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Posts posted by centermedic

  1. Wow HTC must have some serious quality control issues ! I wonder what is the cause of so many M8's having antenna/radio issues while others are fine. I am thinking it must be some kind of hardware defect like the way the antenna is connected to the radio. Reminds me of the Transformer Prime and pogo pins. Has anyone seen a teardown of the M8 yet ? 

    It was stated in another thread that these issues seem to be concentrated on those early online sales and since most M8 users here ordered off the internet early the problem probably seems bigger than it actually is. 

  2. I had a G2 and returned it once I saw the new phones were coming out. I apparently maxed out my returns.


    Sent from my 831C using Tapatalk

    Interesting. Have you ever met a phone that you did like?  :lol:

    • Like 4
  3. Well Tmobile kept the booster, so How long until they have to change their minds because people find ways to tether both wifi/LTE for even higher speeds? This could cripple some places for T-mobile. I hope this back fires for the magenta.

    This can end up being an interesting experiment. Will this booster change peoples behaviors in favor of or against t-mobile? Its possible that folk may defer downloading big files until they have wifi. I think the biggest danger for t-mobile is if the booster does not change behavior at all. This would mean that traffic that would go over wifi will now be shared between wifi and the network.

  4. In his area there should be no CSFB issues, so no drawback to having an N5, or any tri-band device.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

    The N5 is a fine phone. I almost picked one up myself. I was just trying to paint the picture that sometimes these things happen with early adoption. As far as I can tell everybody who had connection issues with the M8 resolved them by trading in for another unit. This has been mentioned numerous times in other threads.

  5. I tried that, and it did.  I was outside and got connected back to lte and got a solid 30mbps down, signalcheck pro showed around 100 for the lte signal strength, not bad speed for that strength level... and then... it slid back into 3g and stopped connecting to anything.



    I am going to give this phone about a week, if these issues are not fixed in that time, I am going to HAVE to return this phone.  If data is not accessible, the phone is an unusable paperweight.  If all I wanted to do was talk, I'd have a cheap low rent feature phone.  The PRIMARY core focus of any of these phones, is connectivity first and foremost.  If that is not implemented well, the entire thing is useless.  I tried using gps and could not lock in the destination location because this phone seems to have a harder time locking in a 3g signal in poorer connectivity areas, 3g connectivity seems far worse than the original one.



    If I had known there were going to be this many issues with BASIC things, I'd have held onto my old One.  People say the nexus has a better radio, but if it has similar triband issues with switching, would that be any better when I get into and come from low signal areas?  Because that seems to be a big issue.



    Another is that even when the lte signal is showing something relatively low like high 80s and low 90s, the lte seems to stall out.  That happened on the original one as well, but the lte strength would be showing something like 104 when that happened, which made more sense. Now the signal seems to be coming in super strong, and yet it still can't connect.


    In areas where my old 1900 ONLY lte phone got fast service, sometimes this new one gets slower service on lte, though in other areas speeds are faster because that higher frequency band kicks in.  That part I can live with, it's the connectivity, the not being able to connect AT ALL that is the deal breaker.


    If I do need to swap this out, I'll probably try out the note III.  I was disappointed it did not come with the newer triband radios, but if THIS is the kind of performance and connectivity we can expect, then never mind.  I hope I don't have to resort to that, the phone itself is perfectly fine, I like it, but I can't stay with it if I can't use it.  I need to travel all around town, and I need to be able to access the net all over, not just in single spots.  I don't need 50 mbps down in all areas, even a trickle of speed like 10-20 kbps is tolerable in underserved areas, but when it can't even provide that, when there are vast oceans of dead zones and black holes of connectivity that my older phone DID NOT HAVE, it's unforgivable.  



    Sprint needs to understand something very basic.  FAR more important than top lte speeds, is decent connectivity, it's the not being able to connect and use the service AT ALL that kills everything.  That means the bad spots need towers filled in.  Upgrade towers, fine, if that tower can't reach some part of town though, then spend some money on some property owner and run some fiber to them and get some coverage, these holes need to be filled.

    I really think you have a bum unit. Just another pitfall of early adoption. The earlier suggestion of taking it back for another unit is probably your best bet.

  6. Replacement is not needed.  Simply do this until a software update fixes the robustness:

    1) Go to dialer and enter:

    2) ##SCRTN#  (##72786#)

    3) Press MENU in top right corner

    4) Select "Reset"

    What is this supposed to do?

  7. Sucks to see the end of Wimax. I mean yes compared to most networks it's slow. It's still faster then sprints 3G though XD. I also still use my Clearwire hotspot every now and then when I don't have internet at my house. 10 bucks gets you unlimited data for 24 hours. I never had a problem with clear. I still play xbox online with it and stream youtube and netflix through it.


    Also it's cheaper then any other hotspot plans. I have 3 3G/LTE towers around my house but LTE can't really reach into my house and 3G (despite having NV out here in downers grove) is still terrible. I mean even when I am close to a tower I still get a max of like 1mb/s.


    LTE is pretty consistent at least (Around 3-5mb/s with peak speeds sometimes getting to around 30mb/s) Still... IMO Clearwire should have not have been bought by Sprint. I mean it's great for sprint.... But we lost another option for service. I would have loved to seen Clearewire having it's TDD-LTE released.. I mean an LTE hotspot with unlimited data would have been great.  

    Sprint buying Clear was likely inevitable. Even if it was avoidable Sprint would have likely maintained its influence over Clear.

  8. I get that. But if giving my kid or anyone for that matter my old phone. I wipe it clean before they get it.

    Heck, the phone was half his already. That boy coerced me into downloading all types of apps!

  9. So my EVO LTE has been passed down to my seven year old with a wifi only connection. I noticed the other day that he was receiving my emails. I have disabled the sync function. My question is how do I totally disassociate the phone with my gmail account without wiping the phone?

  10. I read that in order to use wifi calling, you need to have a CDMA signal. Does anyone know if a roaming signal satisfies that requirement? I seriously wish Sprint didn't require it. It would've been just as easy to limit the use to only US IP addresses. I'm going on vacation soon to Robbinsville, NC and Sprint has roaming there (I believe through Verizon) but the cabin I'm staying in has wifi. This is the reason I'm asking. Sent from my SPH-L720T using Tapatalk.

    You can make a video call via hangouts if that helps.

  11. I'm due for a upgrade and like the HTC m8, but it seems to already have RF problems and coming from a current EVO user this concerns me, i like everything else about the m8, but probably will pass on it, but on the other hand the s5 has such a low amount of internal memory that I know is very expandable with a sd card but still some apps want transfer to the sd card.

    Coming from the EVO LTE I don't think you will be disappointed in either phones rf performance.

  12. Besides the call volume issue, I'm leaning towards the iphone 6 if it has the rumored 4.7" to 5.5" screen for: Siri eye-free integration with my car stereo, more specialized accessories (fitness monitor, camera lenses, etc) available for it and a much lower malware target than Android. Hopefully, the iphone 6 will have Band 41.

    I don't agree with the malware part. One of the greatest strengths of the iphones is the shear amount of quality accessories available for it along with built in integration with peripherals.

  13. I care about call volume the most. I can barely hear the caller when I'm in a restaurant, mall, sidewalk or other busy places.

    I have not had an issue with that and I work around alot of emergency/heavy vehicles. 

  14. FireChat enables iPhones to leverage iOS 7's Apple Multipeer Connectivity framework to link directly via Bluetooth personal area networks (PANs), peer-to-peer Wi-Fi or a traditional Wi-Fi network, obviating the need for access to a cellular network. OpenGarden's website indicates the company is working on a Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) Android version of FireChat as well.





    There is already a google version. Does the app work across different platforms?

  15. I demo'd the M8 at a Sprint store today. I tried placing a call but the earpiece volume seems really quiet for. Too bad HTC didn't put an amplifier in the earpiece. The only phones with decent earpiece volume were the iPhones. Not sure why.

    I can say that I have made a bunch of calls on the M-8 but the few that i have were very crisp and clear. Best clarity for me too date and that includes the iphones which are quite good.

    • Like 1
  16. Have not had a chance to really put her through the paces yet. My initial imperessions:


    • much better reception than my EVOLTE and the OGONE (see what I did there?)
    • The phone is smoother and the data speeds seem faster on average
    • The boomsound is friggin AWESOME!!!!!
    • It seems significantly heavier than any of my other phones. I'm sure I will get used to it.
    • Low light pics are great. 

    Over the next couple of days I will perform speed test and take some pics in the daylight to see if I can duplicate the "wash out" that the reviewers are complaining about.

    • Like 1
  17. HTC marketing pretty bad for flagship.  Sprint had it available in stores since Wed and no one knew it was selling. I didn't even know until got my replacement in store and was told plently in stock.

    Best Buy actually let me down this time. I had pre ordered and was waiting for  my notification. I then read that some people had picked theirs up at Best Buy on April 4. I checked on line and saw that some stores had gotten their inventory. I called my Best Buy and they said they had no record of any pre orders! But they did have a Sprint M8 in Gun metal gray and they said they would hold it for me so at least they made good.

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