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Posts posted by centermedic

  1. Seriously?

    Yup. Look at the maps. I can add that in my experience I have better coverage then my friends who have AT&T and that is not just limited to my experiences in NY and NC. I was an over the road truck driver and the only service that consistently outperformed Sprint was Verizon. And yes, I drove 46 of the lower 48.

    • Like 1
  2. Because Sprint coverage is comparable to AT&T. Voice quality is generally better. While Sprint mostly cannot compete on data speeds the network has at least become usable in most places with unlimited data still available AND in the near future Sprint will be able to compete on data speeds. In comparison we cant touch Verizon on anything but value and the only reason a T-Mobile user would move to Sprint would be because of bargain basement prices. While I still believe that Sprint should spark a pricing war they also do not need to severely undervalue their product. This makes AT&T the most vulnerable in my mind.

  3. This is very disappointing to me. Just as disappointing as the Galaxy S5/4S. There is 0 innovation. Lgs knock on, the motion sense to hold your phone up to your ear to answer is not new since plenty phones have this. The refocus feature is present on the GS5 and LG PRO 2. Boomsound is awesome but after hearing the comparison from that leak the HTC ONE 2012 sounded better. Looks nice though. This to me is the perfect time for LG and others to steal market share and is proof that innovation is slowing down.

    You have to be careful about comparing a finished product with a beta product. I think any judgments on the sound quality should be withheld until somebody gets their hands on a finished product. Also, the camera may end up being a very interesting piece.

    • Like 1
  4. Why not 'a massive pricewar' before? or instead of? Is what I don't understand.


    Massive is a very subjective word too, it could mean $1 off plans, it could mean anything.


    Sprint has been raising prices over the last year, raising rates and raising fees, but they just don't have the coverage or quality of service of the big two to justify these prices. People expect less and pay less.


    I don't see the connection.

    I partially disagree here. While I also cannot see the rational of not starting a price war before a potential T-Mobile merger, I also believe that AT&T is very vulnerable when compared to Sprint. So much so that i now believe that it would have made more sense for Sprint to go after ma bell instead of T-Mobile. Sprint competes most directly with AT&T when it comes to coverage and Sprint is catching up on data speeds. Sprint has a window of opportunity that is closing. They need to strike sometime this year IMO.

  5. Patience, Grasshopper, patience.  :ninja:


    (If Sprint dropped prices and suddenly added 4 or 5 million subs right now, especially in over-crowded markets like Chicago & NYC, the current network would simply melt down.  He needs infrastructure now, aggressive pricing thereafter.  Or so we can hope.)

    You know what though. They can target certain areas where the network is not overburdened. Outside looking in there seems to be a difference in priorities between Kansas and Japan.

  6. Thats why I think they should do at the very least Canada, Mexico, and the Carribean, where there are CDMA operators. As a bonus, thats where most Americans do their international travel anyway.


    And yes, Japan. That should be a given.

    There is a problem with that. The tech is changing. So you can ink agreements with those operators but if they or you change tech then those agreements are worthless. You can buy those operators but now you have to modernize them as you move along the tech evolution. Thats dicey at best. The best course in my opinion is to sit back and wait for VOLT. Then you can start signing international roaming agreements.

  7. Not sure what software you are asking about. Phone software is 4.13.651.3   Sprint Zone is 4.6.34 (just updated today). No idea what JSS15Q is.

    Sprintzone -> Dashboard -> System Updates-> Device Software

  8. Correct me if I'm wrong, but the $20 unlimited buy up includes a new phone each year, you don't add additional financing with that route. It's like a lease on a car, unlimited miles, we get it back after a year of use, but you get a shiny new car and the payment is unchanged. This is a win-win for the power user if you ask me.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

    Hmmm. I was under the impression that you still had to finance your phone, they just allowed you to re up every year. Can anybody else comment on this?

  9. I'm failing to see the difference between a subsidized device with a two year contract, and a device financed for two years with a reduced monthly payment. Except when financing the device, you have more options.


    I will never understand you folks who think you earned a reward or perk to upgrade at the end of your contract. It is not a reward or perk. It's something they offer to everyone, even new customers. It's just the privilege to get locked down for two more years. You aren't getting something for nothing. You are still paying full price for your device. The financing was already in your monthly payment all along in the form of subsidy.


    This is all just a change of terminology and the abolition of contracts. But there is still a de facto contract by virtue of an unpaid balance on your device that you would need to pay to leave. But that's more fair than an ETF. Because an ETF is still in place, even long after some devices would have been paid for. And you can pay off only your device balance early. Sometimes ETF's are far more than the value of the device.


    Robert via Samsung Note 8.0 using Tapatalk Pro


    Here is my issue. I understand that the price that I am paying right now has the phone subsidy built in. With Framily you have a choice of getting a new phone and paying it off or rolling with your old phone. The problem is Framily is not a cost savings over everything data. Right now before taxes I pay about $60 per line with my subsidy baked in. A similar 3 line acct on Framily would cost me $65 per line with unlimited PLUS the phone financing. I don;t come out even until I hit seven phones and I never come out ahead unless i downgrade my data or I elect not to buy a new phone. I'm sure Sprint has a great business case for making this move but it does nothing for the power user.

    • Like 1
  10. Hmmm, my thoughts as well.  Things is there's 5 people on the plan with upgrades in 3/14, 4/14/, 4/15, 5/15, and 7/15.  So if we were to move to framily at this point given the $15 fee, the first (upgrade in 3/14) and second person (upgrade 4/14) would benefit but everyone else (upgrades in 4/15, 5/15, and 7/15) would be stuck with at least $180 worth of fee charges (12*15).


    The two options you mentioned seem probable as far as what Sprint will do with FF1500.


    Regardless, a $35 Nexus 5 from Amazon on 3/1/14 is looking awful tempting

    Wait what? As much as I want a M8 I would jump all over a $35 Nexus 5.

  11. Updated mine yesterday and so far I am very happy. I will keep an eye on it but it seems like my battery has gotten better and my wifi reception especially on 5ghz has gotten markedly better.

  12. My thought as well. After all my headaches, I can tell you that my Win8.1 machine didn't like it one bit, but my Win7 machine took care of it like a charm. YMMV.

    Is HTC synch manager needed?

  13. I think I made mine angry. Followed the steps, but got a USB error when trying to install. I just have a black screen with silver HTC letters on the phone, and no input whatsoever seems to change it. Any suggestions?


    Edit - Nevermind, I was able to recover it and try again.


    Edit 2 - Every time I try to start the update process, my PC (win 8.1) says "the USB device is not recognized" and fails the install.

    I recall reading that you need a windows 7 machine.

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