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Posts posted by Tengen31

  1. http://newsroom.sprint.com/sprint-announces-new-york-city-phoenix-and-kansas-city-among-first-to-experience-sprint-5g.htm
    Sprint has added New York, Phoenix and Kansas to the list of 5G cities for Q1 2019. I'm really liking how Sprint is moving fast on the network thus far as if there is no merger on the table. 
    Not Minneapolis. ;) BOO

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

  2. So I picked up another two new L2500 carriers in downtown Seattle, bringing us up to a grand total of 8 carriers live across the region. Here’s what I’ve noticed:

    - Most 8T8Rs seem to be running five carriers (40072, 40270, 40978, 41176, 41374)

    - All mini-macro-on-macro sites are running two carriers (40978, 41176)

    - All magic boxes run one carrier (39874)

    - Most small cells/DAS setups seem to be running two carriers (40582, 40780)

    Pretty neat stuff!

    You seeing any 15x15 on B25 at all?


    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk




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  3. With the launch of 10x10, Sprint has as much spectrum for LTE online as VZW does in NYC and it's definitely showing in the speed increase across the city. Verizon is down to it's last 20MHz in CLR to bring online and they're likely only going to bring a 5x5 online until the CDMA shutdown in 2020/2021 sometime. But they still have something like 350MHz of mmWave spectrum that they will deploy for 5G here.
    Just think when Sprint fires up the 4th B41 and maybe A 5th that would be more spectrum than VZW.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

  4. Network speed is holding them back. They need a little push. 15mhz b25 on every tower and more towers getting b41 equipment should fix this. It's all about how fast they are willing to move.


    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk


    The biggest thing that could help is densifying both B41 and the 15x15 B25 then aggregated them. The results well change. Sprint network needs to be vzw dense.


    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk




  5. Yess,  Those are the mobilitie tower uses on the right of ways instead on private land.  Thought more people would be interested to see how one looks in real life.  
    Any CA from it? I have yet to see that on any Sprint small cells I've connected to.

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

  6. I wish I could agree but I just took a speed test of a band 25 10mhz tower but I won't post it do to da rulez. Here is the signal though readlly good signal. 0.51 down and 0.48 uplink and this is not the only tower. Trust me when I tell you upload needs to increase. I can literally see the tower across the street and had to use a hotspot to post this.a75750d9ec29c521e97cf994fac970ce.jpg

    Sent from my SM-G955U using Tapatalk

    Higher qam on B25 upload will make it even better

    Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk

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