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Posts posted by nahum365

  1. I thought the 4S supported 800 1X. Seemed like a nice explanation for why my mom's 4S always has a 5 bar signal at her house, while I'm barely holding on to a 2 bar signal... Same at my house. We both get 5 bars (tower is super close) but she always has a 10dbm or so better signal then me. I know we could be connecting to different towers, but why is my iPhone connecting to a further away tower (especially at my house) when there is a better signal available?

    • Like 1
  2. You're right. Tried turning it on and now the option disappeared again.


    Just another glitch of the Sprint iPhone 5.


    Number 4 on my Sprint iPhone 5 glitch list.

    1.) Text Messages marked "Not Delivered", when they have, in fact, been delivered.

    2.) Random drops to 1X (the little o)

    3.) Randomly losing service completely.

    4.) Mobile Hotspot being available, but shutting off the second you attempt to use it.



    Do not get too carried away. Clearwire buyout or not, TD-LTE 2600 is not going to end up on every site. It just is not necessary and just would not make sense.



    The tower near which I spend most of my day serves the very end (literally) of I-70 and a mall, as well as my workplace. Would it be plausible for me to get TD-LTE there?


    That same tower also serves my house, but I offload, so that doesn't matter.

  4. Thank you all for your replies.



    I was hoping to stay away from satellite if possible but I know it may not be an option. I also know Sprint itself does not offer unlimited home internet on LTE, but the providers I listed aren't Sprint, they just use their infrastructure from what I can tell. If their 3G is as crowded as it is, and these providers still offer unlimited bandwidth (they also offer 25 gigs for $99 a month), then they may do so with LTE as well. However, if they are only averaging 300-800k down, it would be very hard to go over 25-30 gigs a month regardless of how much you are downloading (and their 4G may very well be in reference to WiMAX). I'll contact several of them and see what they say.


    I can assure you all 4G references are WiMax. Sprint isn't licensing their LTE (except for a couple MVNOs, no mobile broadband). VZW's Home Fusion Broadband might be something to look into though: http://www.verizonwireless.com/b2c/homefusion/hf/main.do .

  5. Carrier files could contain the PRL update, however, their is an actual separate carrier file for the phone. What those do, I can't remember, but they usually come in OS updates, and very rarely as separate updates.


    I know. It has all of the credentials and info the phone needs to connect to the Sprint network. What exactly that means, I have no idea.

  6. Uh oh, I'm double posting. :o


    How I feel about this:

    Sprints really got their work cut out for them if T-Mo gets everything done. LTE, iPhone, and great prices all in one carrier.


    Just one problem- the no-contract idea. I simply can't afford $650 for a phone. $200 I can shoulder, but $650 is WAAY too much. $300 I would consider (Nexus 4), but there's that LTE problem. If Apple or Google can create carrier specific models at a nice no-contract price, I'm sold. I would go with Android in a heartbeat if I could get a CDMA LTE phone with Nexus 4-like for $300.


    Oh, another problem. One that doesn't really affect me. Which is TMo coverage. They cover the urban areas nicely, but rural areas? Not so much. That's obviously not a problem in places like Baltimore, they have decent signal in most places, not always 3G though. And thats another problem. The 3G. They didn't convert all the towers in the first place, and they aren't planning to. Any EDGE tower will always be an EDGE tower. No hope of HSPA or LTE.


    Okay, I'm done.

  7. Tmobile is moving to 100% value plans. They are getting the iPhone because now they do not have to subsidize the device.


    In one day tmobile gains my interest, then loses it the in an hour.


    Value plans are nice, but I refuse to sign a contract with an ETF when I am bringing my own device.


    I thought value plans had no ETF... If they do, well thats incredibly stupid.

    They will finance the device if you want to- 20 or 30 dollars extra on your bill for 20 months.

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