database and it is, therefore, not being written. - Trip
  13. CDMA's ability to pull usable data from below the noise floor is pretty impressive. I remember in one of my college classes, we did the math to derive it, and sure enough, the math says it should be theoretically possible to retrieve the signal from below the noise floor, and the real world bears it out. (We also retrieved messages out of an example CDMA signal by hand. Very neat stuff.) I wish I had a good example to share; Wikipedia is very opaque and I'm not finding anything else helpful with a fast search. - Trip
  14. Something looks wrong with the map to me. If you look at Beacon Hill, for instance, there is 5G to the northeast and southeast of the site, but not immediately surrounding it or west of it. It almost looks like there's a smaller 4G site overlaid on top of it or something. The site at Kingstowne looks the same, as do several others I'm spot-checking. - Trip
  15. To expand a bit, according to the MLS data, the highest patterned GCI currently in use is FE8B0, which would translate to FFD00 for Band 41. If they followed the pattern that Sprint is using for Massive MIMO in DC, their first Massive MIMO would be at FFA90, which is already in use. It actually seems like Shentel is going to run out of pattern-capable GCIs relatively soon. It looks like FE96A is being used for a DAS, so that implies that FE969/FFDB9 is as high as it can go unless they shift those GCIs up some more or skip ahead to unused values in between. (The Mini Macro in Farmville is at FE9F4, for any interested.) I note the MLS data also shows FE985/FE986/FE987 being used near Harrisonburg with the PCIs matching the Mount Crawford site, so it looks like Massive MIMO is up there too. - Trip
  16. I drove up to it and saw the Massive MIMO panels. But although it fits the MM pattern, Shentel has filled up the GCIs that would typically be reserved for Massive MIMO and thus had to find a GCI to use elsewhere in the FExxx-FFxxx range. They also have small cells and other things in the FE9xx range, as Shentel seems to use it as their all-purpose overflow. - Trip
  17. Massive MIMO in Farmville. https://imgur.com/a/cFTDQVH More in the Premiere thread. - Trip
  18. One final comment on my UK visit, as I'm home now. Yesterday, at Heathrow, my LG G6 picked up Band 7 LTE from Vodafone, but no data would pass through it at all. My phone claimed I had no Internet connection. It'd drop down to Vodafone HSPA after a while, which also would not pass any data, before reconnecting to Band 7. - Trip
  19. Mike, While I've been in the UK, I sent you a diagnostic because as far as I can tell, SCP still doesn't log PSC when connected to HSPA, meaning that neighbor notes don't work and, of course, PSC data is unavailable in the log. Is there a specific reason for this by any chance? Seems like a relatively straight-forward adjustment from this armchair SCP user's point of view... - Trip
  20. At a hotel near Heathrow; flying out in the morning. The end result of my trip is that essentially, I was on HSPA from Reading on west. I had some LTE east of Reading, such as in Windsor. I guess O2 doesn't have Band 3 LTE running in most places outside of London and the immediate surrounding areas yet. I'll be looking through the data SCP picked up on my wife's phone after we're home, I think. - Trip
  21. So outside of London now, south of Reading, I'm mostly seeing HSPA. Wife's seeing LTE mixed with HSPA. - Trip
  22. My LG G6 only supports Band 3, so I'm spending a fair amount of time on HSPA when Band 3 LTE is unavailable. That said, service is generally good. I've only connected to O2 as far as I can tell, though I've only been in London at this point. My wife's LG G7 does support Bands 1 and 20 and she has seen those in places. Tomorrow we'll be making the first trip outside London and we'll see what happens. - Trip
  23. I, too, am aware of outdoor areas with no Verizon service. I might well be a Verizon customer if those areas weren't places I needed to be. (Sprint roams on US Cellular in those places, so I'm a Sprint customer.) - Trip
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