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Posts posted by JosefTor

  1. 93% complete is substantially complete for most people I believe.


    Sent from my Nexus 5

    I agree but... It would be good to know percent complete on the west versus East coast. The east coast is much further along than the west coast in my belief. Also, if a large portion of the 93% is overloaded, then it would not be good to announce that NV is substantially complete

  2. Bad news for the 800mhz rebranding in OC :(


    OC filed for an extension for submitting the rebranding cost estimates to Sprint. Apparently Motorola is overwhelmed with the project and will take longer than expected. The document is a little confusing because they throw out so many dates, but it sounds like Sprint won't even get to review the estimates until July 14th at the latest.



    Sad news. Does anyone know how this process works? What happens after Sprint receives the cost estimate?

  3. I'm heading up to LAX today with my new Nexus 5 update in hand. I'm looking forward to try out Band 41 as it is non-existent yet in Southern Orange County.


    Is there any B26 in Los Angeles? I know of the public safety issue but wasn't sure if it extended to LA.

    Just got back from LA. I'm happy to report there is a lot of band 41 up there. At the airport, I got 40 mbps on band 41 while band 25 LTE only got 0.15 mbps. I'm sad though that although I got a lot of Band 41, I never received more than 2 bars. Even if 2 bars gives you fast downloads, psychologically, it doesn't feel good.

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  4. I'm heading up to LAX today with my new Nexus 5 update in hand. I'm looking forward to try out Band 41 as it is non-existent yet in Southern Orange County.


    Is there any B26 in Los Angeles? I know of the public safety issue but wasn't sure if it extended to LA.

  5. If the merger goes through, I'd love to see carrier aggregation (so?) between B26 and the TMO band 12. Even if not though, having both these spectrums would definitely help their low frequency position. Granted, I'd pick up as much 600 as I could and then decide later if you should sell one of the others.

    LG G3

    I know this isn't a tmobile site but... It looks like their version might support CA over bands 2 and 4. Hopefully the Sprint version offers something similar. As a negative for those tmobile folks though, it doesn't support band 12 (700).


    I look for these things these days because I plan on buying unlocked phones and jumping between carriers at will.

  6. Until Sprint fires Ericsson (or at least chooses to not renew their contract come 2016) and brings network management in-house, the long-term condition of the network will remain a legitimate concern.

    I agree about firing Erickson and going out to bid.... But why bring network management in house? Of course that should be considered, but it is likely a better business decision to outsource especially since this employee force will have to ramp up and down a lot.

  7. Just wondering though... before the phone would hold onto LTE for too long in my opinion and the data shows would be worthless. Now perhaps you don't have LTE as often, but the speeds will be better and the phone more responsive. Personally though... I haven't noticed this radio to be any worse than the older one.

    • Like 1
  8. WHERE WERE YOU!!!!!!!!!! I'm in the york area, all I keep seeing is the GCI have A's on them now


    EDIT: never mind I read a few posts back, and WOOOOO, band 26, in my house, I knew they were working on all the towers, and you guys thought I was a nut,lol, but hooray!!!!!!! BAND 41 hurry!!!!!!!!!!, I'll keep an eye out on the towers near me, maybe I should walk to them for futher inspection

    With those speeds I'm not sure why I the pressing need for band 41. Granted, I'm sure it will be amazing to see those speeds so I don't blame you.

  9. No I understand the concept and agree. But the points that are being here make it seem that this new policy will allow the 95% to see improved data connections to what Sprint advertises? I don't see it.


    In all seriousness, sprint needs to copy tmo, in offering "simple" data caps while including a higher priced unlimited plan. I mean framly plans do already but not very well known. This I think would lower people's bills if it fits yet still leaves the door open to unlimited for those that need it.




    Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

    I agree with this. If sprint offered a non-unlimited plan similar to Tmobile, they wouldn't have to resort to slowing data to non-abusers (sorry but 5gb per month is far from a data abuser). Having a non-unlimited plan where you have data overages is not a good option. It makes consumers worry every moment if they should use their data. Slowing overages significantly and offering the ability to upgrade to restore your speeds is good for consumers and many people would consider switching to those non-unlimited options and stop abusing unlimited.

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  10. I don't have any issues with it. I been using it since December and it's been solid almost all of the time. It's way faster too. Main issue is the Camera. It's buggy still and likes to crash so I use Camera Zoom FX and Google Camera.


    Sent from my SPH-L710 using Tapatalk

    Thank you sir. I didn't know the Google camera app could be installed on a non-nexus device.


    Btw... I think I'm one of the lucky few who feels that my phone switches over to 4g a lot quicker in the new kitkat build. Before I would get stuck k on 3g forever and would use apps to reset my connection. Now I can just let samsung worry about it and before long... I'm good to go.

  11. Battery is getting drained quickly again for me. 6 minutes of screen on time and down to 60%. Have barely touched my phone today.ysu5e3um.jpg


    Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk

    Did you install the new Google play services? I hear it has a nasty wakelock on it. I hate that Google doesn't test these things.

  12. I'm just a little scared that they said they will only do it in an area that is overloaded. In the past couple weeks I've been to San Diego, Vegas, OC, LA, SF, and Napa and the whole area seemed overloaded. :-( simple things like visiting a Web page was difficult.

    • Like 1
  13. N5 is essentially dual-band right now since it works fine with B26. No different than the 5s, except it has the potential to work fine with B41 as soon as the update happens.

    Did I miss something... when did the Nexus 5 have access to B26 without the Spark update? I believe the Nexus 5 has access to 800 CDMA.

    • Like 1
  14. I'm starting to wonder why Sprint is taking so long to modify it's plans to cheaper pricing.


    All the other three carriers have been making positive moves n the area of price and data. Sprint has introduced the framily plan with for most people with corporate discounts, it will raise their bills... Not lower them. Plus, the entry requirements are very strict... When other companies introduce plans, they are actually achievable without going through hoops.


    I shouldn't be ready an article let today that basically laughed at Sprint's International plans while having something good to say about the other three. I hate that Sprint acts worse than Verizon and somehow we are supposed to promote them to our friends. Lastly, when I hear about network vision someone always brings up that in the future sprint may have tiers... Are you kidding me? Even in a couple years, B41 is not a complete network service, you need to have the triband to have a complete service.


    Please get with it and act like an underdog and cut your prices. And heavensake, introduce better none unlimited plan and raise the price on unlimited (Reference t-mobile).

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