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Posts posted by Tengen31

  1. Yeah I get 10x5 band 25 sometimes thanks to downlink CA. Sprint doesn't own any band 41 licenses in this area currently so I don't think they'll be able to deploy it by the end of Spring. That's why I'm waiting for 10x10 LTE on block A. Then I can get 15x10 band 25 which should be pretty nice. The 10x5 band 25 caps out at 50Mbps.
    Good point. Your area is another where TMobile would benefit from Sprint. TMobile Only has 10x10 PC's total two 5x5 carriers of AWS 5x5 B12 and 20x20 B71

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

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  2. Is that something that gets done whenever they get to it or are they actively working to refarm? It would be nice to have speedy band 25 since we won't be seeing band 41 for a while. 
    That I don't know. I've been wondering the same thing about Duluth cause the lacks B41 also. However Sprint is on trackvto complete B41 but the end of spring so hopefully you can see the triband antenna And B41 there. Hopefully wider B25. Do you have a B25+25 CA device, that gives 10 mhz of download

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

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  3. Grand Forks. 

    I believe thats the same holding's as northern Minnesota totals holding of 15x15 A block and 5x5 G block. Vs South MN which is 10x10 a and 5x5 G. Accept Rochester which is 10x10 A, and 5x5 G and F. So yeah I don't know when you will be see 10x10. The very small part of SD that Sprint covers has 10x10.  

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk








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  4. In my area Sprint owns PCS Blocks A & G. They use the G block for LTE and 5MHz of the A block for LTE. Are they using the remaining 10MHz of the A block for CDMA or only part of it? If they are using all of the remaining 10MHz, when are they going to refarm to dedicate more of the A block to LTE?
    What city are you in BTW?

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

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  5. In my area Sprint owns PCS Blocks A & G. They use the G block for LTE and 5MHz of the A block for LTE. Are they using the remaining 10MHz of the A block for CDMA or only part of it? If they are using all of the remaining 10MHz, when are they going to refarm to dedicate more of the A block to LTE?
    Yes the rest is on CDMA. Some areas only have 5x5 left. If yours has 10x10 there isn't any reason then can trim CDMA to the last 5x5 and do 10x10 on LTE, they have done that in other cities

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

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  6. I’m asking specifically about the 800 MHz rebanding. Would another carrier have been able to get public safety entities off of 800 MHz faster than Sprint has/did?

    If you ask me, Sprint should have participated in the 600 MHz auction. T-Mobile has been rolling that out at an incredible pace... and Sprint could have done the same.

    Of course, one of Sprint’s justifications for the merger is that it lacks low band spectrum.... go figure.

    I've always thought Sprint should have done 600 mhz. I even tho they should have gone after aws3 in places where they cant do 10x10 B25. I have 2 5x5 in my area as B25 is slow when you can't connect to B41. 25+25+26+66+71 would make due improvement when you can get B41. In places like Florida where Sprint has 15x15 B25 then 25+26+71 is fine. 25+41 even


    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk




  7. Starting the thread for North Dakota. Native Sprint coverage here is pretty bad. The recent T-Mobile roaming agreements have made it better. If anyone has any updates feel free to post them here. Plenty of expansion needed here.
    Sprint themselves will likely only had coverage if the merger fails. They planned to add some needed coverage but not cause I'd TMO roaming. Hopefully they will add VoLTE so we can stop the limited VZW voice roaming. Not sure why you needed a new thread when there already is one for the Dakota's Market

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  8. Are you guys getting stable release ota? I assume this is for a branded sprint s9, not the unlocked one. 
    I just checked mine and no update available I have the unlocked model, even the the Sim card installed the Sprint firmware.

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  9. Are you connected to a magic box or airave now? Neither of those support VoLTE at the moment, and it will be disabled if/when you're connected to one.

    Sent from my Pixel 3 XL using Tapatalk

    Was connected to a cell tower at the time

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk

  10. I make fun of everyone including myself for mistakes on the internet. If that makes you feel discriminated against I can't really help that. At least you don't get death threats for making mistakes like those in my line of work do. You know how to enable CA using the MSL. We've talked about it before. It's in the same area as band priority. Dial ##DATA# and select LTE. Instead of view, hit edit and enter the MSL. For many Samsung devices, it may be 000000.


    Death threats is going to far, so I'm really sorry I hear that Bud. I've tried doing the MSL thing and nothing. 

    Sent from my SM-G965U1 using Tapatalk






  11. On 1/18/2019 at 8:25 PM, red_dog007 said:

    If the merger goes through, how long you think it will be before we can use non-Sprint compatible phones? Have the OnePlus 6T on my upgrade list. 

    It will be a while. Sprint Customer's will stay on Sprint network only for a while, while TMobile adds capacity to take on 55 million Sprint Customer's. Once the merger is approved they can use and add Sprint spectrum to there towers and there spectrum to Sprint sites to add capacity and density that way. That means higher B25/2 carriers. In my area TMobile has 15x15 B2 currently cause the last 5x5 is on 2G and H+, well the 5x5 A block Sprint currently has can be used to widen B2 to 20x20,hopefully MFBI B25 to. 

  12. On 1/14/2019 at 6:53 PM, blakebaa said:

    So I have a Galaxy S8+ and last night I was out driving from Willmar Minnesota to Marshall Minnesota, and my phone said I was roaming on T-Mobile B2. I ran a speedtest and got 45mbps! And my phone still said Sprint in the corner, and LTE above the signal so it was showing as native coverage! It happened 3 separate times!

    Yep that's normal now when your lose Sprint or would drop to 3G in the past. TMobile takes over now

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