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Posts posted by centermedic

  1. I was frustrated after learning that I could not have my son and his wife who are sprint customers as well join a framily with me. So for 4 phones AT&T is offering $160 with 10gb of data to share and T-Mobile is offering $160 fur 4 phones with 2.5 gb line. Same Sprint Framily plan is $160 for 4 phone with only 1 gb per line... What gives?


    Sent from my LG-LS980 using Tapatalk

    If you add more lines the price per line goes down. Plus its unlimited text and talk if IIRC.

  2. i did the htc sync manager backup before running the RUU and a restore after. Messages, phone history, and contacts seemed to restore well, in addition to my background. Overall my phone has been running much better with 4.3. Sense has only crashed once since the update whereas before the update it would crash multiple times each day.

    Did your wifi settings and passwords back up also?

  3. If I am wrong on that count, I will stand corrected.  But I believe I am correct.  Local governments may enter into exclusive cable franchise agreements.  Or they may choose not to grant additional cable franchise agreements because of aesthetic or logistic reasons relating to buildout, for example.  Regardless, MSOs are not chomping at the bit to overbuild and compete -- too risky for their ROI.



    That was correct until recently in North Carolina. The state took franchising power away from the counties. Now a cable entity has to apply to the state for a franchise.


  4. Fortunately Sprint didn't share that line of thinking and sought to do better. If they can pull off a 97% call completion rate, then the duopoly, with all their resources, can aim to do just as well. The timing and nature of the event an ambulance is responding to is inherently unexpected- the demand on cellular networks is not.


    Forget what Sprint accomplished for a moment (since it is statistically likely there were far fewer Sprint subs in attendance) - just the difference between a 1-in-10 and 1-in-5 chance of a call not going through is pretty darn notable, in my opinion. AT&T definitely has some room for improvement.


    It's too bad they don't have any figures for T-Mobile. I'd have been curious to see if their smaller size (like Sprint) would have been a benefit, or if the technology they deployed (GSM/W-CDMA like AT&T) would have also fallen behind. The data speeds I mostly disregard, since they weren't using VZW's B4 LTE.


    No way.  Your thinking is blatantly wishful.  When upwards of 80,000 people congregate together in a small area, network congestion is inevitable.  So, that 80 percent completion rate is a downright success.  And it will not get better until there are small cells in every section of the stadium and on every light pole in the parking lot.  Do not hold your breath.


    For a parallel, have you ever seen an ambulance try to exit a stadium parking lot against the flow of thousands of other cars filing in to the parking lot?  I have.  The lights may be flashing, the sirens blaring, but that ambulance is moving as slow as molasses.  Sorry, but an NFL football game is simply a bad place for anyone to have an emergency.  Those are the breaks.  The crush of people is too great.



    While I will agree to using overly dramatic language gnoj put the situation in the perfect perspective. To use your example of the ambulance in the parking lot. There are ways to mitigate that situation. It is all in the planning. From the outside looking in it seems that Sprint did a better job on the voice planning than AT&T. I think they deserved the win on this one versus another blatantly biased opinion.

  5. I am tempted now to buy more Sprint shares today at $7.60, but the risks seem too big for more short-term pullback amidst AT&T price cuts and possibly horrible quarterly report next week.


    Whoever can time the bottom of this stock this month will profit handsomely.

    I think you may have two chances. Once this month as investors react to the potential impacts of AT&T price cuts and once again in a month or two when the impact is realized. Probably right after the earnings call.

    • Like 2
  6. I thought the button configuration was the oddest thing about the One, I ended up getting an Optimus G which has a more standard three button layout. Exciting if HTC has seen the light there.


    Sent from my LG-LS970 using Tapatalk

    What was odd about it?

  7. No more than a year.

    Looking at doubling my investment. I quadrupled the value of my investment last time with Sprint but I know at this price point it would almost be impossible to quadruple in a year.

    I have a sell target of $25. When I started buying Sprint shares I figured on a minimum of two years which would put me at summer of 2015. I am still firm on that price and time frame so i think you are in decent shape to hit your target.

  8. I doubt that, T-Mobile doesn't offer subsidies and they are left out of the promotion. I would be willing to bet when Sprint does the same thing they will also be axed from the same offer.

    I suppose it depends on the revenue model that Sprint adopts for retailers. Years ago Sprint was the only company that did not pay retailers a percentage for each contract that they established ( I think it was a flat fee). Don't know if that changed in later years. In any case I'm sure Best Buy will do its best to negotiate a deal with Sprint where they won't lose money on the deal. The wild card is if Sprint is willing to cut the retailers out of the equation.

  9. In those comparison commercials they use each carriers coverage maps as of whatever date they put in the fine print.  I think that is how they get away with it.  They retrieve the OFFICIALLY released and available coverage map from each carrier on Jan. 15th for example and then slap on the screen, coverage claims based on data as of Jan 15th.



    Exactly. Verizon is using an old map but the print in the ad states10/13 I believe. Even so, this was a great post. Thanks for putting the work in.

  10. Whats the difference between doing it this way rather than "get $10 off your bill every month by refering people!'  style offers?


    Seems like if this is just a referal system, it would have been more work on their end changing their entire billing system to framily, vs "apply recurring discount"

    Because this way everybody gets to share in the savings. On paper that's a more effective recruitment tool than "Dude, come on over so I can get $10 off of my bill".

    • Like 3
  11. Look at the new Dell 27" 4k Monitor that they revealed at CES. I believe it is only 800 dollars or so, which sounds expensive, but if you consider that the only other 4k monitor on the market is like, 3200 dollars, then it suddenly sounds like a great deal.




    Just get a 4k tv.  If not, look on ebay for the 2560x1440 monitors from korea that are around $300 each. 


    spoofee dot com is good for deals that are found online.

    4K monitors are way out of my price range. The only reason I want to goto a dual display is so when I am doing my school work I can view multiple windows at a time.

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