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Everything posted by dnicekid

  1. Whatever happened to TMO?? I read they were an important piece along with sprint... Are they out now because Sprint skipped out on the Merger????
  2. Another thought http://m.seekingalpha.com/article/2461825-deutsche-telekom-wants-out-of-t-mobile-and-now?source=email_rt_article_readmore&app=1&uprof=51 Maybe Son knew he was paying too much?? Possibly using the feds as an excuse. Forking over the cash then the integration of the 2... Someone might have said hold on... It would seem likely that charlie would get in line, possibly swap some spectrum with Sprint?? If he can afford it??
  3. Can't freaking wait till they get there LTE up and sprint changes the coverage maps... Sprint can say over 300 million covered with LTE!!??? A lot of people hanging onto the "Edge" will "jump" to see the new "Spark"!
  4. I hope sprint buys them all! People will start to take them even more seriously... Especially att/vzw.. Tmo and Sprint can't compete where Tmo doesn't have coverage... That would def make the big 2 start to look over their shoulders out in the boonies where they thought they had things on lock...look out for double the data- headed your way soon!!
  5. Peoples opinions starting to change??? http://m.seekingalpha.com/article/2457205-should-subscribers-rethink-switching-from-sprint-to-a-competitor?source=email_rt_article_readmore&app=1&uprof=51
  6. Would sprint be able to "cut" the contract immediately??? Offer those to byod to sprint or lose service??
  7. Thank you lol Another reason not to type and drive....
  8. Looks like charlie is going after tmo now.http://m.seekingalpha.com/article/2452305-dish-moving-beyond-pay-television?source=email_rt_article_readmore&app=1&uprof=51 And att or Tmo buying freedompop???
  9. The worst part about tmos new plans are they are using similar language.... "Doublethedata#"... Sprint Double your data -tmo
  10. I think sprint could and should consider putting some 25/41 bands on the shutdown nextel sites to add more density.. This would help get more consistent speeds and on 1900/greatly increase coverage and of course band 41.. This would also give people a much better perception of sprints LTE.. Many complaints are that it spotty and slow..
  11. Somehow I think this is almost "research" for masa he is doing what the feds wanted.... Later he can go back and say sprint/Tmo are only killing each other while vzw/att still have huge profits... So we did it your way..it didn't work now let us merge.... Please.. Hopefully, sprint buys uscc first
  12. I don't think that's attractive enough...the "doubleurdata" moto at $45 should be at least 4gb since unlimited is $60. I would like to see a 2gb at $25-35 this would prolly create a lot of noise for low end users and texting teens.
  13. Sprint left itself room Hopefully they will Offer the options like framily plan and double the data... Adding a golden touch would be to throttle after the limit so as they can say they are unlimited
  14. Don't know if this has been posted http://www.techtimes.com/articles/13846/20140823/t-mobile-responds-to-sprints-60-unlimited-everything-plan-with-more-offers-and-uncarrier-moves-next-week.htm T-Mobile has an answer to sprints new individual plans
  15. Hopefully we can tweet these ideas and be heard.. If Sprint would meter data for add ons that would truly be disruptive.. The could sell "Honesty" pay for what you use nothing else..no overages just what you use! Not like other trying to require minimum amounts that you don't use! ####Sprint to be Disruptive #####!
  16. Sprint is like my wife.... ****** me off sometimes but still makes me happy... I can't leave her or Sprint... But one of my other carriers has to go soon.. My Tmo is blazing... But I send this from my sprint phone while camping... My Tmo signal is dead... I like being with the underdog... A few friends have left Tmo/vzw for sprint, and so far happy. They say there are some spotty places but call quality and mainly price keep them happy.. Both are maxed framily members.. Sprint is getting better. ####SPRINT-2BE-DISRUPTIVE###! #SPRINT-IF-U-WANT-2B-DISRUPTIVE!## ^^my new moto^^^
  17. How bout the guy from Dos Equis??? "The man who has 10 lines on sprint family... Just so he can stay in touch with his families"... Lol just saying if they could land him and show using the phone....
  18. Remember the 2gbs for $15 promo? They should start there....$15 2g Sprint should also look throw a token towards current customers... As in flat rate pricing on data... If you have a active sprint phone flat rate of $5 GB... Tablet/hotspot.. People on framily or individual plan... Its equals the $100 family share plan... No access fees for easy pay customers and $5 fee after that.. That shouldn't overburden sprint but people might come running.. It would really separate sprint plans from other carriers.
  19. Please delete my double post. You are right about the network, what about 3free GB for a year? With purchase of tablet then $15 after that..
  20. It would be great and game changing and disruptive if they gave unlimited data to tablets.. Would be an awesome Way to get people to like the network!
  21. http://www.sprint.com/landings/competition/ Please tell me its old..... I saw the pay etc fees but the 4s is a while back.
  22. Sprint could easily have a commercial showing old Eq getting ripped out and replaced with someone narrating about how they are building Americas newest, most reliable network, say we have 160 million with more coming every week. Show guys on towers working at night to show how dedicated they are in completing the work.
  23. From here its about marketing. My local news had a segment on sprints new plans... They mentioned how it was more than 2xs as much as the other 2... Hopefully they have an awesome marketing campaign coming by the 22nd! Maybe a "you can't touch this" theme flashing 20gbs and 2xs the data.. Come try Americas newest network
  24. Exactly... I was told $25 was ylk/txt. So $15 after $100 I understand.. But tabs/hotspots??? Those should be free when u have a phone
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