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Posts posted by Tengen31

  1. This transaction has nothing to do with the merger. Sprint still needs to act in a manner that assumes the merger isn't going to pass. Leasing out EBS/BRS isn't conducive to that. This was an even market for market spectrum swap, just as we've seen Sprint engage in several times over the past couple of years with various companies. Where they can work out like for like even deals, it makes sense for Sprint or any other of the big 3 wireless companies to swap PCS so both companies ultimately end up with more contiguous spectrum.
    As to if the merger passes, T-Mobile has some options at their disposal to get people onto either network fairly quickly when the merger goes through if they choose to.
    I know it doesn't have anything to do with the Merger I and others thought maybe they were going to use each other's spectrum on both networks. I don't see how they can swap spectrum in my area. Sprint is 10x10 A block and 5x5 G block while TMO already has a contiguous 20x20

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

  2. This is just another regular spectrum realignment as in the past. Nothing more, nothing less. 
    Whatever you hear from people who have very clear biases and misconceptions does not mesh with what happened in reality. 
    So this was only about PCS? I thought they wanted to get a head start since the Merger is likely going to pass. https://www.fiercewireless.com/wireless/t-mobile-inks-533m-reciprocal-long-term-spectrum-lease-deal-sprint

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

  3. It looks like a huge amount of PCS swapping. Why didn't they touch band 41 yet?


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    Guess we will see I and others thought maybe they were going to use some of each other's LTE bands on both networks. I don't know if they would swap in my area. T-Mobile already a contiguous 20x20 here 15x15 A plus 5x5 D. Sprint 10x10 A and 5x5 G


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  4. Well if that's the case then if it hasn't been signed then I don't know what else to really say. I also have the Galaxy note 9. So if that happens I could take advantage of both Networks.

    Sent from my SM-N960U using Tapatalk

    You would have to have sim card from both carriers. Under this the 2 are still separate companies.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

  5. So a thought I am going to try out the next week or so....

    With this heavy roaming agreement with Tmo, I am finding I kick to roaming in "spotty" sprint areas -112 or worse (ill pay closer attention) 
    So I asked my rep about if the Volte should just transfer over (like it would from 41 to 25 or 26, and back) without losing signal, as it seems to do with wifi....

    He said it should be fine..

    I am in an area that has some sprint holes... and so i am going to see if the tmo roaming fixes it... 
    As long as your Phone is on LTE Volte will stay connected doesn't matter which band your on. It's only when you lose LTE that the call will drop

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

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  6. Yeah I addressed that. You CAN talk and surf. Wi-Fi. I mean I can't think of many places I go where there is not Wi-Fi, including this city bus I'm currently writing this on. But I just don't think the network on most places - including here in Atlanta - is anywhere near dense enough to offer a quality VOLTE experience, no matter how much you tweak band 26. And I also don't see why the average person, the vast majority of users, really, would truly have a need to surf and talk simultaneously. Other than being a "me, too" issue I really don't think it's that important. I'll take rock solid call performance over something not that necessary any day of the week. After all, these things are still called "phones" for a reason. 
    Accept most people ( not everyone) don't use public WiFi which you shouldn't do to hackers

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  7. CDMA data is certainly congested to point of being unusable, but 3G voice is something that I've never had trouble with.  

    I think the biggest push for Sprint is Verizon's shutdown of CDMA by in December of 2019.  If Sprint is still relying for 1x for voice without VoLTE, then they'll have serious trouble getting handset manufacturers to make a CDMA handset only for Sprint.  They might be in a position where the premier phones no longer support CDMA.  In 2018, Google Pixel and iPhone still contain CDMA chips, but what if that's not the case in 2019?


    I think as long as other carriers like uscc and cspire still have CDMA it will not be a Hugh issue. Now if they do away with CDMA then yeah. Att covers enough to use there network for roaming. Just cause Sprint doesn't have much VOLTE on there network doesn't make any since that they can't use att or TMobiles.  

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  8. Well I personally don't think the network is ready yet. So I couldn't care less. The more time to adjust band 26 and do some infill work, the better. I don't get why everyone wants VOLTE anyway when it's just going to lead to dropped calls and less quality than tried and proven, highly reliable CDMA calls. What is the great advantage with this besides the ability to use the internet while on a call (which can be done already on any phone when on Wi-Fi)?
    Talk and surf. You can do it on all other Networks. That's a Hugh deal breaker for alot of people.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

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  9. Does anyone know how I get three LTE icon clock battery back at the time of my phone? It's not there anymore unless I open apps. I would like it back5220a09f56715b83d84bf8f706ece99b.jpg

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

    Never mind I figured it out, it was the pic was blocked it. Lol

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