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Posts posted by centermedic

  1. It would be more additive if you would explain why it is destroying their margins.


    100 million in 1Q... to have more gross adds than all other carriers combined. There is a reason why other carriers knocked the program off.


    As far as promotional, they have said it is not ending any time soon. Promotional was what Sprint and ATT were doing.


    I am just baffled that you think that it is destroying the margins. Why do they need 50% margins? What margins do they need and why can't they offer this etf offer long term? Why do you think it costs them a lot of money?


    The strategy is to add subscribers. Their goal is to maximize shareholder value. More subs do not make them more attractive... It's unattractive because it will cost Sprint more to bid on them if they decide to.

    Just assume for a moment that every one of those 100 million adds to advantage of the $350 to switch. That would be 35 billion dollars. If you break it down to a yearly cost and assume that the average T-mo plan is $50 a month then t- mobile has spent the first seven months recouping the cost of gaining the customer. You still have to account for T-mo overhead. After its all said and done the first 10 months are probably a wash.

  2. Makes sense...


    I just don't want the additional amount on top of my monthly bill. Nothing more than that really. 

    That's what stopped me from doing family. I would have ended up with 60-90 dollars of smart pay charged each month for my three lines of smart phones. On top of that these phones are upgraded every two years so I would never get ahead of the curve even with a maxed out family plan.

    • Like 2
  3. I cannot wait until 1x800 is turned on in RDU. Hopefully I'll finally be able to turn in my Airave then.


    LTE 800 isn't a big a deal for me honestly.


    I have an iPhone 5S unjailbroken, so I'm not able to take advantage of the sponsor PRLs at this time.

    I am actually more anxious for 800 then 2500. I think 800 will be the great equalizer for Sprint coverage wise. Once 800 is deployed I can tell everybody else yes I can hear you now so go suck it!

  4. Yeah! I mean, why would Apple knowingly release a phone that would cannibalize their iPod market?


    Or why would Wrigley release new brands of gum to compete against their old flavors?


    Sometimes it's better to compete with your own market share, because if you don't, someone else will.

    They can easily make the two complement each other. Satellite is spotty in densely populated cities and uverse is not available everywhere. Also consider that all cable tv is transmitted via satellite and this deal starts to make sense.

  5. A faster speed doesn't mean more data is used. You get your requested data faster, but it doesn't actually consume more data, contrary to popular belief.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

    True. But it does mean that you can get to your cap faster because you are receiving data faster. The corollary is how people said you could only use x amount of data on Sprint because the speeds were so slow. Also, human nature being what it is, most people will  feel  encouraged to use more data thus reaching their cap sooner.

  6. I have to disagree. Look at AT&T and Verizon, their prepaid only allows access to 3g so their LTE doesn't get jammed up... And they don't have unlimited

    Maybe in the long run. But in the short run, the more data that can get off loaded to b41 the better the other bands will be.

  7. This is from a Cisco white paper using data collected from almost 40,000 devices on global tier I networks. I realize this isn't pefect, but it is probably the best we are going to get.

    I'm suspicious that those figures are artificially low. We have two carriers that are "unlimited data" and everybody else has caps. I would like to see Sprint and T-mobile separated from those statistics.

  8. I think that there a lot more brewing behind the scenes than we know of. Part of it is some kind of collaboration with Dish. It's not that Dan is not a visionary. It is that Legere is perceived as a more aggressive competitor and a more aggressive doer. In order to sell this merger to the feds Son will have to show that he will compete with the other two. 


    Let me repeat myself. In order to sell this merger, Sprint/Softbank should be willing to divest spectrum to Dish (a spectrum swap of EBS for 2000-2020MHz+PCS-H will also be palatable), hosting of Dish's spectrum, promise of aggressive deployment of rural deployment of SMR/700MHz, promise of deployment of fixed broadband on EBS by Dish/Sprint and a perceived competitive CEO will go a long way to sell this merger.

    No argument here. Its just that it sounded as if Dan was getting beat up on. I just don't think he deserves that.

  9. I never expected a harsh rebuttal from you, AJ. Unfortunately, data usage isn't one-size-fits-all, and I really don't care what presser tells me that "97% of Americans use less than 2gb, so you should, too!" Those "millions of drivers before me" didn't have the available technology at their disposal like I do in 2014. I guess I should switch jobs, or just sit in my truck miserable, and find a nice AM broadcast of a church sermon to "offload the network." I understand your concern, and firm stance on "data pigs," but please, take into consideration that not everyone is alike in their usage.

    Sorry. Unless you are managing your own business aka an unaffiliated owner operator then there is just no way or reason to use that much bandwidth. Yes i was a truck driver with the available tech that is presently available. There are far to many other options including idle air that you can use.

  10. If the rumors are true, Masa certainly wouldn't agree with you. 


    And let's be real here... As much as Hesse seems to be a lovable guy here, for his 7 years in charge of Sprint we've seen mostly struggle to innovate, struggle to deploy, struggle to meet the goals, and he's shown us how things are suppose to NOT get done. Lots of promises for the bright future, but that future never really came and we've been waiting patiently. And especially as of late, lot's of consumer unfriendly pricing schemes that squeeze even more of that hard earned cash out of Sprint's subscribers' wallets. It's starting to be very uncomfortable to watch him still talking about the future and how he needs even more time.


    I get the concern if most of people in here are stock holders or Sprint investors, but c'mon now... as a subscriber, consumer, tech lover, how can you truly believe that he's capable of creating a dramatic shift in his strategy, shake things around, and start delivering on all cylinders.


    Just doesn't sit that well anymore...

    I think thats a myopic view. Is Dan the visionary we seek? Probably not. But keep in mind that Dan inherited a deeply flawed company. He pulled out quite a few trick ponies to keep the boat a float. What we may be seeing now is him running out of ponies. Dan is not Gary and thank god, otherwise Sprint might have gone under before Softbank stepped in.

    • Like 2
  11. I hate to agree with you but the majority of people are bashing Sprint. They complain about poor customer service, lies of a good network, no/poor service, etc. Sprint has a horrible reputation with the general public and as caspar said, I also don't see it getting better for at least 5 years.

    Actually, I think we are very sensitive to Sprint bashing. I think an equal amount of people hate on Verizon, AT&T and T-mobile. The entire industry has a bad reputation. Let the haters hate. Web blogs/sites are not representative of the average user.

    • Like 3
  12. Sprint says: "Once the customer is no longer connected to a congested cell site, or the site is no longer congested, speeds will return to normal."


    This isnt a throttle that lasts any longer than it needs to (when the site is congested until you are no longer on the site OR the site is no longer congested).  people are acting like as soon as they cross 5 gigs they are done for which isnt the case.


    BUT...I think it is interesting how sprint says over 5 gigs is the norm for that top tier of users, if the system is set up the way they are trying to sell it to us, it shouldnt matter what the number is.  Top 5% of previous months users are throttled as needed.


    If the top 5% of users averaged 45 GBs for the previous month does that mean if I used 44 gigs or below I am home free since i wasnt in the top 5%?  The way they are spinning this it would seem so.  What i think they are actually planning on doing either from the start or several months down the road is to do throttling for everyone over 5 gigs regardless, on congested cell sites.


    Obviously there is only one solution.  Come June 1st we need to all download as much as possible to shoot the 5% number incredibly high so that way we wont have to worry at all.  ;)

    Somebody else here mentioned it first but it sounds like the 5 gig cap is a limiting factor to make sure the top 5% does not adjust to far down. ATT did not do this when they started throttling the top 5% and some customers complained of getting throttled at 2-3 gigs.

  13. Just my opinion but seems that they should of known that the one 1900mhz lte carrier wasn't going to take long to get overburdened even in small towns. And another thing I see is that when Dan and son promote the spark network they talk about speeds of 150 and 200 mbs.


    If they are going to be throttling people with those kinds of speeds and saying you can watch videos and movies people will not be liking that very much when you advertise that unlimited data and no throttling besides the fine print I'm afraid subscribers will just turn around with these other company's paying etf's and leave.


    I think that sprint needs to offer something because of lacking coverage and speeds in a lot of places at the moment. I don't have a problem with it as long as it's only implemented on sites overburdened. If anybody watches movies or anything they are going to be over the 5gb.


    I think there will be some backlash over them putting that statement out when other carriers told them unlimited wasn't sustainable but yet sprint insisted that with spark it was. They just need to get B41 and B26 deployed nationwide pretty quickly. B26 will help places that aren't super populated for a little while but eventually they are going to need another 10mhz total 1900 carrier from refarming 3g nationwide.

    From what I have gathered lte adoption for Sprint was very high so I think they could afford to do that where b41 will be a while to get there.


    Just my 2 cents I think sprint can keep unlimited data with all the clearwire spectrum and they could also get some pcs h block from dish.

    If they knew that a single 5x5 carrier would suffice or not is irrelevant. That is all they had available in the vast majority of markets. I'm sure the no throttling tag line will be dropped if they have not already and I dont recall Sprint ever saying that unlimited was sustainable BECAUSE of Spark. I think this is the right move. Better to piss a few people off now then piss a whole bunch of people down the road.

  14. Tech sites going bananas with haters. The usual I thought Sprint always throttled line lol. For some reason I think to the public this may do some harm to Sprint since a lot of people never got the network that they were promised years ago. As for my self I am perfectly fine with this. Thanks to my new job I can afford to pay $40 a month to Verizon for 5gb of data on my LG G pad 8.3 and I use the Nexus 5 on tmobiles $30 5gb plan while having the G2 on Sprint so If sprint can't handle it I have two other networks up for the challenge. Its a phone geek's wet dream.

    This may give those people the network they were promised. AJ estimated that the top 5% use 50% of the data. After implementing NV I'm sure Sprint took a look at network activity and identified the top 5% as a problem.

    • Like 1
  15. I can confirm that it is the update to the Sprint Connection Optimizer that is killing the battery.




    This was when my battery was at 21% after 10 hours of sitting on my desk at work doing nothing.

    The connections optimizer is also becoming intrusive. About to see if I can uninstall it.
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